what is the fundemental difference between Islam, Judaism and Christianity?


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what is the fundemental difference between Islam, Judaism and Christianity?
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In a simplified nutshell

Judism: waiting for the messiah to come. The Torah is gods message

Christianity: the messiah has come it was jesus. The Torah (old testament) was gods message, it is superceded by the new testament together they make up the bible.

Islam: jesus was a prophet but mohammed was the last and final prophet. The bible is corrupted (after all it says turn the other cheek) the quran is the word of god.

Other than that the definition could go on and on as to the differences in specific belief and doctrine.
Christians believe in the Old and New Testament.
Jewish believe in the Old Testament.
Musmlims believe in the Koran.
It's in the different gods they worship:
  • Judaism = a benign law giving god,
  • Christianity = a loving and forgiving god,
  • Islam = a vengeful slave-master god.
Take your choice.
Okay, I'll give it a shot too

Judaism - believe in the barbaric law of Torah, which they call it the perfect laws of God. They believe their messiah to be a men, a warrior king, who will bring peace and end all wars forever. (after laying waste to Assyria and Babylon.) They believe in oneness of God. Orthodox Jews believe Torah and Tanakh as people's testimonial witness to God. They believe Jesus is a heretic who broke the laws of Torah and was put to death for being a false prophet and for advocating law breaking.

Christianity - believe in a triune God and that Jesus is the second part of the trinity and is both 100% man and 100% God at the same time. They believe in both OT and NT and understand it not as testimonies but as the literal, inerrant word of God. They believe the end of the world is coming soon, in actuality within Jesus's disciple's life time. They believe the trinity is father, son, and holy spirit, but in actuality the trinity they worship is Paul, Mary, and Jesus. They just don't realize it.

Islam - They believe Jesus is a prophet and so is mohammed. Mohammed heard from angel Gabriel while hallucinating from smoking his crack pipe and tell others to write a book for him, since he can't do it himself because he is illiterate.
okconor said:
what is the fundemental difference between Islam, Judaism and Christianity?

Its simple the difference is each ones view on Jesus.

One thinks he was either a madman or a demon possessed liar.

One thinks He is the Messiah.

One thinks He is just a man.

Its all about Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Bunch of racist ppl here....philosphy suppose to be for knowlege not to be mocked at...

Since they all tend to direct teh same way, to find innerpeace and b good to get to heaven bla bla bla

The main diff is the way they pray-and that's all
I think:
It's about the definition of God and how it manifests itself through our lives and the Universe.

Islam and Judaism are fatalistic beliefs. God is indefinable. Our fate and our lives are predetermined at the point of creation of the Universe. We are just a manifestation of our genes and our encounters - the law of bumping into things. We follow fate - the role that (God) the universe has already mapped out for us, and free will is an idea not a reality.

Christianity (or rather Jesus' big idea) was that our free will could determine the fate of our lives and change it. We are responsible for our path through life, there is no such thing as fate, if we rise above our animal urges and excorcise humane free choice. We can make the world a good place or a bad place.
marv said:
It's in the different gods they worship:
  • Judaism = a benign law giving god,
  • Christianity = a loving and forgiving god,
  • Islam = a vengeful slave-master god.
Take your choice.

Hardly. Judaism is full of different interpretations but the attractive thing about it is that it is rooted in rationalism as well as spirituality. Christianity is full of different interpretations ranging from the infusion of Marxism into Catholicism (liberation theology) to the bigotry of Jerry Falwell and Ian Paisley. Islam is also full of different interpretations some of which have been twisted so much so that the Prophet would not recognise them.
Yup this is just what the world needs.....more atheists .....check out how the respect others points of views

Islam = a vengeful slave-master god.

Islam - They believe Jesus is a prophet and so is mohammed. Mohammed heard from angel Gabriel while hallucinating from smoking his crack pipe and tell others to write a book for him, since he can't do it himself because he is illiterate.

Yea religion is the problem with the world today.... :rolleyes: ....sure
surenderer said:
Yup this is just what the world needs.....more atheists .....check out how the respect others points of views


Yea religion is the problem with the world today.... :rolleyes: ....sure

Why don't you inform the ignorant what islam says will happen to the unbelievers. Tell them how islam respects the non believer right back ;)

Wait let me believe that you are doomed to eternal hell but don't you dare say anything bad about that belief :rolleyes:
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Bible:

Deuteronomy 7:1-2: "... the seven nations greater and mightier than thou; And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them."

Joshua 6:21: "And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword.

Joshua 10:40-41: "So Joshua smote all the country of the hills, and of the south, and of the vale, and of the springs, and all their kings: he left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the LORD God of Israel commanded. And Joshua smote them from Kadesh-barnea even unto Gaza, and all the country of Goshen, even unto Gibeon."

Numbers 21:33-35: Land of Bashan "...they smote him, and his sons, and all his people, until there was none left him alive: and they possessed his land."

Deuteronomy 2:26-35 - Land of Heshbon "...we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain."

. . . and so on. The point being that all of the monotheistic religions have sacred texts justifying hate and murder. They also -- and this most definitely includes the Koran -- have other texts preaching peace and tolerance. The Koran praises peace, forbids attacks on civilians and proscribes tolerence for Jews and Christians.

There are two other points I would like to make. First, it is a waste of time to denounce a complex text which you know only by having it quoted to you by people who despise it. We can play that game (selective quotation) all day.

Second, if you look at the places where tens of thousands of people are being murdered because they are the wrong religion, you will find that they are usually (not always) Muslims, not Christians or Jews. Anti-muslim pogroms have swept India and Israel, Christian Serbs have murdered tens of thousands of Bosnian Muslims, Russian and American security forces have killed thousands of civilians in Iraq and Chechenya.

Which is not to say that Muslim extremists do not also murder innocents. Rather, that the chief difference between a Islamic extermist and a Jewish or Christian extremist is that the former kills with roadside bomb and suicide belts whereas the latter enjoy a broader and more lethal range of options. Neither has a monopoly on evil.

origin posted by rsfarrell.
I believe the question was: " what is the fundamental difference between Islam, Judaism and Christianity?" My response of:
* Judaism = a benign law giving god,
* Christianity = a loving and forgiving god,
* Islam = a vengeful slave-master god.
was about as fundamental as I could get. Path said something significant when he said, "Other than that the definition could go on and on as to the differences in specific belief and doctrine."

In reality, there can be no discussion of "fundamental" differences between these three religions without writing volumes. Primarily because there are too many differences within each of them. Shall we compare Catholic with Shi'a, or Lutheran with Reformed Jew, or Mormon with Sunni? It's hard enough to compare Episcopalian with Baptist!

I simply characterized the differences in terms I thought most prominent. With specific attention to the characterization of Islam, each Muslim considers themself as a slave before God. And the Islamic Allah promises a more fierce retribution than either the Jewish Jahweh or the Christian Jehovah.

And yes, IMHO they are three different gods.

(No offense intended, surrenderer.)
Didn't u read anything i typed above....what r u?

How can u ppl say that only Islam seeks for revenge, have u read the passages i posted above? So after all u can't say that a 'christian' god is mercifull (my ass). And we muslim, r not slaves to god, we just abide his saying, just liek a father and son, if a father tell u to go do ur hw, u better do it or else, but we muslim beleive that god will punish those "unbeleiever" but not until day of judgement come....B4 i og any further for u, THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD, and Allah/GOd is just another name for HIM.
Plz re-read what i typed on the previous post and you'll understand, no religion is perfect, they all say the same stuff, with a some minor details.

-No offense intented too :]

Btw it's my pleasure talking to u guys, may b we should go and talk in a chatroom, since my internet is kinda slow, it will better, but hey w/e.
okconor: Christianity (or rather Jesus' big idea) was that our free will could determine the fate of our lives and change it.
M*W: Christianity was a myth created by Paul. Jesus has nothing to do with Christianity.
Medicine Woman said:
okconor: Christianity (or rather Jesus' big idea) was that our free will could determine the fate of our lives and change it.
M*W: Christianity was a myth created by Paul. Jesus has nothing to do with Christianity.

Yeah, yeah - you know I know that. Say something else.

Looking at the Gnostic Gospels - Mary Magdaline and Thomas - bit more plain speak - very interesting.
And yes, IMHO they are three different gods.

Well if anyone was to read an Arabic Bible the word Allah is used in place of God there also.

each Muslim considers themself as a slave before God

True....then I apologize

And the Islamic Allah promises a more fierce retribution than either the Jewish Jahweh or the Christian Jehovah.

Not true.....ever read John 3:16?......whats the punishments for breaking the 10 commandments in the old testement? how about wearing ear rings?(for males)

(No offense intended, surrenderer.)

Thnx non taken ;) ....peace to you
path said:
Why don't you inform the ignorant what islam says will happen to the unbelievers. Tell them how islam respects the non believer right back ;)

Wait let me believe that you are doomed to eternal hell but don't you dare say anything bad about that belief :rolleyes:

Noble Verse 45:14 "Tell those who believe, to forgive those who do not look forward to the days of Allah: It is for Him to recompense (for good or ill) each people according to what they have earned."

Noble Verse 5:32 "...if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people..."

Noble Verse 8:61 "But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in God: for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things)."

Now that I have answered your question I will state that Islam believes that non-believers will be judged on judgment day......not by Muslims today. Do all muslims believe or follow this?....99% do which is why you dont see 1.5 billion muslims trying to convert the world. There are verses/surahs in the Koran which told the Prophet(pbuh) how to deal with unbelievers of his day but this was during wartime. It (the Koran) does the same thing with Christians and Jews also when they were also at war with Muslims. We have had this discussion before Path......You see the truth is in reality and reality is that 99% of the worlds Muslims aint got time to be worried about unbelievers salvation because we are worried about our own.......That ok though I still love ya Path ;)