What is pantheism?

Pantheism is a form of theism.
There's monotheism too. I think there are some others, and atheism, of course. Those are the ones who deny the existence of theism, whatever that might be. It's just that no-one seems to really know.
Pantheism is a form of theism.
There's monotheism too. I think there are some others, and atheism, of course. Those are the ones who deny the existence of theism, whatever that might be. It's just that no-one seems to really know.
M*W: What atheist denies the existence of theism? We know it's there, that's why we're atheists!
Medicine*Woman said:
What atheist denies the existence of theism? We know it's there, that's why we're atheists!
Sure, atheists are against it, that's their job, right? But what is it they're against? I know a lot of them think they know what it is.
It's just that I personally have never been able to follow any argument about it - it just doesn't make a lot of sense (to me, that is).
Tell us then, Captain Emoticon, how would you explain what Pantheism is?

Why would you ask such a dumb question G homes?

I am not "captain emoticion" or what the hell ever you would like to call it either. I feel that pantheism is a beliefe in God as the universe and there are varying forms of it, that is all. However I would like to hear a more intricate defination to it other than what it is and how it occurs --- etc.

For christs sake, sometimes I think everyone on sciforums is stupid except for me.
Why would you ask such a dumb question G homes?

Because I felt like it...sissy.

I am not "captain emoticion" or what the hell ever you would like to call it either. I feel that pantheism is a beliefe in God as the universe and there are varying forms of it, that is all. However I would like to hear a more intricate defination to it other than what it is and how it occurs --- etc.

No, sadly, you never reached the rank of Captain. Nowhere close, actually. You served for four years as "Ensign Emoticon", but were dishonorably discharged after violating the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

Anyway, to your point...wait, did you have a point? Oh, OK, I see it now. You would like to hear a more intricate defination to it other than what it is and how it occurs...hmm. See, I'm at a loss here, and for a couple of reasons. First, I don't know what a "defination" is, so you'll have to elaborate on that. You certainly couldn't have been looking for a more intricate definition, because "what it is" and "how it occurs" would make up the sum total of its definition. So just let me know what you really meant by "defination", and I will be happy to oblige.

For christs sake, sometimes I think everyone on sciforums is stupid except for me.

Your impeccable grammar, attention to punctuation and capitalization, and language-bending use of the word "intricate" tell me that you, sir, are a genius. No, really. Stand up and take a bow. You've earned it.
I get that too....?

Well yeah, I mean, the idiot Dawgster dissing my perfectly fine position just goes to prove my point. The only reason I have ever really enjoyed sciforums is because it is of a far less quality than other forums and therefore a place to publish a bunch of bullshit ideas that someone thinks are great. There are exceptions.

Because I felt like it...sissy.

No, sadly, you never reached the rank of Captain. Nowhere close, actually. You served for four years as "Ensign Emoticon", but were dishonorably discharged after violating the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

You've followed me around for four years on sciforums? What a pathetic loser.
I would qualify as the emoticoner.

Anyway, to your point...wait, did you have a point? Oh, OK, I see it now. You would like to hear a more intricate defination to it other than what it is and how it occurs...hmm. See, I'm at a loss here, and for a couple of reasons. First, I don't know what a "defination" is, so you'll have to elaborate on that. You certainly couldn't have been looking for a more intricate definition, because "what it is" and "how it occurs" would make up the sum total of its definition. So just let me know what you really meant by "defination", and I will be happy to oblige.

First hand idiocy. Just goes to show you the quality of this forum.

Your impeccable grammar, attention to punctuation and capitalization, and language-bending use of the word "intricate" tell me that you, sir, are a genius. No, really. Stand up and take a bow. You've earned it.

Why thank you. Idiot.

Oh, by the way. A defination of pantheism would incorperate most everything.
Asking a question on sciforums is like asking idiots to show how retarted they are.