What is pantheism?

You've followed me around for four years on sciforums?

No, but your story is written on bathroom stalls across the midwest. During my journeys, it is hard not to find a new story on the life and times of Ensign Emoticon T. Douchebag.

First hand idiocy. Just goes to show you the quality of this forum.

First hand idiocy? Were you trying to say first rate idiocy? Or first class idiocy? Something like that? I don't think first hand idiocy is what you were going for...

Oh, by the way. A defination of pantheism would incorperate most everything.

Oh, OK. So you're saying a defination incorperates, while a definition incorporates? Do I have that right?

Asking a question on sciforums is like asking idiots to show how retarted they are.

Yes...how "retarted" indeed...
Quit the issues with language you moron. There is no sense in that.
You have everything right except for the langauge.
Good job at being a loser :p
Sissyphace[/quote said:
Quit the issues with language you moron. There is no sense in that.
You have everything right except for the langauge.

I don't know what this means. All I know is that you're calling everyone here stupid, yet you can't even spell the insults right. That's what I'm saying. Not only is the pot calling the kettle black, but pot is also calling the couch, curtains, and carpet black, as well.
Isn't that all you are doing?

Calling you an idiot? No, I'm doing much more than that. I've implied that you sleep with long-haul truckers, that you were kicked out of military for open homosexuality, and that you lack a basic understanding of the English language. Don't pidgeonhole me into your one-dimensional mudslinging world. I don't sling mud, I sling mountains!

I asked a question and get bullshit.

Ah, I call bullshit on that one. These were some of the responses you got:

Pantheism is the belief that God is existence, as opposed to simply the creator of it.

In other words: they substituted the word 'reality' with the word 'God'.

Pantheism says the universe itself is god. Apparently Pantheists are big fans of redundancy.

And this is what you offered in return:

You guys are horrible at explaining things....

So you did not get bullshit in response. You got quality, concise answers to your question. Then you started insulting us, claiming that you already knew what the answer was, you just wanted it repeated back to you. Then you said no, you actually wanted to hear a more in-depth answer, yet you haven't given a clue as to what, exactly, you want to hear. You should be able to give us a hint as to what you're looking for, Sissy. After all, you do already know the answer, right?
Not necessarially loserface. I want to hear some concisely worded explainations other than "God is the beliefe that the universe is God." I want an explaination. Not a wikipedia although that would obviously do better....

What do some pantheists believe?
How would you go about becoming a pantheism?
What varients are there of pantheism?

Can you get the drift buddy or do I have to fart on you?
How would I know? I know what pantheism is! I simply want to HEAR what pantheism is, idiot


So you know what it is, but still ask others what it is as if you don't know ?
Should I simply have copied and pasted the wiki page, or a dictionary definition ?
Well, isn't that what I tried to do ?
I said it's the best excuse for religion.. only no one replied to that.

Perhaps my usersubtitle should reflect itself towards the general attitude of sciforums itself then... or some such very similar to this.

People don't respond to what one wishes; and your comment was the best that I recieved (who ever reads this thread and finds otherwise like JD is an idiot).

I think it would be interesting to hear [sorry I was just interrupted] an explaination or a hearing about that idea. Seriously. The best excuse for religion is a good one, it sort of leaves the pantheists... well, atheists. However it appears that also it has some signifigant value, considering the universe as God is one of the main ways to have some faith. Not only that but it is a far more logical way of believing in God. Beliefe in God is usually subject to logic weather or not we believe it or not. See... I am a dude looking for debate just likek you and yet get none.
Perhaps my usersubtitle should reflect itself towards the general attitude of sciforums itself then... or some such very similar to this.

People don't respond to what one wishes; and your comment was the best that I recieved (who ever reads this thread and finds otherwise like JD is an idiot).

I think it would be interesting to hear [sorry I was just interrupted] an explaination or a hearing about that idea. Seriously. The best excuse for religion is a good one, it sort of leaves the pantheists... well, atheists. However it appears that also it has some signifigant value, considering the universe as God is one of the main ways to have some faith. Not only that but it is a far more logical way of believing in God. Beliefe in God is usually subject to logic weather or not we believe it or not. See... I am a dude looking for debate just likek you and yet get none.

I agree with this. I think Pantheism is the religion that lies closest to atheism.
Some atheist are virtually pantheists anyway, only they don't anthropomorphize nature.
I agree with this. I think Pantheism is the religion that lies closest to atheism.
Some atheist are virtually pantheists anyway, only they don't anthropomorphize nature.

There really isn't any religion that is "close" to atheism, because atheism is the absence of belief in a god. And I personally believe that the second you incorporate any notion of the supernatural into society, you open it up to be exploited and twisted into other religions that may very well believe in the same principal, but add things onto it that make it more sinister. Like how sun and star worship and appreciation because the building blocks for the Abrahamic religions. If you want to believe that God is everything, as opposed to some being outside the realm of the universe, then fine, but what's going to happen is that some group is going to take up that this deity is in fact very aware of the goings on in the world, and wants you to act a certain way so as not to, for example, upset his stomach or something.

It's a dangerous notion any way you cut it.
There really isn't any religion that is "close" to atheism, because atheism is the absence of belief in a god. And I personally believe that the second you incorporate any notion of the supernatural into society, you open it up to be exploited and twisted into other religions that may very well believe in the same principal, but add things onto it that make it more sinister. Like how sun and star worship and appreciation because the building blocks for the Abrahamic religions. If you want to believe that God is everything, as opposed to some being outside the realm of the universe, then fine, but what's going to happen is that some group is going to take up that this deity is in fact very aware of the goings on in the world, and wants you to act a certain way so as not to, for example, upset his stomach or something.

It's a dangerous notion any way you cut it.

Then you add on top of that the thoughts of a pms (pantheistic multi person solipsism or whatnot) and things get hectic. Seriously though, I personally believe that pantheism is the religion of a taking up for, it is a very interesting one, one which is the more logical of beliefs for certain reasons if you follow. Anyhow, the danger is out, when one realizes that for thought to occur thought must, occur. I wouldn't mind examining my beliefs, but I will always hold that there is a God existent in nature. I can't imagine something outside of the universe. ...

Also I can't really put my finger on it but believing that the universe is God is right in all respects. It is God that does things, it is solipsism that sees all as a single mind, it is ... sorry getting all upset and shit...

It is right, to consider that as a single mind, God is the doer of things which are beyond our control. We can call God that being which exists in fairy tales, but when you say that their isn't rebirth or something of this nature then you are denying pantheism, the religion that I want discussed.
Crunchy said:
Pantheism is when someone projects human qualities (emotions, desires, consciousness, etc.) on the universe. In other words they accept without evidence that the universe itself is a sapient life form.
sisyphus said:
Then you add on top of that the thoughts of a pms (pantheistic multi person solipsism or whatnot) and things get hectic. Seriously though, I personally believe that pantheism is the religion of a taking up for, it is a very interesting one, one which is the more logical of beliefs for certain reasons if you follow. Anyhow, the danger is out, when one realizes that for thought to occur thought must, occur. I wouldn't mind examining my beliefs, but I will always hold that there is a God existent in nature. I can't imagine something outside of the universe. ...

Well, I don't personally believe there is any religion worth taking up for. Just because it is interesting does not mean you have to believe it. We find literary and intellectual value in the beliefs of the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Romans, and in this country, the Native Americans, but we accept that all of those are forms of mythology. Why, just because one picture of God is more interesting than the other, does it have to be true? Why can't it just fall into the category of the rest?

And if you will always hold that there is a God, then you aren't really willing to examine your beliefs.

Also I can't really put my finger on it but believing that the universe is God is right in all respects. It is God that does things, it is solipsism that sees all as a single mind, it is ... sorry getting all upset and shit...

Again, I don't see the need to attribute the "god" label to it. It just is what it is, what's wrong with accepting that? That's all the evidence we have at the moment, and probably all we ever will.

It is right, to consider that as a single mind, God is the doer of things which are beyond our control. We can call God that being which exists in fairy tales, but when you say that their isn't rebirth or something of this nature then you are denying pantheism, the religion that I want discussed.

Well, first, I can deny it and still discuss it. Just to make that clear. Also, I don't know in what context you mean "rebirth".

Second, why the "god" label? Why can't it just be "the universe"? Why can't it just be what it is? Why the need for some deeper spiritual meaning?
Were you looking for the truth or just an answer to make you feel good?

By his lack of a response to my post, I say yes, he is just looking for something to make him feel good. He's not interested in opinions that would oppose his own. He's looking for reassurance.