What is Hell

among shadows said:
It occurs to me that people often substitute religeon with drugs these days.
M*W: Yes, that's true. It's trading one addiction for another.
Oxygen said:
Mosheh- When I first read your post I thought it said "...where the energy goes is determined by our popularity..."

AAAgh! My aura field needs more coffee! :D

Seriously, though, what do you mean by it's polarity? Are we talking traditional electrons, protons, neutrons, etc?

You body has a field of energy... thus is has polarity in more than one sense.... and when it collapses, that polarity will determine what happens to that energy...

I would say more.. but I'd risk promoting theoretical metaphyscial concepts... of which there is little real data to work with.

Still, I find it an interesting concept. So what happens to a negative polarity as opposed to a positive polarity?

Another question, is the polarity constant, or does it change over the course of our lives? Does physical illness lean toward a negative polarity, or is more based on a conflict of what we define as "right" or "moral"? I.e., if we do something that we consider wrong or immoral, we're left with a negative polarity probably in the form of a conscience that's bothering us. Or is the polarity pretty much what defines what we consider moral or immoral, and it's acting against that steady polarity that causes us problems?
I would suggest that you imagine the polarity eminating from the top of your skull..

I.e.. the lines of force.. hence.. polarity...

with a conscious effort you can imagine these lines (not all of them) extending from you... up and up... forever until the edges of space itself, and beyond.....

now such is Godly polarity... your mind is on God... and you make an effort to be polarized with God...

but we can drift... far.. as Atheists would not make any such "Connection"
but there lines maybe imagined as bent... literally..
curved.. and as such may tend towards connection with anything... literally..

such as the evil pervert slinking in the shadows... his polarity maybe imagined as curved and and pointed back at himself or towards the center of the earth. or the sun... or the moon... anything but God...

in many ways i would suggest that such fields are natural and simply representative of our beings quality... and as such... they can be perverted ...

and or mis-directed...

i could draw pictures as i have done.. but it wont help.

Vertigoll said:
I bring the subject of Hell up because I have been thinking about it a lot lately...
Peace. :m:

Hell is the cesspool of misery and suffering that Laughter and Joy make Heaven.

It is all in the mind: misery and suffering make it hell,
and Laughter and Joy of this same misery and suffering make it heaven.
Heaven and Hell is like unto a long table filled with the most sumptuous delectable morsels of food that has yet been seen! Always the favorite of those there.

Lined alongside the table were all the dearly departed in fine wooden chairs. All had a marvelous apetite! All had their arms chained to the chairs so as that they could not reach their mouths with any of the food that they could reach. Some were horribly frustrated and angry. They were a pestilence to their unfortunate neighbors, and themselves.. always frustrated and always 'almost' but not 'getting it'. They are certainly in Hell.

Others at the table found that though they could not reach their own mouths, they COULD reach the mouth of their neighbors. The sharing, lack of striving, goodwill and good energy that they displayed made it obvious to them that they were in Heaven.

The difference between heaven and hell?
What is hell?
if the energy that was your soul, manifested as your aura, as as such works with the function of transporting your memories in the form of static energy...
then if that energy manifested as heat on a small bit of flesh, as in your brain...
then since time has no bearing on pure energy as spatial tension...
an eternity in hell can be lived out slowly, as the energy that was you is converted into heat... literally burned... and converted by entropy...
and this could happen in 1/10th of a sec.. but to you.. in hell..
it may seem like forever.

if your lucky... you would end up as radio waves floating aimlessly in deep space...
hence.. purgatory.

What is Hell?

Hell is a tool; one that has been used for milliniums by the powers that be, to control the masses to the elites biting. Thus follow our way, our religion, our idealism or else you would end up in hell. A tool to manipulate, same as heaven is a tool to manipulate behaviour. Nothing more, nothing less. These are just tools to manipulate.

Godless said:
What is Hell?

Hell is a tool; one that has been used for milliniums by the powers that be, to control the masses to the elites biting. Thus follow our way, our religion, our idealism or else you would end up in hell. A tool to manipulate, same as heaven is a tool to manipulate behaviour. Nothing more, nothing less. These are just tools to manipulate.

YES, i agree.
here's ways to break is pell, and dig deeper.
dont just buy your particular fave myth's explanaztion

for example, here, at these boards, in teee 21 century, are some posters stll warning about the 'Lake of Fire' and how certain people who do stuff they and their belief system dont agree wid is gonna end up in

they of course haven't got the creativity to explore their dramtically delivered judgments. butit is simple when you know how

They would find tat that mythic motif of 'lake of fire' apparently originates--at least as writ-down dogma--in ancient Egypt/ check it out. never believe noone. BUt, dig. unlike te Christianized version of neverending damnation, the Egyptian one is just for a relatively short stay...Feel better?.....you can also research about fire and it mythic references via this powerful computer befo you.......you may find references to fire in Zoroastrianism. where fire = 'God'......etc etc. Zoroastranism is first dualistic doctrine of 'good' vs 'evil'....!

also it's important to understand that hell's and heavens CAN be experiences, both psychologically, and actually. for example psychedelic experience can give you experience of all states includng hellish states and heavenly ones, and actual life can give you luxurious existence and concentration camps

ting is to be open to one's potential dynamic wholeness so you dont become party TO creating hells on Earth, or seeking to create heavens on Earth which create hell for millions of others!!
ting is to be open to one's potential dynamic wholeness so you dont become party TO creating hells on Earth, or seeking to create heavens on Earth which create hell for millions of others!!

Yep! like the builders of utopia, at the price of innocence.
Mosheh- Why do you assume that an atheist can't make any connection? Is it necessary to believe in an external god to have any connection with something beyond the physical world? I am an atheist, but I believe that there is more to existence than what the tactile senses reveal.
The term God.... is for lack of a better word....

the source of energy in creation... cannot be precieved... cannot be understood..

and for 10,000 years... man has used the term God as a way to identify that which has no actuall name... no known form...

and i see no reason to stop using the term GOD... just because alot of wackos like to attach their own views to it.. and may say alot of wacko things..

in the end.. we have no idea... and can only theorize...

But the term God... is still the only term that fits.

Mosheh Thezion said:
The term God.... is for lack of a better word....

the source of energy in creation... cannot be precieved... cannot be understood..

and for 10,000 years... man has used the term God as a way to identify that which has no actuall name... no known form...

and i see no reason to stop using the term GOD... just because alot of wackos like to attach their own views to it.. and may say alot of wacko things..

in the end.. we have no idea... and can only theorize...

But the term God... is still the only term that fits.

M*W: Why is that the only term that "fits?" "God" is a contraction taken from the old English "good" as in "good be wythe thee." Why can't we call the force of energy that some people call "God" simply "a force of energy." Why give it a name, and then anthropomorphize it with human characteristics such as "God knows," "God feels," "God sees," "God gives," "God loves...?" These are fantasy metaphors that serve no purpose but to perpetuate the lies.
I didnt say to use God in that way....

God.. Jehovah... Allah.. doesnt matter to me.... they are all names we use to discuss that which we cannot name...

As God supposively said to Moses.. I AM, THAT I AM.

God didnt even clarify it for Moses.
The term God.... is for lack of a better word....

the source of energy in creation... cannot be precieved... cannot be understood..

Thanks for clarifying that this suppose entity has no identity!. I've always said that god is a word, with no meaning, and the above coming from a theist clarifies it. Thanks again. Belief in god is then delusional.

God.. Jehovah... Allah.. doesnt matter to me.... they are all names we use to discuss that which we cannot name...

Thanks again, point well taken no identity, means no existence. Good job mate. Are you sure your not atheist?

As God supposively said to Moses.. I AM, THAT I AM

Ah! great, this statement "I am, That I am" was Moses first realiazation that the voice inside his freaking head was becoming conscious of itself. This is in reference to Dr. Julian Jaynes' (The Origin of Consciousness in the
Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind) You should pick up a copy good read, even for theists. Audio intro to book

Good job.


and personnally i think Moses was struck by lightning,..... which is the only thing that can set a green bush on fire.... and also, turn a mans hair white...
and as such would be an effective means of allowing God, to touch a man.

I am not an Atheist, as i am a scientist, who knows what is in evidense... and what is an assumption.... and the evidense.. suggests a creation.
thats all.

I am not an Atheist, as i am a scientist, who knows what is in evidense... and what is an assumption.... and the evidense.. suggests a creation.

Oh! please do tell, this would be a good topic for you to start. Were is the evidence for creation?.

Mosheh- You still didn't explain why an atheist couldn't make a connection to anything other than the physical world. An atheist does not believe in gods. An atheist can believe in energies that haven't yet been identified. General Ethan Allen of the American Revolution used the word "God" as a way to describe the forces that he saw working in nature. He had no connection with the god expounded by the church and openly voiced his opinion that if anything deserved worship it was the sun, without which life as we know it would end. (Of course, the church branded him a heretic, a Deist, and all kinds of other things, but it didn't seem to bother him, or his church-going wife, in the least.)
Mosheh Thezion said:
I didnt say to use God in that way....

God.. Jehovah... Allah.. doesnt matter to me.... they are all names we use to discuss that which we cannot name...

As God supposively said to Moses.. I AM, THAT I AM.

God didnt even clarify it for Moses.
M*W: Again, why must a force of energy have a name. It already has a name -- Energy. Why not simply call it that?

I see. You're a scientist. hmmmm... If you were a scientist, you'd know there is no word called "supposively."

Your immaturity is showing.