What is the difference between a vaccine using RNA vs DNA?

Btw, how much vaccination will reduce this mortality rate?
By at least a factor of 10 for one individual. But that's not really the point. If you vaccinate a population, the virus stops spreading and then you have reduced the death toll to zero.
My wife and I had both been scheduled to take the vaccine on May 26, (yesterday) but we kept on researching and I decided to cancel last week.

After giving my wife the following lecture to watch she decided to cancel her appointment as well.


Then you are both idiots. Simone Gold is a known far right agitator and nutcase.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simone_Gold
I think you miss the point of an emergency authorization. The emergency was that millions of people were dying worldwide from COVID-19; the vaccine has halted that (in areas that it is in use.) We did enough testing to know it wasn't significantly dangerous and that it worked well against COVID-19. So far it's saved around a million lives and will save far more once everyone is vaccinated. That's why we were willing to take the risk.
Yes but when we take it rmergency authorization, it itself mean, it could not yet be seen in full. Some unintentional miss or oversigts are possible. Therefore, it should be productive for us to better' understand its technicals. Possibility of reinfection even of serious level even after both doses, is not fully denied. It is, even death is also observed here after both doses. Moreover we need to understand, evolutionary pressure during pandemic when survival and growth of virus is threatened due to medication or vaccination esp ADE related. ADE exists in few members of coronavirus family. If there will be lot of evolutionary pressure on virus survival, can it also get a new variant with ADE capacity? If yes, then? I pray, it should not happen.
Furthur, we also need to understsbd, which type if medication or vaccination, can slso take care of few variants alongeith current Covid-19 virus? Natural infection or whole virus based vaccination(probably multi-immunogenic) or single unit based vaccination(probably uni-immunogenic)?
It is just for better understanding, not for opposing a medication.
By at least a factor of 10 for one individual. But that's not really the point. If you vaccinate a population, the virus stops spreading and then you have reduced the death toll to zero.
Good but can it put additional evolutionary pressure esp during pandemic on virus by bringing new and more virulent variants? Esp. ADE related?
In some sense, vaccination can be considered as infecting a person with Covid immunogen. Hence, if we can compare natural reinfection data of non vaccinated people with post vaccination infection data, it will clearly tell about efficacy of vaccine.
In some sense, vaccination can be considered as infecting a person with Covid immunogen. Hence, if we can compare natural reinfection data of non vaccinated people with post vaccination infection data, it will clearly tell about efficacy of vaccine.

a virus that does mutate its own DNA ?

or do you mean

a virus that does not mutate its own DNA ?
a virus that does mutate its own RNA ?

or do you mean

a virus that does not mutate its own RNA ?
Mutations happen due to environmental reasonings not done.
"Viruses constantly change through mutation, and new variants of a virus are expected to occur. Sometimes new variants emerge and disappear. Other times, new variants persist. Multiple variants of the virus that causes COVID-19 have been documented in the United States and globally during this pandemic.

Viruses constantly change and become more diverse. Scientists monitor these changes, including changes to the spikes on the surface of the virus."
Have you considered it, while differentiating Natural infection with Vaccines and one type of vaccine
with other type of Vaccine?

When you are infected with the natural virus, your body produces different kinds of antibodies in response to it. Vaccination introduces only a part of the relevant virus, as a result, the immune system does not produce different kinds of antibodies as it would in case of a natural infection. Researchers carefully select the part of the virus that triggers an antibody response.

When it comes to what produces better antibodies, then the two situations cannot be compared. Natural infection and vaccination are two different things. Besides, not all vaccinations are made the same way and do not produce the same antibodies. It is still unclear which vaccine protects for a longer period than natural infection. It is also not clear which out of
natural infection and vaccine and out of different vaccines take better care of Variants of Virus. But if natural infection or whole virus based vaccines attract multiple immune and antibody responses than other vaccines, odiously these should be able to take more coverage.
but these numbers are somewhat troubling.

So far, 5,800 fully vaccinated people have caught COVID-19 anyway in U.S., CDC says

Don't be daft. 160 million people have been vaccinated in the USA. If only 6000 have subsequently caught it, the vaccines are doing very well indeed.

In those cases where people do catch the virus in spite of being vaccinated, the disease they get is much reduced in severity.

So these numbers are no argument for not getting vaccinated.
My wife and I had both been scheduled to take the vaccine on May 26, (yesterday) but we kept on researching and I decided to cancel last week.

After giving my wife the following lecture to watch she decided to cancel her appointment as well.


How incredibly selfish of both of you.

I'm a cancer survivor. Due to lack of vaccines because of the manner in which our government handled the vaccine rollout, I am unable to access the vaccine because there aren't enough to go around.

When I see people like you proclaiming how you simply chose not to get it after booking in to get it and actually having the ability to get it..

You and your wife put others in your community at severe risk. It is infuriating to me, as someone who is unable to access it due to shortages and who is at risk of dying from this virus if I am unfortunate enough to get it, to see people like you so proudly flout who you simply chose not to get it because you decided to listen to some quack online. People like you and your wife put people like me and others with compromised immune systems, at risk because you are so selfish.
How incredibly selfish of both of you.

I'm a cancer survivor. Due to lack of vaccines because of the manner in which our government handled the vaccine rollout, I am unable to access the vaccine because there aren't enough to go around.

When I see people like you proclaiming how you simply chose not to get it after booking in to get it and actually having the ability to get it..

You and your wife put others in your community at severe risk. It is infuriating to me, as someone who is unable to access it due to shortages and who is at risk of dying from this virus if I am unfortunate enough to get it, to see people like you so proudly flout who you simply chose not to get it because you decided to listen to some quack online. People like you and your wife put people like me and others with compromised immune systems, at risk because you are so selfish.

Do some research on "spike proteins" related to the vaccines. The case that has been presented that the vaccines may lead over several years to the vaccinated becoming incubators for a much more serious variation of COVID 19 is no joke!
I have the impression that several of the vaccines do not really boost our immune system very much at all.

Bombshell: 60% of New Covid Patients Are Vaccinated

Dr. Harvey Risch joined War Room to explain the vaccine “bait and switch” of public health officials, which are using a totally different standard for efficacy than they are letting on.

“What clinicians are telling me is more than half of the new covid cases that they’re seeing to treat is people who’ve been vaccinated,” Dr. Risch said. “They’ve estimated 60 percent of new patients they’ve been treating have been people who’ve been vaccinated.”

Dr. Risch said the medical establishment is not being honest about the vaccine’s effectiveness because they are pushing everyone into the vaccine pipeline.

“They’re afraid that if you say this vaccine is only 50 or 60 percent effective…then people aren’t going to take the vaccine,” Dr. Risch said.

Dr. Risch said it is clear Dr. Fauci has a different agenda than public health, because he won’t address honestly the herd immunity issue.
Do some research on "spike proteins" related to the vaccines. The case that has been presented that the vaccines may lead over several years to the vaccinated becoming incubators for a much more serious variation of COVID 19 is no joke!

Just when I didn't think antivaxxers could actually become more ridiculous, you up the ante!

You haven't presented anything. You just keep quoting and linking quacks. Case in point:

I have the impression that several of the vaccines do not really boost our immune system very much at all.

Bombshell: 60% of New Covid Patients Are Vaccinated
Risch is a quack who kept pushing hydroxychloroquine.

And War Room? What the hell.. That site is banned all over the place. Why are you linking it here?

Just when I didn't think antivaxxers could actually become more ridiculous, you up the ante!

You haven't presented anything. You just keep quoting and linking quacks. Case in point:

Risch is a quack who kept pushing hydroxychloroquine.

And War Room? What the hell.. That site is banned all over the place. Why are you linking it here?

The link to that article was given in a discussion on another forum that I was on so when I looked at it it seemed to present information from both sides which is not what we usually see on CNN segments.

I am of the belief that hydroxychloroquine if combined with zinc has a level of effectiveness comparable to that of Ivermectin.

I am also of the belief that one reason that BigPharma does not like hydroxychloroquine is because it costs merely about one dollar per treatment and thus cannot bring in the level of revenue that the vaccines can generate which are estimated to be more than a trillion dollars.

Ivermectin treatment caused 'amazing improvement': Melbourne COVID patients