What is gay marriage about?

What is gay marriage about?

Social acceptability and legal rights. But why only gay marriages? What about other alternative lifestyles and sexualities? There are bisexuals out there. What if two men want to marry each other and a woman? What if one woman wants to marry four men? Or one man four women? Shouldn't they have that right as well?
Emil: In answer to the following.
You have medical coverage if you are married and if you are not married you do not have medical coverage??
Medical coverage provided by an employer covers a spouse & dependent children. It does not cover parents, siblings, or adult children.

The above & being allowed to file a joint income tax return are two financial advantages of marriage.

It seems to me that such perks should either be denied to married folks or allowed for others committed to caring for each other.

As mentioned in a previous post, there was a period in my life when I was unmarried & supporting my widowed mother. Many decades later, there was a period when I supported my adult son.

It would have saved me a considerable amount of money if I had the financial benefits provided to married couples. Parent/child & sibling relationships can be as committed as spousal relationships.
It would have saved me a considerable amount of money if I had the financial benefits provided to married couples. Parent/child & sibling relationships can be as committed as spousal relationships.

Me too. I have siblings in the US and my parents visited and stayed for several months. The savings in insurance would have been handy :p
What is gay marriage about?

Social acceptability and legal rights. But why only gay marriages? What about other alternative lifestyles and sexualities? There are bisexuals out there. What if two men want to marry each other and a woman? What if one woman wants to marry four men? Or one man four women? Shouldn't they have that right as well?

those are good questions that any good insurance company wouldn't be jumping to answer.
So barren couples shouldn't be allowed marry either?
Nor people who don't intend ever to have children?

God doesn't have a sense of humour? I would have thought godhood would include a pretty secure sense of self and the ability to put up with at least a little "mockery".

Funny how god condemned a lot of things but somehow it never seems to arouse the ire of bigots when those are accepted by most people.

Yeah well, if you want to use fairy stories as "justification" for bigotry that's up to you. Just don't expect to be taken very seriously.

No, marriage is the bringing together of a man and a women, in the eyes of God, for the perpetuation of the human race. How would they know if the women is baron until after the consummation of the marriage? The word Bigot is used most frequently by homosexuals to describe objectors to their lifestyle. Their views are completely set in thinking that what they are and what they do is normal just because the law states that it is. The moral law doesn't say it is normal though. It is reversed physiology. I wish I had a pound for every time I have witnessed it. Another word frequently used by homosexuals is Homophobia. It is use to frighten any of their objectors into shutting up.
Sorry, when someone mentions marriage you automatically think of a church and a bride when people talk about civil partnership you think of a registrar and the legal aspects of marriage. Touchy, very Touchy
No, marriage is the bringing together of a man and a women, in the eyes of God, for the perpetuation of the human race.
According to you.

How would they know if the women is baron until after the consummation of the marriage?
Ever heard of medical science? And the word (you may have read it in my post) is "barren". So what about couples who don't want children? What about couples who are too old to have children, for example widows/ widowers?

The word Bigot is used most frequently by homosexuals to describe objectors to their lifestyle.
The word bigot is also used to describe people who don't actually think.

Their views are completely set in thinking that what they are and what they do is normal just because the law states that it is.
"Completely set in their thinking"? Have you looked in a mirror lately?
Edit: so how did they manage before it became legal? You seem to have problems with cause/ effect.

The moral law doesn't say it is normal though.
What "moral law"?

It is reversed physiology.
Sheer nonsense.
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The problem with polygamy as a comparison

S.A.M. said:

But why only gay marriages? What about other alternative lifestyles and sexualities? There are bisexuals out there. What if two men want to marry each other and a woman? What if one woman wants to marry four men? Or one man four women? Shouldn't they have that right as well?

An interesting question, I'm sure. Maybe it's more viable outside the U.S. But here, gay marriage is a question of equal protection according to sex discrimination. The Equal Protection Clause does not address the idea of numbers, so polygamy will be a different argument entirely. Meanwhile, I would invite you, or anyone, actually, to fashion a divorce settlement that is both practical and equitable in consideration of a polygamous arrangement.
No, marriage is the bringing together of a man and a women, in the eyes of God, for the perpetuation of the human race. How would they know if the women is baron until after the consummation of the marriage? The word Bigot is used most frequently by homosexuals to describe objectors to their lifestyle. Their views are completely set in thinking that what they are and what they do is normal just because the law states that it is. The moral law doesn't say it is normal though. It is reversed physiology. I wish I had a pound for every time I have witnessed it. Another word frequently used by homosexuals is Homophobia. It is use to frighten any of their objectors into shutting up.

Sorry, when someone mentions marriage you automatically think of a church and a bride when people talk about civil partnership you think of a registrar and the legal aspects of marriage. Touchy, very Touchy

excuse me but, does anyone else here think these comments are off topic, or is it just me?

in order for us to discuss the topic of this thread, what gay marriage is about, we first have to agree on what gay marriage is. if you don't even think that gay marriage is attainable, per your definition of what marriage is, i fail to see how your comments are appropriate here.

if you would like to discuss what defines marriage according to your personal beliefs, i think that would be a great topic, but it doesn't belong here.

in this thread, am i correct to assume that we're discussing the gay marriage that does in fact exist, and is a legality?
According to you.

Ever heard of medical science? And the word (you may have read it in my post) is "barren". So what about couples who don't want children? What about couples who are too old to have children, for example widows/ widowers?

The word bigot is also used to describe people who don't actually think.

"Completely set in their thinking"? Have you looked in a mirror lately?
Edit: so how did they manage before it became legal? You seem to have problems with cause/ effect.

What "moral law"?

Sheer nonsense.
No, according to marriage that is performed in a church not according to me
According to you.

Ever heard of medical science? And the word (you may have read it in my post) is "barren". So what about couples who don't want children? What about couples who are too old to have children, for example widows/ widowers?

The word bigot is also used to describe people who don't actually think.

"Completely set in their thinking"? Have you looked in a mirror lately?
Edit: so how did they manage before it became legal? You seem to have problems with cause/ effect.

What "moral law"?

Sheer nonsense.
Why would someone have a medical examination to ascertain whether they are baron or not before getting married.

No, Bigot means - a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices. You are talking about someone who is dead

I do look in the mirror but cannot remember if I do it frequently or every now and then. What has that got to do with anything.

The moral law is the natural law. i.e. if it does not comply with it's intended or designed use then it contravenes the natural law
Source please.
I notice you fail to answer any of my other points.
That is because I am not understanding what you are saying because you seem to be using a different language to mine. It is the language of insult and I don't understand it that well
That is because I am not understanding what you are saying because you seem to be using a different language to mine. It is the language of insult and I don't understand it that well
I'll try again, and maybe you should learn to read.
You stated:
No, marriage is the bringing together of a man and a women, in the eyes of God, for the perpetuation of the human race.
So does this mean that barren couples (as explained above) or people who don't intend to have children should not be allowed to get married?

Why would someone have a medical examination to ascertain whether they are baron or not before getting married.
Um, to see if they can have children. You've never heard of anyone being checked over before they got married?

You also stated:
Their views are completely set in thinking that what they are and what they do is normal just because the law states that it is.
So how did they think before the law was changed?

I do look in the mirror but cannot remember if I do it frequently or every now and then. What has that got to do with anything.
Exactly: do you ever notice that you fit this description:
Bigot means - a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices.

The moral law is the natural law. i.e. if it does not comply with it's intended or designed use then it contravenes the natural law
What utter nonsense.
Firstly you're assuming there's an "intended or designed" "use", secondly you're assuming that we can actually contradict nature - how do you explain all the occurrences of of homosexuality in the animal kingdom? Do ducks pass laws in favour of gay relationships? Giraffes? Other animals? And thirdly you're assuming there's some sort of "moral law". Morality is not the same as legality, nor is morality handed down from some incontrovertible source.
Yeah, it's discrimination, but it's not really stopping them from doing anything, if hypothetically civil union were the same thing.

I'm not for or against gay marriage. I just think it's a dumb thing to be angry about--if all of the rights and benefits were the same.

Sorry for the late reply.

I'm confused...are you saying that you think it's dumb to be angry about being discriminated against? Have you ever had to face discrimination? If you haven't then I guess I understand the lack of empathy but otherwise it seems like a very odd thing to say.

It's only a matter of time before it's called a marriage and the word "Civil Union" becomes another stupid blunder in our history books. Again I ask you....why call it something other than what it is?