What is hell? ..... Your thoughts....



Is it really the fiery pit you fall into for eternity if you're not a Christian?


Nah, it's just a fictional concept invented by religions to scare us into following thier crap.
It's a state of mind, just like heaven and nirvana are states of mind.
Arcane said:
Is it really the fiery pit you fall into for eternity if you're not a Christian?



What is hell? ..... Your thoughts.

Interesting title for a thread because not only does it ask a question but it also provides the answer.
I hear that some Russian scientists drilled a hole down into hell and recorded the tortured shrieks of a great big crowd of people....

at least, according to Art Bell! :D
This is what happens with an emerging intelligence that's behavior and social interaction has become so complex, that it can draw a line between good behavior and bad. This concept of good and bad natrually transcended into the concept of the afterlife which we were naive to mistake for reality at that time.

So basically, hell is a natural result of a new intelligent species which only exists in the mind.
For me, hell is "living" for eternity in a place that has no dogs or other animals.

Baron Max
What does it matter what it is to anyone?

Religions explain what it is to its followers; whatever someone comes up with as a personal belief is pointless because it's not at all based in logic or otherwise observation. You've obviously not seen the place, so you're just guessing what it is. Guessing is stupid, it makes you look like a clown.

With that in mind, I will say hell is just like high school.
Hell = Death.

I believe in death and life. I believe when the bible is talking about a hell, it is misinterpreted. There was a place (I believe called Hades) that was a fire burning pitt where human sacrifices were burned all the time. Or something like that. It was used symbollically as an example of where the evil go.

My conclusion was this; Those who believe move into their afterlife and are rewarded eternal life. Those who do not believe are simply not.

Why? I don't see how you could be alive in hell, if you are seperated from God. It doesnt make any sense. :bugeye:
btimsah said:
There was a place (I believe called Hades) that was a fire burning pitt where human sacrifices were burned all the time. Or something like that.
What makes you believe that?
In order to answer that question one must first ask what is the purpose of living. For not to live is not to ever have been, or to have died. There are no in betweens or suspended animations. The next question is why we live(and die). Without purpose then what's the use? A body of theorems/philosophies have arisen from that principle should one be so inclined. And from those one could say that theologies have attempted to answer that question. It then comes down to either you believe or you don't. If you don't believe in theos then you stop right there. If you do then you must accept a reason behind be-ing. We cannot be the reason for our own be-ing. And from there you get into Intelligent Design(of life). Of which we are the highest form. And being that we are the only life form that has a self awareness we ask how and why. No externals provide us with answers and since we can't from internals then something bigger (be-inger) must be responsible. Theos is that be-ing...God. Where you go from there is rooted in your belief system. Hell in the Christian belief system is the conscious absence of being in the presence of God.
I'll let you attack what I have said so far.
dixxyman said:
And from there you get into Intelligent Design(of life). Of which we are the highest form.
highest that we, as humans, know of; whether or not theos is involved. i concur with the rest of your statement, dixxyman.

in being the strange version of christian that i am, i personally believe that hell is what one makes of it - fears, personal pain expierences, objects of hatred, and so on. for all we know in our puny consciousness, this earth, this right now, could be the hell that we ponder over.
one that i made up, for the most part. i don't like dogma, and i don't like the idea that someone should feed me what i should think and believe. so i took my bible, and my torah, and the upanishades, and some other religious works, and gleaned what was helpful and insightful and adhered to the belief structure that i have today. i don't know where i fit in the nomenclature, though.
'hell' does exist psychologically...it HAS to. cause heaven implies heaven. life is whole. you cant have good without bad, or life witpout death,,,,etc. so 'hell' is like an extreme -if you will-to its polar opposite 'heaven'. Those are te terms we give these extreme states

Not only does hell exist psychologically, but can also be created in actuality. Take nazi Gernany ad its concentration camps, and ghettos. That was hell too......Andinner statees of hell can be very similr to that, except you are suffering it psychologicall rathe than physically---THOIGH , when experiencing it psychologically it can also be felt physiologically!

What social controlling patriarchy did though, in its myth, was make out that a PERMANENT state of beingexisted --ie., 'hell' where one would go 'everlastingly' IF not obeying their rules etc......and what THAT myth does is create hell on Earth too
I think psychological Hell only exists because we conjured it into being because we accept it.
Internal Hell does not have to exist if you decide it does not.
one_raven said:
I think psychological Hell only exists because we conjured it into being because we accept it.
Internal Hell does not have to exist if you decide it does not.
no i dont agree. that idea to me is denial of potential human DEPTH. we HAVEto be able to feel hell.....or deep deep states of emotion which may be considered terrifying, oterwise we are just 2 dimensional.

Our whole culture is specifically designed to counter deep emotions. they are feared, andin many cases drugged away.....!