That's exactly right. It functions in a mathematical manner; in a way that is easy to describe with math. Math is the tool that describes how the universe functions. It is not HOW the universe functions.
Wait, you just stipulated that the universe functions in a mathematical manner, that can be easily symbolized with human maths. i.e. Human math is the symbolic representation of how the universe functions . The universe does not use symbolic representations, it uses actual mathematical physical patterns. We can observe these patterns and codify the mathematics which form that specific pattern.
It is all mathematical. Humans have symbolized the mathematics and when we apply the mathematics correctly it will produce the exact same pattern as occurs naturally, given the same values and functions.
The only time we use "close enough" approximation is for practical time saving purposes in the applied mathematics. This approximate approach was used to land the Rover . Turned out that taking some shortcuts from cumbersome mathematical problems and tuning for close enough, was indeed "close enough" for a succesful landing.
Nope. The territory is electromagnetism; the map is Maxwell's Equations. The territory is the orbital system that is the solar system; the map is the universal gravitation formula. The territory is the sunflower; the map is the Fibonacci sequence. The territory is the actual - the map is the tool used to describe the actual.
The territory is the actual, the territorial potentials are the mathematical features of the territory. The dynamic fields in the territory are probabilistically mathematical, the physical expressions are the natural mathematical potentials become manifest as predictictable recurring patterns.
Yes. Math is a great tool to predict those patterns. But if you get the math wrong, or it doesn't exist yet, the universe doesn't care; it will not change how it works one bit based on any math.
I agree, but from the universe's perspective, it will not change the mathematical way it works based on anything humans do.
But it cannot change its own inherent mathematical potentials, its natural physical values and related mathematical functions......
......... It's deterministic.
No. The universe does not need math of any type to work just fine.
That is contrary to your opening paragraph and I disagree. The Universe is a mathematical construct, a geometric pattern with inherent mathematical potentials, which become expressed as physical patterns in a mathematical chronology of expression.
Yes. And before Fibonacci flowers grew exactly the same way. If we used a completely different mathematical system that described that growth pattern in an entirely different way, it would be just as valid - and would not affect how flowers grow one bit.
Again I agree with the way you posited it, but I am approaching this from a universal perspective. The pattern which was identified and codified by Fibonacci was there long before humans knew anything about mathematics. This is naturally occurring beauty of natural phenomena.
A Rainbow is a beautiful mathematical pattern, occurring only when specific environmental conditions are present and their combined potentials are expressed as can be simulated in a prism, the spontaneous emergence of color refraction into the awesome bands of visible light. Sometimes there are double rainbows, spectacular. The mathematical implication present in that phenomenon are vast and in many directions. Mathematics are an essential ingredient in all physical spacetime phenomena.
Spacetime itself is essentially mathematical in every aspect. It's the common denominator of everything and connects spacetime by a single imperical function, a self-referential, self-organizing pattern making function.
Flowers don't know from Fibonacci, but they grow in accordance to what Fibonacci recognized and symbolized as a specific chronological growth sequence. Fibonacci recognized the growth pattern that flowers and a host of other natural phenomena use naturally as an evolved efficient growth pattern.
The Fibonacci sequence is an evolved self organizing pattern for maximum natural efficiency. It is an inspirational symbol of creative energy in emergent mathematical functions and their universal application. It's a simple equation!
And is based on what we have symbolized as Phi
Phi ( Φ = 1.618033988749895… ), ” is simply an irrational number like pi ( p = 3.14159265358979… ), but one with many unusual
mathematical properties.
Unlike pi, which is a transcendental number, phi is the solution to a quadratic equation.
3D + T = 4D = quadratic equation
Now we have a formula that can be solved using the Quadratic formula. This formula allows you to solve a quadratic equation for an unknown x, with a, b, and c as constants. A quadratic equation has this form: ax² + bx + c = 0
A natural candidate for an essential common denominator, a property of spacetime itself, a mathematically dynamic 4D geometrical patterned object. And one which we can learn to understand!! We know how to codify and symbolize it, and often use its patterns for our purposes. Free Will in a Deterministic Universe?...