What is GOD? (I will try to explain to skeptics)

spidergoat said:
But Mars isn't.

Every being that attained enough awareness would find itself in a seemingly miraculous situation, I believe it's called anthropic bias. If conditions were less than perfect, there would be no one to observe it.

Weak Anthropomorphic Principal. The Strong Principle says everything was made that way for us. The Extra Strong Principle with five times as much mintiness says everything was made that way for me, and why am I speaking to a figment of my imagination anyway?
draqon said:
I see GOD as energy. something that we and all the universe needs.

and so... also.. the source of energy in our universes development.

the energy we see today.. was energy GOD appplied.. and which is now being stored in our space as matter etc...

as if we imagine that GOD is energy.. then GOD may have given some of himself to make our universe...

in which case.. GOD is everywhere.. in everything... and we.. in fact, all life forms in the universe... are GODS children..

we just happen to be the smartest ones... so far.. that we know of.

Mosheh Thezion said:
and so... also.. the source of energy in our universes development.

the energy we see today.. was energy GOD appplied.. and which is now being stored in our space as matter etc...

as if we imagine that GOD is energy.. then GOD may have given some of himself to make our universe...

in which case.. GOD is everywhere.. in everything... and we.. in fact, all life forms in the universe... are GODS children..

we just happen to be the smartest ones... so far.. that we know of.


Nice....except...I wouldnt even have GOD in there and just substitute GOD by the word energy.

BUT FOR 10,000 YEARS.. man has been using a word to describe that which he cannot truely understand.... that word has been GOD.. in many forms...

i see no reason to stop using it... since energy is not complete enough to describe the indescribable we are discussing.

there is nothing wrong with the word GOD... only our definition of it.

Mosheh Thezion said:

BUT FOR 10,000 YEARS.. man has been using a word to describe that which he cannot truely understand.... that word has been GOD.. in many forms...

i see no reason to stop using it... since energy is not complete enough to describe the indescribable we are discussing.

there is nothing wrong with the word GOD... only our definition of it.

yeah but when I speak of GOD or anyone else for that matter, people imagine a male figure that supposevly controls and sees everything we do. And thats a major misconception, GOD shouldnt be stereotyped, thats why using the word GOD is ineffective.
Muslim bleats:

Can you guys prove there was nothing before the universe? or can you prove there was something before the universe.
If you can believe the universe was formed out of a big bang and believe everything all aliened up you think that is logical thinking?
If I got a few thoudens bricks some cement, sand and wood, and blow them up on the street would they just randomly build a house for me?
And if I said it would I would be labeled insane. This is the thinking of a person who doesn't believe in a god. INSANE!

You're complete lack of understanding of how things work does not preclude the fact that others DO understand how things work.

But of course, you would much rather believe an invisible being waved his magic hand and created everything from nothing?
Mosheh Thezion said:

BUT FOR 10,000 YEARS.. man has been using a word to describe that which he cannot truely understand.... that word has been GOD.. in many forms...

i see no reason to stop using it... since energy is not complete enough to describe the indescribable we are discussing.

there is nothing wrong with the word GOD... only our definition of it.


M*W: Sorry, but man has NOT been using the title "god" for that long. The word "god" is not a name. It's a contraction of the middle English word "good," although some linguists believe that it is not, in fact, an English word. Well, the English didn't create its usage. It was from the old Germanic word "gott." a couple of websites of interest are:


God cannot have omnipotency and omniscient at the same time. If God is omniscient, then He knows everything that He will do, and thus cannot change what He will do without knowing about what He will do. If God decides to create a tree, then changes His mind, God will forsee that He will change his mind. Thus, God does not have the power to change his mind. (this also contradicts God having free will) But if God were omnipotent, He could have this power. Therefore God cannot be omniscient, omnipotent, and have free will at the same time.
Ophiolite said:
He could however be Omnivorous, which would explain why we are said to be made in his image.

Everywhere the faithful are trying to enact their version of God's word into law and force the rest of society to be just like them. The faithful proudly claim the title of "Sheep". What more needs be said?

God is going to eat them. :D
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Ophiolite said:
What about the vegetables?

They go to heaven, i mean... the fridge. Im sure god dont want these food be wasted, vegetables can easley moist in the heat or... maybe smoke them :m:
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what both you religionists and athiests (those who don't believe in 'God') seem to miss is EXPERIENCE. actual bodily experiece--which is, i believe, THE clue to th origins of 'god'

for example, pagans didn't say 'God'--actually neiother did the Jes did they--they had a special word not meanin to be siad..etc

but keeping with non-patriarchal paganism. take Dionysos, he was a 'god' but his Name was 'Dionysos' and he-as plant/Nature could 'possess' his followers pnce theyeat the plant also called that name---though he was also the 'god of many names'

so it is the feeling/experience ofself-expansion

you know we are more tan our cnscious mind. pargans called in the 'Underworld' 'Otheworld', we moderns post-Frued call our deeper self 'th Unconscious'

but because of our materialist philosophy we are made to believe it is kind of cut-off from Nature. but in reality we aren't. and te ecstasy of knowing this is God----ie., forget te dogma-God and understand its primal origin is A FEELING OF ecstatic expansion and infinite depth