What is free will.

God gives us free will so we will have a choice in the matter as to love Him or not... Afterall He created us to love and glorify Himself but love that is forces is not true love so He gave us a choice... Enter Free Will. the choice was to follow Satan, man, or God. When a man ignores God and follows satan or self, we have sin and death and such. Its man's turning from God that has produced so much terror and hate in the world. The Bible calls it sin. has God judged it? yeah he has condemned it already, Has God sentenced people to hell yet for it? not everyone... It all goes back to the love of God, man's free will is what brings him closer to or farther away from God. A patient God He certainly is to wait on a person to come to his senses......
A patient God He certainly is to wait on a person to come to his senses......

70 odd years out of an eternal existence while expecting these people to believe that which has zero evidence to support it and you call that 'patient'?

Further to which, if this god being is omniscient as claimed, then being 'patient' is merely an excercise in idiocy as he already knows that no matter how long he waits nothing will ever come from it.