What is space made of?

Nothing is NOT something.
My understanding of space is sufficient.
Space is the 3D AREA in which everything exists.
It is NOT made of anything.

Area is made up with something we cannot see. Sure, we can see the lines that define an area, but the stuff which occupies the area exists as something. The mind mistakes it as nothing, but the area is there alright. If the area was nothing, then the area would not exist.
Space is what's there when you subtract mass. It has energy in it, so you can subtract that too, then what's left is what the energy and mass are 'in' when you put them back.
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
Nothing is NOT something.
My understanding of space is sufficient.
Space is the 3D AREA in which everything exists.
It is NOT made of anything. ”

By george I hes got it!

I've had it (to use your vernacular) since before you were born.
Area is made up with something we cannot see. Sure, we can see the lines that define an area, but the stuff which occupies the area exists as something. The mind mistakes it as nothing, but the area is there alright. If the area was nothing, then the area would not exist.

The "stuff" which occupies the area is NOT the AREA!
Space is what's there when you subtract mass. It has energy in it, so you can subtract that too, then what's left is what the energy and mass are 'in' when you put them back.

Don't be silly. I thought you loved information theory...so you can't possible believe that.
I thought Einstein measured the energy of "space" by first subtracting the mass in it; then he added it back and subtracted the energy by calculating the relative volume of the "space" left; then subtracted both terms to get "the energy of space"; add Einsteinian time and you got: "spacetime"?
i just watched a docu on space it stated the space is full of electical protons
and that electric clouds forn new suns in a place in space and that causes gamma
waves to come from the outher side of the universe also the suns fussion is more
related to electrical fussion i guess thats what they were indicating one things for shur
that electric passes between bodys (planets ..suns ect) thars too much to explain so"
Hard one, as it is the capsule of all this universe we are within, true also, that space empty of fillings eg matter and dark matter, energy etc, it cannot be nothing as it would collaspe upon itself and therefore not exist. Nothing is just that, NOTHING, not even space, color, nothing at all, very hard to imagine.

Even a complete perfect vacuum (impossable as it may be to create) still contains space. It is currently impossable to extract that space. If you could remove that space within that vacuum, are you removing existance? What could replace it, nothing, it would implode however strong the casget. Are you removing time? Do space and time have a closer relation?

Also imagine, sod 350x light speed, if you could move space in a controlled mannor, you would have an instant speed right across the universe however vast.

My own thoughts for your ponder.

A perfect vacuum is nothing. An area of space with absolutely nothing in it.
Everything that exists is contained in space.
There is nothing to the makeup of space that can be moved. Any thing that is moved is moved from 1 point in space thru space to another point in space.

A perfect vacuum is nothing. An area of space with absolutely nothing in it.
Everything that exists is contained in space.
There is nothing to the makeup of space that can be moved. Any thing that is moved is moved from 1 point in space thru space to another point in space.

Conventional thought. But space exists, here and above the atmosphere and still, in the core of the sun. It is the space in which the universe occupies. The original question asks 'what is space made from?' If space is nothing, how does it exist?
Conventional thought. But space exists, here and above the atmosphere and still, in the core of the sun. It is the space in which the universe occupies. The original question asks 'what is space made from?' If space is nothing, how does it exist?

space exists as apart of the Nature of energy/matter , breadth , depth and movement

space is not separate from , anything , but a Natural consequence of something and something is a Natural consequence of space

both are simply tied together , completely
A perfect vacuum is nothing.

Incorrect. It is at a bare minimum length, width, height, and time.

An area of space with absolutely nothing in it.

Sort of. Virtual particles and some forms of exotic energy may actually be necessary for a vaccum to be a vaccum.

Everything that exists is contained in space.

Possible, but it doesn't seem likely. Our universe has bounds at any given time and that implies there is *something* beyond its bounds.

There is nothing to the makeup of space that can be moved.

Incorrect. Points of space are added all the time resulting in an expanding universe. As a result some galaxies are moving away from each other at the speed of light multiplied by several factors. Matter cannot move that fast; therefore, it's space itself that's moving.
Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
There is nothing to the makeup of space that can be moved. ”


Incorrect. Points of space are added all the time resulting in an expanding universe. As a result some galaxies are moving away from each other at the speed of light multiplied by several factors. Matter cannot move that fast; therefore, it's space itself that's moving.


its not space that is moving but the distance between objects IN space that is


its not space that is moving but the distance between objects IN space that is


How do you think the distance between objects increases? Points of space are being added to the whole. If you take two points and add one in between, the two points are pushed outwards by the middle one.
We have no idea

So we don't know what literal space is made of. To say that literial space is nothing states that the universe exists within nothing. I agree that within a perfect vacuum remains length width height and time as you can reverse the vacuum effect and matter can re occupy the space. What is that length width height and time constructed of. It is what contains this more or less constant 3 dimensional existance.

I think there is simply lots more to be discovered.
constant ment time, soz for being unclear after working 12 hour day. Okay, so space, it has no construction, as it's just dimentions, therefore the universe must have no boundries, as without construction there can be no difference between space and nothing. Therefore our universe is all, nothing else exists, it is infinite yet it does not change, nothing controlls the 4 dimensions and the universe exists in nothing. Is that your theory?