What is gay marriage about?

Gay people what there cake but want to eat it as well.

How greedy of them :)

Marriage is the bringing together of male and female in holy matrimony for the purpose of the perpetuation of life. If Gays were allowed to get married in holy matrimony it would be a mockery of the entire ceremony and a mockery of God.

I think the mockery has long since been done and become a normal part of our society. I'd say nobody thinks of marriage this way anymore, but you've already proven me wrong. I honestly don't think I've heard anyone say this in the past decade. What can I say that hasn't already been said countless times?

If the contrary were true then as well as there being an Adam and Eve there would also be an Adam and Steve

Why is that relevant? Anyways Adam was clearly heterosexual, I'd feel sorry for Steve....he'd be so lonely :(

Their views are completely set in thinking that what they are and what they do is normal just because the law states that it is

Your views are completely set in thinking that what they are and what they do isn't normal just because the bible states that it isn't. :zzz:

The word Bigot is used most frequently by homosexuals to describe objectors to their lifestyle. Another word frequently used by homosexuals is Homophobia. It is use to frighten any of their objectors into shutting up.

Aww does that make you feel bad? I'm sorry if they hurt your feelings. It isn't nice when other people try to label and define your life, is it?

Sorry, when someone mentions marriage you automatically think of a church and a bride when people talk about civil partnership you think of a registrar and the legal aspects of marriage.

Honestly I think about Las Vegas and their local "Rent-a-priest". It must be really easy to get certified these days.

Why would someone have a medical examination to ascertain whether they are baron or not before getting married.

Most wouldn't....and seeing as you acknowledge this then your other comment, that is, "Marriage is the bringing together of male and female in holy matrimony for the purpose of the perpetuation of life." seems kind of silly when the recipients aren't even sure if they could have children to begin with.

The moral law is the natural law. i.e. if it does not comply with it's intended or designed use then it contravenes the natural law

What about the prostate gland? It's a very sensual organ... it can be massaged externally but it's not nearly as pleasurable as internal stimulation and what other way to achieve that than through another man's penis? I'm sorry if I'm being too graphic but it would seem like it was designed to bring pleasure to both partners of a gay relationship.
One need only look to nature to find that homosexuality is natural. If God didn't intend for homosexuality to occur in nature, He wouldn't have endowed His creations with the inclination. What, is Satan down to tempting penguins, now?

And this whole attempt to reject the idea of homophobia is, quite frankly, rather stupid. Really, if what other people fo in their own lives is so scary ("Gay marriage will wreck the sanctity of my heterosexual marriage!") I'm not sure what else we should call it. How about gayanoia?
It should be allowed if anything It will have them love each other Till death do them part..;)

Hint Hint.

last I checked there genes will die off, as gay marriages don't reproduce.
Why don't people want gay people to marry?

Because they're nosy, xenophobic, and for some reason feel that what two consenting adults are doing somewhere out there, is their own business.
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What about the prostate gland? It's a very sensual organ... it can be massaged externally but it's not nearly as pleasurable as internal stimulation and what other way to achieve that than through another man's penis? I'm sorry if I'm being too graphic but it would seem like it was designed to bring pleasure to both partners of a gay relationship.

I think using another man for the pleasure of prostate gland would be incorrect and an overkill instead the finger or a tool can be used for that. :p
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One need only look to nature to find that homosexuality is natural. If God didn't intend for homosexuality to occur in nature, He wouldn't have endowed His creations with the inclination. What, is Satan down to tempting penguins, now?

Satan doesn't tempt penguins, what is appropriate to have another different organism as a role model or to observe natural examples that are morally fitting?
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Er ....

Big Chiller said:

... what is appropriate to have another organism as a role model or to observe natural examples that are morally fitting?

In truth, I don't understand quite what you mean by that, so I'm going to go with, "Ask the gay penguins."
I think using another man for the pleasure of prostate gland would be incorrect and an overkill one can use the finger for that or a tool. :p

Well assuming that we evolved from something I'm sure we developed the prostate gland, and it's acute sensitivity before we were able to develop tools.

And if we didn't evolve at all then what an unusual thing for god to include in our anatomy. I mean the function's obvious but the pleasure isn't very procreational.

Satan doesn't tempt penguins, what is appropriate to have another different organism as a role model or to observe natural examples that are morally fitting?

What came first, Satan or the egg? Or do you suggest god beget homosexuality within penguins as a tool for Satan to use against us?
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In truth, I don't understand quite what you mean by that, so I'm going to go with, "Ask the gay penguins."

I am always skeptical of the prison population statistics being used to assess homosexuality in any community. Wild or domestic.


So was Harry really gay or a victim of captivity?

I have done some searches for examples of homosexual penguins in the wild and have found none. One issue is they look exactly alike in most cases so you cant visually observe MM/MF/FF couplings.
I am always skeptical of the prison population statistics being used to assess homosexuality in any community. Wild or domestic.


So was Harry really gay or a victim of captivity?

I have done some searches for examples of homosexual penguins in the wild and have found none. One issue is they look exactly alike in most cases so you cant visually observe MM/MF/FF couplings.

If anyone wants to find out how many examples of homosexual behavior there are in nature, this....


is quite a comprehensive look at the subject by a Canadian biologist. The book shows that homosexual acts and even homosexual long term pairings happen in many species.
I think using another man for the pleasure of prostate gland would be incorrect and an overkill one can use the finger for that or a tool. :p
The same argument could be used in regard to the clitoris and we could skip the whole man thing.
If anyone wants to find out how many examples of homosexual behavior there are in nature, this....


is quite a comprehensive look at the subject by a Canadian biologist. The book shows that homosexual acts and even homosexual long term pairings happen in many species.
First, to describe him as a biologist would be stretching the term a bit. He does have a degree in biology, but moved into linguistics as his academic focus, as demonstrated by his articles listed at his former employer, U of BC:


I have not read this entire book, reading portions that were available online and was quiet disappointed with his 'proof'. A comic sums up his evidence quite well:


Now a question for you. Have you read the book yourself?

I did a bit of research on some of his claims, the claims that made me laugh the most. Elk are a good starting point. Bagemihl makes some unsubstanciated claims regarding 'mounting behavior' that anyone with experience with bovines would recognise as health issues, mainly infections, which produce smells, which trigger mounting behaviors. Clear up the infection and the mounting behavior stops. After all, these are animals and their drivers are not as complex as some human behaviors.

The black swans was also interesting, in the fact the areas which produced the most of these MM pairings was also areas with higher male ratio's. Meaning not enough females to go around. This one is easily searched out on the web.

However, most of the references listed in Bagemihls book are not available on the web and pretty obscure and dated. Going from memory, I believe his giraffe example was a study done in the late 1950s and covered an isolated herd of giraffe in the desert (ivory coast maybe). There was a article critical of his work so you may be able to find it. The article noted this behavior described by Bagemihls has not been observed in other locations (again going from memory).

Of the articles I did read online, every studies goal was something else (such as counting mating pairs, success rates of young, etc) and these behaviors were side notes. Every one of them encouraged that no conclusions should be drawn and that more study needed to be done because the goals of their particular observations were other factors.

I believe Bagemihl himself warns to not draw conclusions from his book.

Now, can you answer me if Harry the penguin was gay, or was he a victim of his captivity?