what is the fundemental difference between Islam, Judaism and Christianity?

okconor said:
what is the fundemental difference between Islam, Judaism and Christianity?

Judaism is a Religious excuse to discriminate against other ethnic groups -- it was not so much the First Religion as the first Private Country Club. The Chosen People should take their place side by side with the Master Race and the KKK... they may represent diverse ethnic groups, but the underlying designs of racial supremacism is the same.

Christianity, in Christ, was an attempt to Moralize Judaism. Jesus was murdered for taking the trouble.

Because Jesus was made a God, Islam started out as a re-assertion of basic Monotheism. However, we need to wonder about the priorities of a Religion that insists that Man cannot be Divine. If Islam wants to prove that Divinity has no part in Mankind, unfortunately they have been succeeding.
PLEASe dont waste any energy looking for differences between them. Look for SIMILARITES!....they are all Abrahamic, and thus patriarchal........They all take spirit out of matter and put it in a MALE sky god with his rules, and wars, and rules and wars etc

this fearseome threesome is what has caused all the wars, famines, exploitation. horror, genocide, etc over the millenia of their alternating prominence

throw thir fukin books AWAY!
duendy said:
PLEASe dont waste any energy looking for differences between them. Look for SIMILARITES!....they are all Abrahamic, and thus patriarchal........They all take spirit out of matter and put it in a MALE sky god with his rules, and wars, and rules and wars etc

this fearseome threesome is what has caused all the wars, famines, exploitation. horror, genocide, etc over the millenia of their alternating prominence

throw thir fukin books AWAY!

Which Philosopher said that the measure of intelligence is in discerning differences of category that go undetected by those of lesser intelligence.

What does it say about your intelligence that you cannot tell the difference between these very different Religions?
surenderer and I started a thread about Islam in which I hoped to "get into the head" of a muslim to find out why Islam would be chosen as a religion to follow. I was especially interested in the reasons why someone would convert to Islam from some other religion. This is important in the world today and people are dying needlessly over these religious issues. But that thread was promptly burned by flamers. I see the same thing developing here. The hate here is equally matched on a Sunni board for muslims.

It comes from all sides and it seems as if it will never end until one or the other side is exterminated. Understanding and accomodation from all sides is much preferred to mutual antagonism and hostility. Lets not turn this thread into one of constant vituperation.

As to the veracity of the Bible, Torah, Qur'an and other religious texts, I find much fault, as well as wisdom, in all of them. As to the deities worshipped, although Christian, Jew and Islamic may use the name "God" and claim to worship the same deity, they are interpreted quite differently by these religions. Therefore, I conclude that they are in fact three different gods. This is reinforced in Islam by the preferred use of "Allah", the Arabic term for God. Words have meaning.
duendy: PLEASe dont waste any energy looking for differences between them. Look for SIMILARITES!....they are all Abrahamic, and thus patriarchal........They all take spirit out of matter and put it in a MALE sky god with his rules, and wars, and rules and wars etc

this fearseome threesome is what has caused all the wars, famines, exploitation. horror, genocide, etc over the millenia of their alternating prominence

throw thir fukin books AWAY!
M*W: That's what Jesus would do. He didn't follow the patriarchal archeotype. That's why he was arrested. (I have a hard time saying he was crucified, because I believe enough information is out there that refutes it). What Jesus taught would downright kill the patriarchy. The rest is debatable history.

You're right about the wars, famines, horrors created and promoted by the patriarchy. Truly the patriarchy is satan on earth, but his dominions (christianity, etc.) are crumbling.

Ancient history indicates that pre-Abrahamic patriarchy the world was populated and ruled by the matriarchy. Some say it ended when a major tidal wave, like the one that occurred in the Indian Ocean, occurred around the areas of Sumeria, Babylonia, Greece and Crete some 30,000 years ago destroying the matriarchy and leaving the patriarchy the chance to take over. Bottom line -- it's not about religion -- it's about the male-female spirit in unison which was divided by the patriarchy. The human race is evolving toward a reunification of body, mind and spirit. As Jesus called it, "becoming fully human." We are evolving in such a way that we are becoming "balanced." I believe we are evolving toward a state of androgyny. When this evolution is achieved, we will be in balance and "fully human."
Leo Volont: What does it say about your intelligence that you cannot tell the difference between these very different Religions?
M*W: It's not the difference between different religions that matters. It's the separation of the male-female spirit. I believe duendy is by far more intelligent than most of the members of this forum, and he is definitely more evolved spiritually than all of us.
...it's about the male-female spirit in unison which was divided by the patriarchy. The human race is evolving toward a reunification of body, mind and spirit...We are evolving in such a way that we are becoming "balanced." I believe we are evolving toward a state of androgyny.
M*W, I think you're defining yourself and why you seem to also be attracted to the mysterious, mystical and why you accept as fact what Ahmed Osman wrote.
Simpley put, the man Jesus is the differance.

Islam: Jesus was a good man, but was not God
Judaism: Jesus was an evil man
Christianity: Jesus was God
As to the veracity of the Bible, Torah, Qur'an and other religious texts, I find much fault, as well as wisdom, in all of them. As to the deities worshipped, although Christian, Jew and Islamic may use the name "God" and claim to worship the same deity, they are interpreted quite differently by these religions. Therefore, I conclude that they are in fact three different gods. This is reinforced in Islam by the preferred use of "Allah", the Arabic term for God. Words have meaning.

But again Marv I tell you that Arabic Bibles or even more simply put Christians in the M.E. also say Allah. The difference is that the word Allah has no male or female gender form and cannot be made plural. Yes there is hatred spewed in all religions and I would be the 1st to tell you that I dont think Islam is a totally peaceful religion. Islam tells people to fight but only under specific conditions. For example you should fight oppression or fight to defend your religion or family.....If you see a Muslim fighting a War of aggression then he simply isnt fighting according to what the Creator has instructed him. Is that hard to understand? the only person who has a problem with a religion that tells people to fight to defend their religion, land or familes are wolves (in my opinion) :m:
Like surrenderer posted, parts of the quran have a peaceful meaning way and (i think path posted) part of the quran that have a violance meaning way. But i also posted that christians (bible) have also a violance meaning way, and also a peaceful. So what the point of it...all religion uses this as a law saying that its k to 'defend' oneself when it insulted. To bring up the honor of one's religion. But humans intend to misinterpret that and go fight for selfish reason.
surrenderer, I agree with you on the Arabic use of "Allah" for "God", and I think I said that when I included, "..."Allah", the Arabic term for God." in my earlier post. But I also said that words have meaning. That includes the misintrepretation and/or the misunderstanding of words.
  • A Methodist: "I pray to God."
  • A muslim: "I pray to Allah."
If two people use different words for the same object in a conversation, and the object is referred to only in the abstract, as likely as not, they will come to the conclusion that they are talking about two different things. The English language serves well in discourse between Christian and Jew because the preferred term is "God". But even in English, muslims prefer the Arabic term "Allah".
marv: M*W, I think you're defining yourself and why you seem to also be attracted to the mysterious, mystical and why you accept as fact what Ahmed Osman wrote.
M*W: No, I am not "defining myself!" If I did, it wouldn't be about these topics. I am not attracted to the mysterious or mystical. I am an atheist. You have merged two separate issues here: Feminism and Egyptology! There is nothing "mystical or mysterious" about either of them. I accept as fact what Ahmed Osman wrote, because he is a serious Egyptological scientist and archeologist and not a mystic. You think you know what I'm attracted too? I'm attracted to proof.
marv said:
surrenderer, I agree with you on the Arabic use of "Allah" for "God", and I think I said that when I included, "..."Allah", the Arabic term for God." in my earlier post. But I also said that words have meaning. That includes the misintrepretation and/or the misunderstanding of words.
  • A Methodist: "I pray to God."
  • A muslim: "I pray to Allah."
If two people use different words for the same object in a conversation, and the object is referred to only in the abstract, as likely as not, they will come to the conclusion that they are talking about two different things. The English language serves well in discourse between Christian and Jew because the preferred term is "God". But even in English, muslims prefer the Arabic term "Allah".

Yes and in a round -about- way I guess I agree with you but the reason Muslims say Allah is because (like I said) it has no plural or gender connections to it unlike the word "God"( thats a big no-no in Islam....equating anything with the Creator) . Christians have no problem equating anything with God because their religion is based mainly on the concept of "trinity" as far a I know most Jews says Jehovah or Yaweigh not God.....peace
Medicine Woman said:
Leo Volont: What does it say about your intelligence that you cannot tell the difference between these very different Religions?
M*W: It's not the difference between different religions that matters. It's the separation of the male-female spirit. I believe duendy is by far more intelligent than most of the members of this forum, and he is definitely more evolved spiritually than all of us.

If he is so smart, does he have to be snotty? The question was to identify the the differences, but he dismisses the question entirely and addresses not a religious distinction, but a cultural one. That to me looks stupid, ... but there I am with more categories again.
surenderer said:
Yes and in a round -about- way I guess I agree with you but the reason Muslims say Allah is because (like I said) it has no plural or gender connections to it unlike the word "God"( thats a big no-no in Islam....equating anything with the Creator) . Christians have no problem equating anything with God because their religion is based mainly on the concept of "trinity" as far a I know most Jews says Jehovah or Yaweigh not God.....peace

You are pretending that Muslims even care about definitions -- that words are merely nominatives. But the tendency is to find Muslims more primitive than that... the indication is that they treat Arabic in many ways as the Only Real Language -- the sort of Language of God... for instance, the Koran is not translated, or when it is, the Muslim fundamentalists frown upon it... new Muslim Converts are made to feel second-rate until they learn Arabic... and MOST IMPORTANTLY, Muslims will insist upon using the term "Allah" in order to conterpose their DIVINE PERSON against all others. They really do seem to imply that 'Allah' is somehow greater than mere 'God', or that is how it is taken, and so of cource those of the other Religions must assume that the Muslims are indeed worshipping a False God, since they seem so insistant on maintaining that their Divine Person is other than 'God'. As I have said, the source of this is the primitive and predjudiced insistance on seeing Arabic as a Holy and Sacred Language, and not as it is -- a grouping of nominalitive phoenetics which assigns certain conceptual meanings to certain sounds.

And no, English speaking Jews do not stubbornly insist upon using funny Hebrew words for God... they say "God". For another thing, Jews have the Tradition of not using the Name of God aloud, even when they think they know what that is. You see, they worked themselves into something of a problem... for so long it was taboo to say aloud the name of God, and it was sacrilege to write out the Name of God... as after 20 or 30 Generations it seems that nobody can be quite sure, scholastically, WHAT the Name of God had been in the first place. Nobody can remember having seen in in writing and certainly NOBODY can remember it ever being said, and so the Name of God has really been lost. Scholars can guess, but there is no real way of knowing. But what does it matter anyway, since they all have agreed they can't use the Name anyway, even if they knew it.

But, anyway, Jews, unlike Muslims, have a sense on how to ingratiate themselves, when they want to. It may hide a lie, but they know how to slather on Public Relations and seem like the Good Guys, when it suits them. This a skill that Muslims simply do not have. They think blowing up Day Care Centers is the answer to everything.
surrenderer, in the English language, "God" is a proper noun, a name, and has no plural. On the other hand, "god" as a noun refers to a class and can have a plural form. So I'll ask this, does Arabic have an equivalent "allah" (as opposed to "Allah") to the English "god"? BTW, talking of names, I recall coming across a long list of "approved" names referring to Allah. Anything to this?

Thanks BlueMoose, for the link. I was able to locate a verse from Isaiah which I had forgotten about. Isaiah 44:6 (this is from the 1611AD translation from the original languages - FWIW) is the first time in the OT that recognizes Yahweh as the sole deity of the world, i.e., monotheism begins for the Jews.

Thus saith the LORD of the King of Israel,
and his redeemer the LORD of hosts;
I am the first, and I am the last;
and beside me there is no God.​

Prior to this, Yahweh was to be recognized as the sole deity that the Jews were to worship. Even the second commandment recognized that other gods existed. It was custom when leaving one land for another, you were to worship the local deities. Isaiah simply changed all that (which resulted in some problems later). With that, Yahweh had morphed from the supreme deity of a kingdom to the supreme deity of the world - at least in the eyes of the Jews.
Leo Volont: If he is so smart, does he have to be snotty?
M*W: One can be smart whether he/she chooses to be snotty. I tend to agree with everything duendy says, because he has done his homework and makes sense to me. One's perception of "snotty" lies in the eye of the beholder.
Leo Volont: The question was to identify the the differences, but he dismisses the question entirely and addresses not a religious distinction, but a cultural one. That to me looks stupid, ... but there I am with more categories again.
M*W: Most religions are based on the culture of its people.
You are pretending that Muslims even care about definitions -- that words are merely nominatives

Thanks for telling me how I feel Leo.....you seem to know more about Muslims than I do :rolleyes:

But, anyway, Jews, unlike Muslims, have a sense on how to ingratiate themselves, when they want to.

So is your ignorance saying that Muslims havent intergrated themselves into Western society?

They think blowing up Day Care Centers is the answer to everything.

Yes Leo thats what all Muslims strive to do :rolleyes:

and MOST IMPORTANTLY, Muslims will insist upon using the term "Allah" in order to conterpose their DIVINE PERSON against all others. They really do seem to imply that 'Allah' is somehow greater than mere 'God', or that is how it is taken, and so of cource those of the other Religions must assume that the Muslims are indeed worshipping a False God, since they seem so insistant on maintaining that their Divine Person is other than 'God'.

Wrong........I have already explained why Muslims use the term Allah...try listening from the source (a muslim) instead of trying to flame old timer.....Im sure your Angels would tell you to shut up when you could be listening ;)