What is hell? ..... Your thoughts....

Arcane said:
Is it really the fiery pit you fall into for eternity if you're not a Christian?


There are some things that should be considered;

(sound of teeth grinding against eachother), anxiety, desperate, no way...out...no return. You will realise then what it is to be without God. The suffering we have here is nothing compared to what is felt in hell.

Look at them; Was it worth it?

Sin has this nasty nature of forgetting about the punishment and consequences and only enjoy the pleasure of the moment. You will be were your treasure is.

The law is written in your heart, so follow it. Love completes and encircles the law. What is done in love, is done according to the law.

Everything can be forgiven, except one thing, blasphemy against the holy spirit.

That said, I think what comes closest to hell here on earth, is absolute fear.

I've experianced it two times (one time as a kid but I don't really remember that fully, the memory came back to me the second time it happened), each time with my hands on my chest saying "don't take my soul".

I never say such things otherwise, but those two times...I saw the flames reach out as a personification of the fear I felt, and I think the fear I felt was not really my own.

So think again.
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The suffering we have here is nothing compared to what is felt in hell.

And by saying so, one is led to ponder as to how you came across that knowledge of hell which you possess and we do not.

Please, describe hell as you envision? What's in store for us?
hmmmmm is death like a black hole? i know many athiests think this...'when yer dead yer dead'

I am exploring about this. cant preten to know. whose been actually dead and come bcak to tell?

but dont stop you speculating do it?
is it a black hole?.....i am not mad on the belief in karma. mainly cause i dont like the acxtual life it creeates like in India and the caste system, etc

Yet i also wonder this: say a really evil child murderer dies....and at the same time a relatively peaceful person dies. is tat it? do they both go down tat 'blacxk hole'?...orrr does the evil one experience heir state more intensely?......for example. many people sho do awful murders --called 'psychopaths' lose actuall feeling for others etc. so they have lost a huge part of consciousness--if you will. is death some kind of awareness of what they've done and THAT'S hell? not everlsting, but atemporal maybe......or do they meet angels who show unconditiona live like yer hear NDErs sometimes claim--in Wsetern NDEs anyhow. though some of tem--the unreported ones--also have hellish experinces

If psychosis is a mental illness, if being evil is a mental abnormality then most christians might say that the soul is already cured of all ill's.

For instance many of them say that someone who is retarded, blind, no use of their legs etc, are back to "normal" in heaven.

If that is the case then shouldn't most evil people become "normal" too?
assuming their evil is created by malfunction.

Hitler for example suffered many bodily ills such as digestive problems (hence his diet) and parkinsons disease and some problems created from being in the trenches in WWI, one of them is believed to be syphilis and that is known to cause madness or mental problems, he no doubt caught it when messing around when he was a lad.

Does someone go to hell even if their "evil" is crafted from disability, mental or otherwise?

Thats why i have trouble with the whole concept.
GodlessEvil said:
If psychosis is a mental illness, if being evil is a mental abnormality then most christians might say that the soul is already cured of all ill's.
me]]]]]]] well i dont think it IS a mental illness as 'mental illness' is defined by bio-psychiatry

For instance many of them say that someone who is retarded, blind, no use of their legs etc, are back to "normal" in heaven.

me]]]]]]]yes i have heard that too

If that is the case then shouldn't most evil people become "normal" too?
assuming their evil is created by malfunction.

me+++++++ahhhh i see what you mean. No, it is a cop out to assume a person's evil doing is a malfunction of the body due to biolgocal disease. That is part of the mental illness scam and is commensurate with te preious accusation in te Age of Religion when it was assumed tat a persn as 'possessed of the Devfil, evil spirts' if they did evil acts. it is acop out. it is te evil doer BLAMING someting else but his OWN behaviour!../.....whati am saying is this....tat itmay be so tat te 'psycho' isn't in contact with feelings for his/her victim. agreed. buttat dossociation is NOT a biological disease. it is BEHAVIOUR. dont get the two confused. tis behaviour may be due to lack of love etc....all of which may become apparent in an NDE or even post corpus, who knows?

Hitler for example suffered many bodily ills such as digestive problems (hence his diet) and parkinsons disease and some problems created from being in the trenches in WWI, one of them is believed to be syphilis and that is known to cause madness or mental problems, he no doubt caught it when messing around when he was a lad.

me]]]]]]]Parkinson's disease is a real disease. not sure abot syphilis causing 'madness' though. tere ARE brain diseases true. but these must be differentiated from the myth that behaviour however unacceptable is a biological disease

Does someone go to hell even if their "evil" is crafted from disability, mental or otherwise?

me]]]]]]]]hell is not imposed. it is a reflection of your BEING. a socalled god person can sufer hell. say they are bullied. tats hell. say they are abused as children, tat also. i have heard that pople who have had experiential tranpspersonal terapy which involves LSD etc as a facilitator to open up their emotion suffer terrible hells having to relive teir abuse........so hell isn't a 'punishment' as such but a resolver of stuck-energy. a racist fpr example is stuck in a pattern of hate which cuts him off from other poples he fears

Thats why i have trouble with the whole concept.
well tats why we debate....to explore about all of this difficult shit i spose