What is hell? ..... Your thoughts....

I don't disagree there, duendy.
What I am saying is that whether or not you consider that Hell, or even suffering is up to us.
Humans have the capacity to fully experience the "dark" emotions and not only appreciate, but revel in them as much as the "light" ones.

I can experience fear, pain, hearbreak, horror and still not consider it a Hellish experience, just a beautiful experience of intense emotions.
PsychoticEpisode said:
What is hell? ..... Your thoughts.

Interesting title for a thread because not only does it ask a question but it also provides the answer.

Exactly. First philosophically intelligent person I meet on this subject.

Can anyone explain why they believe hell is fiery.

this post could be answered in many many MANY different ways. depending on your religion, your thoughts and beliefs. there could not be one person on the face of the earth to answer this question and be right. it all depends on the person. personaly, hell is an explaination that we created for ourselves to set a "bad" boundry. if you are to bad, you go to hell, if you are good, or saved you go to heaven. ect. but like i said, it doesnt matter what i say
Hell is that which unsettles you most. What is heaven to you? Given the way in which the question was asked, evryone is going to have a valid, and most likely different answer.
Thats what i meant by...your thoughts....

Christians always tell me I'm going to BURN in hell. Cna anyone explain why they believe hell is fiery?

The "burning" is characterized by an intolerable longing to be in the presence of God rather than being banished eternally from this Beatific Vision.
Arcane said:
Is it really the fiery pit you fall into for eternity if you're not a Christian?



Actually it says in revelation that hell will be cast into the lake of fire, after Jesus returns to take over the world by force with an army of angels, and the non christians will roast in the lake of fire forever.
Hell now, is down, below the surface of the earth. Possibly close to the hot magma. Non Christians and sinners' souls go there now, and suffer in roasting torment. {See parable of Lazarus and the rich man.}
The rich guy in that parable thought it was a big thing just to have some water put on his hot tongue.
A fiery hell MUST be a construct of the human mind. Fire is of a physical nature while the concept of 'souls' is not. Something non-physicalk, if it existed, would not be affected by the physical world.
Hmmm... Hell.

Hell is living with a beutifull woman & never gives it up to you.
Hell is being married to a bitch you despice, but stay with her for the sake of the kids.
Hell is loving your best friend's wife, and watching them make out in front of you.

Hell is having a job that you hate, but stay cause it pays the bills, and you rather not work in Wal-Mart.
Hell is having all the money in the world, but no woman would marry you with seperate contractual aggreement. (greedy bitch)

Hell is anything that you imagine, that would be bad, it's in your mind. Living in Cuba is hell, living in the US and watching it go down the drain is like hell.

Hell is not a place, nor is heaven. They are only ideals made up by ingnorant savages that were nomads of the dessert.

You are describing "living hell". What the thread proposes is to answer what the afterlife hell is. Since you don't believe, then there is no afterlife in your consciousness and thus no hell. Suppose you are wrong?
Suppose you are wrong?

Then Rather be in hell with all the interesting people, than be a droid and kissing some self ritghtous punk ass that calls it'self god!. :bugeye:

I seriously doubt that those in hell are interesting. Have you ever seen man's feeble attempt to render a picture of Hell?. Even in our most talented/creative/drunk moments can we visualize hell...because there is no Hell place. Hell is a state of consciousness absent the body which cannot go around having intelligent conversations and fornicating away etrrnity. The common thread in hell is hate...and that is never ending hate of the Creator. Doubt there is time for any socializing. Besides intelligent conversation and consuming hate are mutually exclusive unless you could imagine that there is intelligent hate.Think again dude.
No Dxx think again yourself and re-read your own statement. It's contradicting.
This is hell we are in, at least for many people, there is always someone worse off than you, why? what did they do so wrong?

Is it up to people if they suffer?, tell that to africans all dying of AIDS, or the earthquake victims in asia, or the tsunami etc

You do not need a place to go when you die to suffer, you can have it all right now, maybe it is subtle things like being in a dead end job with no money struggling for your family to survive, maybe it is masses of debt caused by having no money.
Or maybe it is losing the use of your legs or being blinded or being disfigured.

Bottom line, there are worse things than death, and they exist on this planet.
Within my spiritual worldview, an evil person doesn't have a normal soul, but instead has a deformed, stunted mockery of a soul; when they die, they therefore can't have the same afterlife as the rest of us, but instead would be trapped in their little bubble of evil forever, aware that they're dead and trapped, and presumably suffering (at least I hope they are).

If all the evil ones get clumped together in one location, you could call that clump "hell."
Omni said:
(at least I hope they are).
See, and for me, it is that very notion of being sentenced to "Suffering for Eternity", regardless of what you may have done on Earth, that would keep me away from the Abrahamic Religions (or any other religion that postulates such a fate), regardless of what else I may or may not agree with.

I could agree 100% with everything else the religion puts forth, but if it says that even Hitler, Torquemada, Genghis Kahn or whoever you think personifies evil on Earth should and will suffer unthinkable pain and torture for Eternity for their acts in this lifetime, I will reject it wholly.
Dixx let me take you by the hand and show your own CONTRADICTION!.

Have you ever seen man's feeble attempt to render a picture of Hell?.


Hell is a state of consciousness absent the body which cannot go around having intelligent conversations and fornicating away etrrnity.

I clearly shown you yourn own feeble attempt to render a picture of hell!. :rolleyes:

actually it IS the pictures of hell which are THE most excitingand dynamic whilst pics of heaven are usually very boring indeedo
This is over semantics. You are more interested in your assessment of CONTRADIUCTION than the substance of the post. Now that you have shown me your assessment of CONTRADICTION do you have any conclusion? I was making a point that man can not render a picture of something that does not exist in our three dimensional world, that"s all.
Hell is the final destiny of those who reject God.More than a physical place, it is the state of those who separate themselves from God...and thus my statement above...referring to your association with intelligent people. Won't happen dude.