What is space made of?

I would say space is made up of the following :

A gas particle or ion every cubic centimeter or decimeter,
Dark matter,
Dark energy,
and a whole hell of a lot of neutrinos.

Look out ! More discoveries are being made.

gases, I would assume. Even then it might still have particles which are just so small we have not had the tools to observe them with.

Adapted from my Aether, Mass, and Gravity thread :).
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No Facial, those are just things that are in space. Yes, even in the deepest, darkest parts of space you're still going to encounter the occasionally stray photon or subatomic particle, but space itself is not 'made of' and physical substance, so far as we can tell.
Light has a certain speed thru the vacuum of space, any stray protons have a certain mass, and/or charge. While it's certainly possible to imagine universes where different laws apply, anywhere you go within this one they do. Is 'Space", then, the medium in which the laws of physics as we know them apply?
You don't believe in fundamental particles, Muslim?

Yes I do, there are particles its a fact, and a scientific fact too, you can't deny stuff like this, its stupid as saying the earth is flat, or the universe is geocentric. Or god created humans.
Qwantum wave, i aint doing no selling job here, i know what threads and forums are about, its ur low judgement towards people, to be honest, i am talking about the topic about the space here, and i am giving proofs from the Quran, the only criteria to judge everything else! talking about structure i know how forums work and whats and excuse me i am not to be told how to talk, u accept the truth or not i leave it on you how u find it, but dont try to change me for that which i beleive isnt right!, anyway dunt want this place to get messed up and am not to extend this issue anymore, i request the admin to please delete this message like almost 48 hours if its disturbing the continuity of the topic.
in Quran it mentions that it is Allah from whom everything came from and it is Allah to whome everything will return.

Great, another indoctrinated Muslim idiot claiming his cult made everything including sliced bread. :mad:
I would like to know what space is made of? Anyone think they know the answere?

Snips and snails and pupy dog tails. The correct answer is that nobody knows for sure; however, raw empty space (that includes the subtraction of virtual particles) is at least made up of three dimensions (x, y, z). Time t may very well be a dimension as well and if M-theory is correct then the total dimension count space is comprised of may be anywhere from 10-22.
What is area made of?

all things we can speak of are rendered abstract in doing so.

of course we can agree that the subject of our conversation is more substantial or visceral than the act of thinking and speaking it would necessitate, but fundamentally even this generally implicit agreement is itself lacking physical substance.

so it's made of "the abstract". perhaps if you can consider 'the abstract' as some form of topography, perhaps we could find a feature that either on it's own or in context of other features, is naturally "area".

maybe more specifically area is made of rules.
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doesnt space have a resistance or something? Or a capacitance/current ratio Like 200 ohms?? If you hold up two wires you can measure something

Damn wish i hadnt slept through that EE lecture