What is the difference between a vaccine using RNA vs DNA?

This is an encouraging theory......

Immediate Use of Ivermectin Medicine Globally Can End COVID-19 Pandemic: Scientists
08 May, 2021
TWC India


A peer-reviewed research has claimed that global ivermectin use can end the COVID-19 pandemic, as the medicine significantly reduces the risk of contracting the deadly respiratory disease when used regularly.

The common antiparasitic ivermectin is being touted as a miracle cure for COVID-19 by doctors and campaigners the world over.

Peer reviewed by medical experts that included three US government senior scientists and published in the American Journal of Therapeutics, the research is the most comprehensive review of the available data taken from clinical, in vitro, animal, and real-world studies.

Led by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), a group of medical and scientific experts reviewed published peer-reviewed studies, manuscripts, expert meta-analyses, and epidemiological analyses of regions with ivermectin distribution efforts all showing that ivermectin is an effective prophylaxis and treatment for COVID-19.

"We did the work that the medical authorities failed to do, we conducted the most comprehensive review of the available data on ivermectin," said Pierre Kory, MD, president and chief medical officer of the FLCCC. "We applied the gold standard to qualify the data reviewed before concluding that ivermectin can end this pandemic."

A focus of the manuscript was on the 27 controlled trials available in January 2021, 15 of which were randomised controlled trials (RCT's).

Consistent with numerous meta-analyses of ivermectin RCT's since published by expert panels from the UK, Italy, Spain and Japan, they found a large, statistically significant reduction in mortality, time to recovery, and viral clearance in COVID-19 patients treated with ivermectin.

"Our latest research shows, once again, that when the totality of the evidence is examined, there is no doubt that ivermectin is highly effective as a safe prophylaxis and treatment for COVID-19," said Paul E. Marik, founding member of the FLCCC and Chief, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School.

Many regions around the world now recognise that ivermectin is a powerful prophylaxis and treatment for COVID-19. South Africa, Zimbabwe, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Mexico, and India have approved the drug for use by medical professionals.
There is evidence that Dr. Fauci knew long ago that hydroxychloroquine would be effective as a treatment of virtually any coronavirus type infection.


The fact that hydroxychloroquine costs only about one dollar per treatment tends to make it less interesting to many bureaucrats in BigPharma.
You may be on to something there! I bet it works a lot better if you pair it with a COVID-19 vaccine.

You could be correct.....
I don't know but there are at this time zero cases in my county of Nova Scotia, (Guysborough), and I do believe that much better information will be available for both my wife and I by the time that our house sells here so that we can move to near Toronto.
YI don't know but there are at this time zero cases in my county of Nova Scotia, (Guysborough)
That's because Guysborough has a population of 900.

Assuming you have .25 cases a day (i.e. a weekly average of 1.8 cases) we have fewer cases than you do; 1 case per 93,000 people per day. (You have 1 case per 3600 people per day if the above holds true; Nova Scotia as a whole has 1 case per 2000 per day.) The reason we got to that small number of cases - far lower than Nova Scotia - is masking, distancing, vaccinations and better hygiene.

Consider that if everyone was like you, you would be seeing a lot more cases, and a lot more people would die.
The link to that article was given in a discussion on another forum that I was on
Was it a tin foil hat QAnon forum?

so when I looked at it it seemed to present information from both sides which is not what we usually see on CNN segments.
That would be because it would be presenting information that could harm and/or kill people.

I am of the belief
Aaand here we go..

that hydroxychloroquine if combined with zinc has a level of effectiveness comparable to that of Ivermectin.
Ivermectin is not recommended for use for treating COVID.

Hydroxychloroquine is certainly not recommended for use.

What you are touting is dangerous. We have banned people for pushing this crap in the past year.

I am also of the belief that one reason that BigPharma does not like hydroxychloroquine is because it costs merely about one dollar per treatment and thus cannot bring in the level of revenue that the vaccines can generate which are estimated to be more than a trillion dollars.
That would be because you are a quack.

The use of hydroxychloroquine (with or without zinc) for the treatment of COVID-19 is not recommended outside of randomised trials with appropriate ethical approval. There is concern that, if used inappropriately, off-label use of medications may cause toxicity and lead to adverse patient outcomes.

Hydroxychloroquine has well known risks including cardiac toxicity (potentially leading to heart attacks), irreversible eye damage and severe depletion of blood sugar levels (potentially leading to coma)

A dangerous quack.

Why are you pushing drugs that can harm and/or kill people if used inappropriately, Dennis? Not to mention studies have found that they have no benefit in treating COVID..

Let me give you some advice, Dennis.

If you wish to keep posting here, keep the dangerous quackery to yourself.
Was it a tin foil hat QAnon forum?

That would be because it would be presenting information that could harm and/or kill people.

Aaand here we go..

Ivermectin is not recommended for use for treating COVID.

Hydroxychloroquine is certainly not recommended for use.

What you are touting is dangerous. We have banned people for pushing this crap in the past year.

That would be because you are a quack.

The use of hydroxychloroquine (with or without zinc) for the treatment of COVID-19 is not recommended outside of randomised trials with appropriate ethical approval. There is concern that, if used inappropriately, off-label use of medications may cause toxicity and lead to adverse patient outcomes.

Hydroxychloroquine has well known risks including cardiac toxicity (potentially leading to heart attacks), irreversible eye damage and severe depletion of blood sugar levels (potentially leading to coma)

A dangerous quack.

Why are you pushing drugs that can harm and/or kill people if used inappropriately, Dennis? Not to mention studies have found that they have no benefit in treating COVID..

Let me give you some advice, Dennis.

If you wish to keep posting here, keep the dangerous quackery to yourself.

Btw, how these were recommenced initially? Had the theory changed later after experimenting on general public?

In changing world, if anyone suspect and want to know more, it is not quackery but is need or say his duty. Let us be absolute and final
then claim absolutely.
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That's because Guysborough has a population of 900.

Assuming you have .25 cases a day (i.e. a weekly average of 1.8 cases) we have fewer cases than you do; 1 case per 93,000 people per day. (You have 1 case per 3600 people per day if the above holds true; Nova Scotia as a whole has 1 case per 2000 per day.) The reason we got to that small number of cases - far lower than Nova Scotia - is masking, distancing, vaccinations and better hygiene.

Consider that if everyone was like you, you would be seeing a lot more cases, and a lot more people would die.

But the long term results of how the experimental vaccines will turn out has yet to be determined.

This article asserts that using hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectine early may well be a better treatment than the vaccines.


Spike Protein Damages Vascular Cells

Early Treatment May Reduce the Number of Long Haulers
In my interview with Dr. Vladimir Zelenko in March 2021, we discussed the treatment of COVID-19 with hydroxychloroquine. At that point, Zelenko had treated 3,000 patients with symptoms of COVID-19 and only three of his high-risk patients had subsequently succumbed to the disease.

While the focus of the interview was on treatment protocols and the use of the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, Zelenko shared an interesting statistic about his protocol. In the early months of COVID-19, Zelenko decided to treat his high-risk patients as early as possible, without waiting for severe symptoms. This turned out to be one key to his significant success.

Without waiting for test results that often took five days, by which time high-risk patients were exhibiting more severe symptoms, he started treatment immediately. His understanding of the mechanism behind hydroxychloroquine and zinc led to using the combination alongside azithromycin, to prevent bacterial pneumonia and other bacterial infections common with COVID.

What is interesting are the statistics for Zelenko's patients with long haul symptoms. As I've discussed, approximately 10% of the population that is infected with COVID-19 will go on to experience persistent symptoms.24 However, Zelenko has treated 3,000 patients and none who received treatment within the first five days went on to develop long-haul symptoms.

While he has had patients with persistent symptoms from COVID-19, they sought medical care after the first five days of symptoms, which meant the inflammatory process had advanced. From his experience, and the experience of the patients he treated, early intervention with the protocol nearly eliminated the risk of persistent symptoms.

Researchers Find Another Vaccine Target
During vaccine development, researchers and pharmaceutical companies have focused on the spike protein that surrounds the virus. It appears that this is how the virus enters the cells and it seemed reasonable if the virus could not replicate inside the cells, the infection could be stopped.

However, as has been discovered, the virus has more than just a single spike protein.25 There are four proteins that form the structure surrounding the RNA. There is an envelope (E), a membrane (M) and a nucleocapsid (N), in addition to the spike (S). Your immune system recognizes all four of these proteins. Researchers have discovered humans make more antibodies to the N protein than the S protein.26
This article asserts that using hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectine early may well be a better treatment than the vaccines.
And yet hydroxychloroquine, in reality, did nothing to stop the pandemic. And again in reality, the vaccines DID stop the pandemic.

Let's stick with reality.
But the long term results of how the experimental vaccines will turn out has yet to be determined.
Again, we know that the long term results (so far) is the the pandemic is ending - in reality.
And yet hydroxychloroquine, in reality, did nothing to stop the pandemic. And again in reality, the vaccines DID stop the pandemic.

Let's stick with reality.

Again, we know that the long term results (so far) is the the pandemic is ending - in reality.

Speaking of reality......
this is a well done explanation of the context related to Ivermectin.

•May 23, 2021

Vaccine "Emergency Use Authorization" & ivermectin (from Livestream #80)
Vaccine "Emergency Use Authorization" & ivermectin. Clip with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying.
But the long term results of how the experimental vaccines will turn out has yet to be determined.
WTF are you linking?

This article asserts that using hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectine early may well be a better treatment than the vaccines.

You're linking an article from an alternative "medicine" site run by a known anti-vaxxer, not to mention a known HIV/AIDS denier?

WTF is wrong with you?

This is the bullshit you're buying into?

And the vaccine does not 'treat' COVID.

Speaking of reality......
this is a well done explanation of the context related to Ivermectin.
Stop linking this utter tripe on a science forum.

You are literally peddling dangerous crap in the middle of a pandemic on a site that can be viewed by all and sundry.
WTF are you linking?

You're linking an article from an alternative "medicine" site run by a known anti-vaxxer, not to mention a known HIV/AIDS denier?

WTF is wrong with you?

This is the bullshit you're buying into?

And the vaccine does not 'treat' COVID.

Stop linking this utter tripe on a science forum.

You are literally peddling dangerous crap in the middle of a pandemic on a site that can be viewed by all and sundry.

I am no expert on which website or which doctors are more generally accepted by the management team at CNN but....
it seems that the doctor quoted here is risking his career to make this statement publicly.

For the record I believe that Dr. Bridle was originally enthusiastic about the vaccines and about the potential of these "spike proteins" but over time as more information came in he changed his mind.


Audio from a radio show has emerged wherein Dr. Byram Bridle reveals the scientists behind the COVID-19 "Vaccine" made a terrible mistake.

According to the Doctor, who cites a brand new, peer-reviewed research study out of Japan "They made a mistake - they thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, only to discover it is a toxin, that can travel to many organs of the body, causing severe damage."

WORSE, the spike proteins generated by mRNA vaccines don’t stay in the shoulder muscle, but spread to the brain, heart, ovaries, etc.

They also know that the spike protein is what causes the damage with COVID—and now it is clear how it is causing so much damage in other parts of the bodies of the vaccinated.

From the video below Dr. Bridle on why the vax injuries are happening:
Spike protein, on its own is the cause of the vascular, neurodegenerative, problems, not the virus.
In the original theory it stay's in deltoid, goes to local draining lymph node, activates immune system.
But a new bio-distribution study from Japan tracked the vax and spike proteins.
It gets into the blood within days of vax, accumulates in spleen, brain, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands, with high concentrations in ovaries.

Spike protein is a pathogenic toxin that causes damage if in circulation, binds to platelets, epithelial cells of blood vessels, clotting, bleeding, heart problems, brain blood clotting.

Conclusion is "We made a big mistake, and didn't realize it till now." "We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen but never knew the spike protein itself was a pathogenic toxin protein." "By vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin."

A year from now you may think that I wasn't the one peddling the more "dangerous crap." Time will tell as more information comes out and with five million Israelis vaccined that information should be coming out soon.

For the record.... about three to four weeks ago I was open to taking the Pfizer vaccine but after a week of reading more about this I decided to wait. My appointment to take the vaccine had been May 26 but I decided to take my name off the list first then after I gave my wife a video by Dr. Simone Gold she also took her name off the list for Pfizer.
For the record I believe that Dr. Bridle was originally enthusiastic about the vaccines and about the potential of these "spike proteins" but over time as more information came in he changed his mind.
?? You misunderstand how vaccines work, then.
Dr. Simone Gold she also took her name off the list for Pfizer.
Dr. Gold founded an anti-vaxx political lobbying group. One of their spokespeople is Stella Immanuel, the demon sperm/alien DNA/lizard people doctor.

Perhaps place your faith in a more reputable source?
?? You misunderstand how vaccines work, then.

Perhaps place your faith in a more reputable source?
Vaccine, where effective is desired to control a disease. We already took many vaccines. However, since there are many thoughts about getting more virulent covid virus variants and many types of covid vaccines available, it should be our right, duty and need to better understand about the long term protection(if not odds) from:-
Natural infection vs whole virus based vaccine vs just spike protein based vaccine.
Again, perhaps try get your info from a more reputable - and less political - source.
Yes, information source should not be from an entity, who either have a vested interests or idiot. Many may think of getting a more virulent variant of virus from its containment or from resistsnce to its survival but that can also happen by natural infection. May be more during pademic or vaccination drive but we can not avoud medication.
Many may think of getting a more virulent variant of virus from its containment or from resistsnce to its survival but that can also happen by natural infection.
Yes, it can. So far natural acquired immunity is proving less durable than vaccine based immunity. From Medpage: "It seems like the reinfection rate after natural immunity is a little higher than the infection rate after vaccinated immunity."

Yes, it can. So far natural acquired immunity is proving less durable than vaccine based immunity. From Medpage: "It seems like the reinfection rate after natural immunity is a little higher than the infection rate after vaccinated immunity."

There was some confusion, it is relapse or reinfection. But one thought is three. Whole virus is multi anti or immunogentic so should be creating immune protection at multiple levels. Wheres just spike protein based vaccines should be single immunogenic. How it will impact our long term protection esp on cellular response or immunological memory level, need better understanding. We can develop two types of protection on adaptive basis. One humorol two cellular. One may be meant to deal with current epidemic or relapse snother long term protection.