A ruler measures length. We use units of length to measure distance. Great! Makes space easier to understand. And we figured that was a constant; once you measured something once it remained that length. Mathematical perfection! Why, space MUST be governed by such simple dimensional math!
Then we found out that length wasn't always the same in different inertial frames. The universe did its own thing, even though it meant the math was now wrong. That's because the phenomenon of length is not math; it is simply represented by math. And as we know, it is represented imperfectly.
The human math was wrong.
But the functional math unwittingly employed by the universe is never wrong. Any universal expression is always governed by a mathematical function,
The very essence of spacetime has a mathematical aspect to it. It's a result of spacetime configuration and potentials this configuration allows to become expressed.
My posit is that the universe functions mathematically. This is what allows humans to represent these functions with symbolic languages representing these mathematical functions.
Human can be wrong in their representative math, for various reasons. But that is not the gist of my argument.
I am saying that, because humans can represent the mathematics of the universe (right or wrong), it follows that the universe functions in a mathematical manner. If I see a fern and it displays a fractal petal organization, I can represent that mathematically. But the fern has already represented the fractality (an evolutionary asset) by emplying the fractal function in its growth pattern. The fern doesn't know that it grows in a fractal manner. It's DNA has the fractal coding through its chemical coding system. It is the chemicals which govern the fern's growth pattern, not the fern. The final result is a mathematical pattern.
My position is that all activity within the universe functions with a mathematical precision, which can be represented by human maths, to any degree of precision, depending how well understand the function.
And from your previous posit , you seem to agree with that.
Note that was my only argument. The universe functions in a mathematical manner, which humans can observe and codify into human mathematics, but actually that is irrelevant, except to humans, IMO.
Can we say that, regardless of human translation into symbolic mathematical language, the universe functions in a mathematical manner, from the very subtle to gross expression in observable reality?