What is the difference between Allopathy, Homeopathy and Ayurvedic medicens?


What is the difference between Allopathy, Homeopathy and Ayurvedic medicens?

Is it not necessary that doctor must know all the three branches?

How can he cure the patient with half knowledge?

why AIIMS does not take necessary action?

Pls comment.

First off a Doctor only has to have the ability to FIND a repratble alternitive theoripest

It is also a good idea if they know about the drug contridictions, a pharmist definitly should

Very few alternitive theoripys have been scientically tested, the only study i can think of off the top of my head was one into aupuncher for pain managment. Chiness medicine DOES seem to have some potentual but doubble blind randomised controled trials still need to be done. My personal opinion on Homeopathy is that its a compleate crock. For instance you cant have a medicin that is compleatly harmless (because its just water) yet is 100% effective (because its NOT just water). It defies LOGIC let alone its lack of efficasy in controled trials

wikipedia said:
Some medical dictionaries define the term Allopathy or Allopathic medicine as the treatment of disease using conventional evidence-based medical therapies, as opposed to the use of alternative medical or non-conventional therapies.[1][2]

The term allopathic, an adjective, is used in medicine to distinguish one form of medical practice, medical tradition, or medical profession from another. The term was coined by the founder of homeopathic medicine, and was used through the 19th Century as a derogatory term for the practitioners of orthodox medicine.[3] The meaning and controversy surrounding the term can be traced to its original usage during a heated 19th-century debate between practitioners of homeopathy, and those they derisively referred to as "allopaths."[4]

viewed 06/02/08 at 19:06

wikipedia said:
Homeopathy (also homœopathy or homoeopathy; from the Greek ὅμοιος, hómoios, "similar" + πάθος, páthos, "suffering" or "disease") is a popular alternative medicine that is controversial because of its lack of scientific plausibility and confirmation. Homeopaths contend that remedies for diseases can be created by taking substances which cause symptoms similar to that disease and repeatedly diluting and shaking them hard between each dilution. According to homeopaths the 'therapeutic powers' of the substance are retained by the diluent (water, sugar, or alcohol), but that the dilution removes any toxic effects. The end product is so diluted that it is indistinguishable from pure water, sugar or alcohol by laboratory tests but is still claimed to have an effect on consumers. Standard science labels this a placebo effect.[1][2][3][4]

Homeopathy was created by Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18th century.[5] The therapeutic applications of the remedies used in homeopathy are recorded in homeopathic materia medica, and practitioners select treatments according to a patient consultation that explores both the physical and psychological state of the patient.

viewed 06/02/08 at 19:06

Wikipedia said:
Ayurveda (Devanagari: आयुर्वेद) or Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient system of health care that is native to the Indian subcontinent. It is presently in daily use by millions of people in India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, and it was a major influence on the development of Unani, Chinese and Tibetan Medicine[citation needed]. The word "Ayurveda" is a tatpurusha compound of the word āyus meaning "life", "life principle", or "long life" and the word veda, which refers to a system of "knowledge". Thus "Ayurveda" roughly translates as the "knowledge of life", or "knowledge of a long life". According to Charaka Samhita, "life" itself is defined as the "combination of the body, sense organs, mind and soul, the factor responsible for preventing decay and death, which sustains the body over time, and guides the processes of rebirth" [1][2] According to this perspective, Ayurveda is concerned with measures to protect "ayus", which includes healthy living along with therapeutic measures that relate to physical, mental, social and spiritual harmony. Ayurveda is also one among the few traditional systems of medicine to contain a sophisticated system of surgery (which is referred to as "salya-chikitsa").

viewed 06/02/08 at 19:06
What is the difference between Allopathy, Homeopathy and Ayurvedic medicens?
"Allopathy" is a term you won't encounter very often. It is a derogatory name for modern scientific medicine that was coined by the homeopathy enthusiasts.

Homeopathy is crackpottery and is largely outlawed in America. As Asguard says, it's basic premise is fraudulent. No responsible physician would take it seriously.

I had never heard of the Ayurveda. But it appears to be simply the Indian approach to developing modern medicine and as it continues to mature there is an ever-greater overlap. It still has some relics of its roots in charming crackpottery, such as the belief that foods with a specific flavor provide medical benefits. Of course this could just be the placebo effect, which has been a powerful medicine for millennia.

As Asguard says, acupuncture is the one form of traditional medicine that has won respect and deserves more study.
Is it not necessary that doctor must know all the three branches?
No. At least in America, it is our position that modern scientific medicine is all we need. As I said, homeopathy is a fraud, and the Ayurveda is an alternate route to the same conclusion as our science-based medical techniques.
How can he cure the patient with half knowledge?
More like 99.9 percent of the knowledge. There appears to be very little in the Ayurveda that Western medicine cannot accomplish by its own means.
why AIIMS does not take necessary action?
Sorry, that's an Indian institution. You know more about it than I do.
Fraggle Rocker im sorry you missunderstood my views. My PERSONAL opinion is that CAM (complementry alternitive theorpy) is not something i would ever look at unless it have been scentifically evaluated. HOWEVER people DO use it, infact the biggest single group in Australia would be the aborigonals who use both "moden medicen" and there own traditional medicen in conjunction. There is nothing wrong with doing this and a doctor should be able to find someone who a) is a qualifide member of the respective authorities (wether that authority is govemental or not) and b) if the treatment perscribed will interact with there own medicen. The ONLY time i think CAM should activly oposed is if the practisioner is telling the pt that they shouldnt be accepting moden med as well and should be relying on CAM EXSCLUSIVLY. This is not just my opinon but what we taught in our ethics classes:p

Oh and it wasnt just acupuncher that i was saying has shown some benifits. There is alot of chiness med that has been shown to be effective, sometimes MORE effective than moden med

take St Johns wart for instance. It is an effective treatment for mild depression (although it does tend to interact with a wide variaty of other treatments). In some cases it has been proven to be more effective than SSRI's
Homeopathy is crackpottery and is largely outlawed in America. As Asguard says, it's basic premise is fraudulent.
Are you kidding? You can walk into any pharmacy and find homeopathic "medicines" for sale right next to the actual medicine. It really pisses me off, especially since I suspect that vast majority of people who buy it simply aren't paying close enough attention and don't understand what they are buying. Someone goes into a pharmacy looking for something over-the-counter to help with his muscle aches, eye infection, stomach problems, or whatever, and they see a bottle for sale labeled "For treatment of X" sitting next to all the other medications, so they buy it. You often have to look pretty closely at the label to see that it's actually a homeopathic treatment. The whole thing only works because people assume that a pharmacy would only stock reputable medications, so they don’t see a need to closely examine the labels and determine exactly what they are buying.
Nasor if thats the case they are idiots. You should NEVER use something new without talking to a parmist, its not like the advice isnt 2 feet away. If people want to be ignorent then thats THERE decision. I have used alot of over the counter and pharmasy only medication and i haven't ONCE bought a medication I havent checked with either a pharmist or the doctor or dont have the knowlage about myself (ie i dont buy pudoefridran replacements, only the real thing because i have found them to be useless)
Nasor if thats the case they are idiots.
It's always nice when the idiots do things that shorten their life expectancy. Now if we could just get them to do that before they breed. :)
I don't buy pseudoephedrine replacements, only the real thing because I have found them to be useless.
What's a pseudoephedrine replacement? An off-brand, or a different pill that promises to do the same thing? Antihistamines are like perfumes, they react with your body chemistry. What works for you won't necessarily work for your buddy. Chlortrimatin was the first one they developed back in the 1950s, and it doesn't work at all for me. Somebody who walks into a store looking for pseudoephedrine because it works but buys something else because it's cheaper is a real idiot. The chance is about 50/50 that it will work on him.
i cant spell the replacement (even worse than i spell pseudoephedrine). No its not a generic drug though its a true replacement. It was developed to have the same effects on the body as pseudoephedrine without the ability to be turned into speed. However when i needed it i found it to be useless. The clinical effeciasy SUCKS in comparision. The unfortant thing is if you ask for pseudoephedrine you can be mestaken for a drug chemist (especially concidering the condition you are in when you NEED pseudoephedrine :p

Back to the issue of CAM's however we all have our bias's. My sister who is training to be a physio HATES (and i mean HATES) ciropractors:p It all depends on your view point. I am being trained in evidence based med and i belive in that, however not all people do so and they may have some basis for there view points. Traditional med can work in paticular occasions, and i have respect for prationers in chiness med. In fact i used to go to a GP who also specialised in chiness med especially acupuncher (he was a chiness doctor). In some cases it is a case of not enough testing has been done because there is no commertial value in the remidies. This means that its down to the hospital's, Uni's and the TGA doing the testing off there own bat without drug company surport. This is SLOWLY being done but it takes alot longer than drug company resurch for comertial purposes. There are some aborigional remidies that have been proven to have had benifical properties, so have alot of the plants in the amozon. Not all knowlage is currently known and meta resurch is YEARS away on even common drugs. So as long as its not going to interact with conventional proven theorpies and it provides hope for those who need it I have no problem with it. Regulation and resurch is needed rather than abolision
Homeopathy is crackpottery and is largely outlawed in America. As Asguard says, it's basic premise is fraudulent. No responsible physician would take it seriously.
It's not outlawed at all. It's all over the alternative medicine scene, though it never gains much traction because it is crackpot, and is never able to show any significant effects in studies.

More often than not, if you see something labeled "homeopathy" here in the state, it's actually going to be some form of herbal remedy that's been mis-labeled.

edit: what Nasor said. sorry I somehow missed that post the first time through.
Above comments indicate that Alopathy developed in 19th century, Homeopathy developed in 18th century but Ayurveda developed long long ago.
For understanding Ayurveda one must know the Sanskrit language.
Homeopathy is crackpottery and is largely outlawed in America. As Asguard says, it's basic premise is fraudulent. No responsible physician would take it seriously.

Beg to differ. I've had problems resolved by homeopathy that had refused to go away through medication. One example was my chronic anemia.

The problem in homeopathy is to find a good diagnostician.
Beg to differ. I've had problems resolved by homeopathy that had refused to go away through medication. One example was my chronic anemia.
Many people have had problems relieved by faith healers, palm readers... going all the way back to the days of witch doctors. "Even a broken clock is correct twice every day."
The problem in homeopathy is to find a good diagnostician.
The undeniable value of any "discredited" alternative therapy is the placebo effect. It's still only dimly understood but every new study tallies an even greater role for it in the healing process than the preceding study.

Couple that with the (obviously correlated) fact that many somatic ailments have a strong psychological component. The ability of an honest practitioner to communicate with patients in a paradigm that establishes comfort and confidence, while shrugging off the metaphorical aspect, is not remarkable. As I have noted on other threads, a friend of mine who is a psychotherapist told me--thirty years into his career--that the best psychotherapist he ever met had no formal training and presented herself as an astrologer.

The scientific method assures us that the claims of homeopathy are so extraordinary as to be laughable--taken as biochemistry. Yet it also assures us that taken as psychology they might work.
homeopathic medicine is bogus
We've gone well beyond that. Sam provided a personal experience as a claim on its behalf and I responded with a reasoned rebuttal.

Any claims supporting or criticizing homeopathy must now be accompanied by at least a wisp of evidence, please.
As a person who practiced all three, my opinion is:

Allopathy - Modern medicine using modern chemical engineering and biochemistry with knowledge as to how some of them work. Therefore that is the best place to start.

Homeopathy - Only mother tincture can work as they are derived from base substances just as Ayurveda. Any dilution over 3X makes them Placebo. Also some base substances are highly toxic like Arsenic.

Ayurveda - Done in trial and error over centuries. Uses the same base herbal chemicals and base chemicals like gold and silver. For example, St. John Wort works as an anti-anxiety perhaps due to its active chemical hyperforin (not hypericin) but that is not sure. The allopathy chemicals such as Xanax is much more powerful like 100 times.

In Homeopathy they use the same St. John Wort called Hypericum for anxiety and depression, mood swings etc.

In Ayurveda you have to take a lot of herbal components to do you any good. The Chinese take green tea and Ginseng everyday for years....

Bottom Line is if you have a serious physical problem, take Allopathy. If you want to maintain your well being, eat right and take herbal supplements to supplement your crappy food intake.
Allo means opposite. Allopathic medicines have effect opposite to the nature of disease.

Homeo means similar. Homeopathic medicines have effect similar to disease nature.

Ayurvreda is a medical system developed in India hundreds of centuries back and is still used by common people.

It is not necessary for a doctor to know all the three. Actually he is trained in one system of medicine, not all the three, though each system requires 5.5 years of intense education in India
Micro Doses of Homeopathic medicine shows mega results inimprovement in patients

American research organizations (even the holistic groups) are having a difficult time producing those mega results beyond the placebo effect.

This could be a religion.....:D