What is space made of?

an apple is made of water (er, plus a few extra bits).

(to recap)
Is that a ten dimensional space?

And is it possible to have a universe without space in it, or without particles or time?
Space isn't what it appears to be at first sight.It has more intricate and deeper structures which can then open possible speculation into a "new" kind of matter.
What space is or isn't made up of should not be an immediate comparison of what earth and other planets are like.
Could space be unfulfilled potential ?

As more quantum states are measured into existance, space stretchs to accomodate. There are magnitudes more potential states (if not infinitly) than 'real' states, so the amount of space needed would always be vastly more than the matter it contained.

Alpha said:
Quantum foam. There's no true vacuum. Even in the vacuum of space, particles are being created out of nothing, then destroyed almost instantly.


I was just browsing and came across this forum. Your view is interesting. Would you say that at the point of the big bang space was empty. Because if everything we have today all came from the big bang then it was empty.

Then again isit true that perhaps the space itself was created by the big bang.

I say this because when the bang happend there must have been a space the bang to happen in.

I do not fully understand the copect of quantum foam. However what I would like to know if you can shed some light on it is if you could take 1 cubic metere of space and suck everything out of it. when i say everything i mean things that we understand like simple matter light, xrays etc. then what would be left behind.

I wonder could it at all be possible that dark matter or dark energy be the blank cavas onto which the picture is painted using matter that we can register and mesure like it were paint.
Hi jimjam,
>><i>1 cubic metre of space and suck everything out of it</i>

You forgot the virtual particles , and `time` - `space` - `gravity`...

Then you would have a <b>void</b>

This <b>void</b> is like a calm sea, but by chance, instabilities can occur and waves/troughs start to form; these would be like <i>+1</i> and <i>- 1</i> (<i>adding up to zero</i>)

So the `waves` and troughs can happen from <i>nothing</i>; that is the quantum foam...
A boiling sea that is full of energy.

The universe is thought to have occurred in a void and through </i>quantum fluctuations</i> formed a small bubble that quickly blew up.
It blew up to make a huge bubble that was filled with space- time (and energy) that became our universe.

However, that is just my simple view of it. (Others may disagree)
by jimjam:

"I do not fully understand the copect of quantum foam. However what I would like to know if you can shed some light on it is if you could take 1 cubic metere of space and suck everything out of it. when i say everything i mean things that we understand like simple matter light, xrays etc. then what would be left behind."

A gravitational field.
when i say everything i mean things that we understand like simple matter light, xrays etc. then what would be left behind.

Space atoms. Weird to think of space as something discrete and absolute. It turns out that there really is only so many times you can divide a measurement of distance.
blobrana said:
Hi jimjam,
>><i>1 cubic metre of space and suck everything out of it</i>

You forgot the virtual particles , and `time` - `space` - `gravity`...

Hello blobrana

You say that time space and gavity would be left. i dont know much about virtual particles. but I thought that gravity was dependant on matter. like here on earth.

time. I have a theory that time requires some movement to take place so that it may be measured in time. if there is nothing to move then how would time be measured. the clock itself has to be made of something.

space. this is the one i am not sure of. if you take everything away there is still a space is there not. and if there is then what is it made of.

they say that the universe is still expanding. if light is the fastest thing and it is still traveling then what is it traveling in or through.

please forgive me if my views seem confused. i have tought of these things alone but have never be able to discuss. and learn different views.
space is not space at all, it is full, full of matter, dark matter, light matter. It is full of hydrogen, of rock, of ice. It is full of sound, of light, of radio waves. But, in space, nobody can hear you scream!
I forget what the "everything" is made of again, oooh yea nothing, we call it energy, and even more then that, energy in space. so if space can be bent with gravity on a large scale and shown to be smooth why wouldnt it be just absolutely chaotic on the small scale, and on the absolute smallest harmonic. Space is frictionless directionless energy that is relative to other motions of space, in space, and it creates friction at some level of interaction. This is the only way logical (by the way the only absolute answer to any universe is that it has to fallow every rule it cannot break) breakthroughs in mathmatics and simotaniously in physics can occur. To have "no limits" is to "know limits", and you find the only real truth.

Basically space is the matrix of boundary mathmatics, and boundary mathmatics is the building block to "the theory of everything" even more shrouded in mystery if used with the quantum space foam theory, at a much larger scale (btw space foam only works when applied to the perseption of multiverse, even said by the guy who wrote the theory). And quantum is like saying yes and no at the same time, or saying the universe exists and cannot exist at the same time, and understanding the balances of it. Boundary mathmatics is the actuall understanding of why exist must be from not exist, and is really an apex in phylosphical understanding.
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@Red Devil
Strange you actually describe the classic string theory that describes a honeycomb of very small (10^-42) multi dimensional loops of energy as being the smallest `bits` of space.
Each loop vibrates in time and different dimensions and `create` any flavour of particles/force/space.

But to answer another question, (jim jim) that is what we remove from the 1 m<sup>2</sup> of space to get the void…
I'm not just a pretty face ;) Seriously, it was just coincidence, or was it something else? Hmmmmmm.
Can "nothing" exist anywhere in the universe. Meaning is there anywhere in the universe that consists of absolutly nothing. I don't think so. I think that there always has to be something even if it is just the "fabric" of space time.

Space is nothingness that allows everything else to exist, infact its the nothingness thats the creator of all that exist, our motive is to realise this that what allows everything else to exist. The Space the nothingness has'nt necesserily got to be dark its just the absence of light that you may indicate as darkness. in Quran it mentions that it is Allah from whom everything came from and it is Allah to whome everything will return. █▓▒░ ░▒▓█ this is how its like to see the life. it depends on where you are to know where you have to go.If u are in light u have to find darkness and if you are in darkness u have to find light because life is all about changes and that which doesnt change is said to be dead. In Quran the description of the creator is like Say that Allah is one and only (nothingness is ONE) He is absolute and eternal (Nothingness is absolute and eternal) He begets not neither was begotten (True that) And There is nothing like it (and heres the point). We muslims Glorify our lord not endarken it. u see light only when it reflects from matter but we all know that light travels through space and there is light in space so why endarken nothing? Glorify the nothingness because it is the uncomprehended Lord of All that exists and darkness denotes disbelief in what actually exists but is not seen. Can we see ray of lights while they are travelling? but we cannot deny their existence. nothingness created the existing and we in the existing are to realise what allows all of us living or dead physical matters to exist.

Gee AK, you really dug up an old thread. You should start your own thread in "comparative religion". Your ideas are not actually scientific in that they call upon the supernatural. Science does not include dogma or the supernatural at this time :).
There is not a single scientific fact that goes against the Quran. I can challenge you on that. I was taught in school that the sun is stationery, but according to Quran its said that sun rotates in its own axis, and sceince now realises that the sun actually rotates. how do you prove that 1400 years ago and i am saying this because its scientific teachings taught in Quran. And even nothingness isnt the glorious God because its comprehended and God is uncomprehended. who could say these scientific facts 1400 years ago, and the many facts that are yet to be discovered. Respect to all relgions and suggest to find answers in Quran.

Thats fine. What I am saying is SciForums who hosts these message boards and discussion forums is set up with an intended structure. The design of that structure is to bring people together who are interested in discussing various topics. The topics are broken down into logical categories. Start at the top of the structure by going to this link: http://www.sciforums.com/index.php?

Read every category and select the one that best fits what you want to talk about. In this case, select "Religion". Click on that category and you will see a box that says "New Thread". Click it. Enter a subject like "I am trying to spread the use of the Quran". Then do your best selling job :).
