what is deja vu exactly?

MetaKron said:
That's exactly what I am talking about. You are such a caricature.

What? You haven't said anything meaningful? Do you actually have something useful to say?
Light said:
The brain makes a mistake.
I know that and we all know that, I only went further with this same theory by elaborating and explaining the "mistake". Dejavu is s feeling but it doesn't necessarily explain whats happening in the relationship between mind and brain. I wouldn't say brain alone because of the expression, gabage in gabage out. The brain is merely passing on what the mind(you) interprets. In fact there are cases when the brain passes the test only for you to misinterpret it, e.g vision tricks. The mind being the whole nervous system in correlation to your identity. The mind is everywhere, both in and out of the body. The pen on your desk is someone's mind because it was once in someones mind as an idea before it materialized. Now haven said this the brain is like a processing plant, a junction between "you" and the mind, thus gabage in gabage out. So you see it has nothing do do with the defect of the brain because its just dealing the cards its dealt. Its kind of like blaming your arm for burning when it accidentally gets caught on fire, the arm is just playing the cards its dealt. Dejavu is the result of these input/output relationships, its not a defect, which are retardation and lapses due to physical defects of the brain like insufficient myelin and so forth. So you see I am not saying you are wrong, just elaborating for you... and me.I might be wrong, no doubt, but I gave it a shot. Since everyone has dejavus, even intelligent people, I pretty much assume its not a physical defect of the brain and neither a mistake. Oh yeah the barin is a form of muscle, just ask any expert, you need muscle to do anything even think...neat stuff eah?.
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Chatha said:
I know that and we all know that, I only went further with this same theory by elaborating and explaining the "mistake". Dejavu is s feeling but it doesn't necessarily explain whats happening in the relationship between mind and brain. I wouldn't say brain alone because of the expression, gabage in gabage out. The brain is merely passing on what the mind(you) interprets. In fact there are cases when the brain passes the test only for you to misinterpret it, e.g vision tricks. The mind being the whole nervous system in correlation to your identity. The mind is everywhere, both in and out of the body. The pen on your desk is someone's mind because it was once in someones mind as an idea before it materialized. Now haven said this the brain is like a processing plant, a junction between "you" and the mind, thus gabage in gabage out. So you see it has nothing do do with the defect of the brain because its just dealing the cards its dealt. Its kind of like blaming your arm for burning when it accidentally gets caught on fire, the arm is just playing the cards its dealt. Dejavu is the result of these input/output relationships, its not a defect, which are retardation and lapses due to physical defects of the brain like insufficient myelin and so forth. So you see I am not saying you are wrong, just elaborating for you... and me.I might be wrong, no doubt, but I gave it a shot. Since everyone has dejavus, even intelligent people, I pretty much assume its not a physical defect of the brain and neither a mistake. Oh yeah the barin is a form of muscle, just ask any expert, you need muscle to do anything even think...neat stuff eah?.

Chatha, some of your thinking is absolutely correct. But you keep spoiling it by including things that are absolutely *WRONG!*

And PLEASE note that not even once did I say it was due to a "physical defect of the brain!" Gee whiz, where did you get that?? I said the brain made a mistake - period! It was a simple mistake in pattern recognition, whether that pattern was an image, a smell, a sound, etc. makes no difference either.

You also still persist in trying to make MUCH more of it than there is.

Also, I was under the impression that practically everyone over the age of 10 knew that muscle tissue and brain tissue are VERY, VERY, VERY different!! I cannot imagine why you keep repeating that. Do yourself a little favor: Go to Google and type in "brain tissue" - you are in for a huge surprise and some new knowledge! And here's a useful little tip - learn first and talk second. :)
Chatha, some of your thinking is absolutely correct. But you keep spoiling it by including things that are absolutely *WRONG!*

How do you know what is wrong when you don't even know what is right, you can;t even prrof your own theory. I have supported mine on several occasions

And PLEASE note that not even once did I say it was due to a "physical defect of the brain!"

I said that not you you monkey ass wipe. Do you read at all, you have the comprehension of a toddler.And anyway the brain does not fall from the sky, which means any mistake will be due to a failure in the physical characteristic or the other, or is the brain now spiritual?

Gee whiz, where did you get that?? I said the brain made a mistake - period!

Talk about bait and switch. First you come out here saying we are all wrong and need to study psychology only fo ryour lousy ass to try and explain dejavu by stating that its pattern recognition then you now claim to be innocent here.
It was a simple mistake in pattern recognition, whether that pattern was an image, a smell, a sound, etc. makes no difference either

Okay you dumbo what about optical illusion is the brain making the mistake in pattern recognition or is it you who is assuming? ever heard of gabage in gabage out

You also still persist in trying to make MUCH more of it than there is.

Idiot there is a difference between making much and explaining, why is it hard for you to at least read my posts carefuly. You are one of those pretentious types that have nothing to say thats why.
Also, I was under the impression that practically everyone over the age of 10 knew that muscle tissue and brain tissue are VERY, VERY, VERY different!! I cannot imagine why you keep repeating that

The only thing you said valuable all night. why do you keep on repeating " its a mistake in recognition" but you can't even proof it. Damn you
Do yourself a little favor: Go to Google and type in "brain tissue" - you are in for a huge surprise and some new knowledge! And here's a useful little tip - learn first and talk second.
Dude I have been wanting you to explain or proof this mistake for the last millenium but you are prancing around and saying we need knowledge

Are you on drugs or something light? Okay the brain is not entirely muscle literarily, I conceed to that. But frankly I may be wrong with my suggestion on dejavu however what I want to get accross is simply that you have not said anything about dejavu with all your psychology and philosophy study. You have wasted 5 posts now by simply saying its the brain making a mistake...duh. Its like having your car break down on the road and assuming its an engine failure, we know that but exactly what part of the engine and why is why we are here. For the gazillionth time light WE KNOW WHAT DEJAVU IS! I would have listened to you but you haven;t even a clue yourself becuase you have failed to illustrate what really goes on and where.Ahh... Talk about a pretentious dumbo who just wants to say something. And you are the one who says THE BRAIN NEVER NEEDS TO REST so why do I even bother with you.
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Like I said, "Light" appears to be a caricature. I think he is supposed to be a caricature of a scientist. Look at the way he shouts when you disagree with him. You would think that he was a neo-conservative.
My apologies. Assume there is a printing machine and you are its operator. One day the machine prints out a picture and you think its colors were too faint compared to what you expected. A number of things could be wrong with the machine, accepted, but ultimately its also your fault for not servicing the mahcine at the right time or loading additional ink, e.t.c. Unless the machine has a mind of its own can you say its a mistake or error by the machine. non living things follow protocols whether good or bad, we have a mind which allows us to think and adapt.Anyway all this being true assuming the machine came with no bugs or defaults from the manufacturer. And how do we know this? If every other publisher experiences the same problem once in a while. I might be wrong but the reason why I got mad is lack of support for your statements, you know that. The reason you are confused is that you have not seperated the brian from the mind.
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Point 1: Google is your friend.
Point 2: University libraries will admit members of the public, are slightly less friendly than google, but contain considerably more pertinent information.
Point 3: Deja vu likely has mutiple causes: Nightfall's brain reboot; Light's pattern recognition; a synchronisation fault between the two hemispheres of the brain.
Point 4: Light, please supply a reference for the refutation of the third part of the third point.
Point 5: Chatha, making stupid statements like 'the brain is mostly muscle' renders the rest of your arguments ..... unread. And please, its garbage in, garbage out. Not gabage. That's garbage.
Point 6: Light, lighten up.
My senses tell me that deja vu is often from actual memories of past lives and sometimes from visions of the future. I trust my senses more than I do the conclusions of a science that has simply failed to adequately study the phenomenon, and waves away real evidence.
Hello chatha here

Okay the brain does not lift objects like the arms do so it doesn’t have the kind of muscle the arm’s have. What the brain does is to think and resolves complexities, and it has its own kind of muscles for this, i.e. neurons and all that jargon. Thus it can be exercised and developed just like other muscles of the body by reading and other intellectual activities. Hence the brain is a form of muscle. Thanks for the “gabage” notion, I have probably made a gazillion other spelling mistakes…damn that Microsoft word software.
In fact some experts say that even physical exercise boosts brain’s function as well

MetaKron said:
Like I said, "Light" appears to be a caricature. I think he is supposed to be a caricature of a scientist. Look at the way he shouts when you disagree with him. You would think that he was a neo-conservative.

Sorry, it wasn't intended to be shouting at all, just emphasis. It's just quicker to use caps for that purpose rather than things like bold and italics. I'll make the effort to change so that it won't appear so obnoxious as it must the way I've been doing it. :)

And no, I'm not a neo-conservative. Just an ordinary conservative without any of that ridiculous neo- baggage. Yuck!
Just an off-topic thought. Are neo-conservatives just regular conservatives who happen to live on earth-orbit crossing asteroids?
Chatha said:
How do you know what is wrong when you don't even know what is right, you can;t even prrof your own theory. I have supported mine on several occasions

I said that not you you monkey ass wipe. Do you read at all, you have the comprehension of a toddler.And anyway the brain does not fall from the sky, which means any mistake will be due to a failure in the physical characteristic or the other, or is the brain now spiritual?

Talk about bait and switch. First you come out here saying we are all wrong and need to study psychology only fo ryour lousy ass to try and explain dejavu by stating that its pattern recognition then you now claim to be innocent here.

Okay you dumbo what about optical illusion is the brain making the mistake in pattern recognition or is it you who is assuming? ever heard of gabage in gabage out

Idiot there is a difference between making much and explaining, why is it hard for you to at least read my posts carefuly. You are one of those pretentious types that have nothing to say thats why.

The only thing you said valuable all night. why do you keep on repeating " its a mistake in recognition" but you can't even proof it. Damn you
Dude I have been wanting you to explain or proof this mistake for the last millenium but you are prancing around and saying we need knowledge

Are you on drugs or something light? Okay the brain is not entirely muscle literarily, I conceed to that. But frankly I may be wrong with my suggestion on dejavu however what I want to get accross is simply that you have not said anything about dejavu with all your psychology and philosophy study. You have wasted 5 posts now by simply saying its the brain making a mistake...duh. Its like having your car break down on the road and assuming its an engine failure, we know that but exactly what part of the engine and why is why we are here. For the gazillionth time light WE KNOW WHAT DEJAVU IS! I would have listened to you but you haven;t even a clue yourself becuase you have failed to illustrate what really goes on and where.Ahh... Talk about a pretentious dumbo who just wants to say something. And you are the one who says THE BRAIN NEVER NEEDS TO REST so why do I even bother with you.

Ha-ha-ha! Now that was funny! :D I haven't seen such an infantile, childish temper-tantrum since the neighbors kids were six years old. And that was about 30 years ago.

I'm going to try to clear up a few things here:

1. It's not my theory at all. It's what's being taught at colleges and universities all over the world. Pick up any college-level textbook and check it out.

2. Yours isn't even a theory. It's nothing more than your own personal thoughts and ideas and has absolutely no basis from any study, experiment or other means of confirmation. Just pure idle speculation.

3. It's your own reading comprehension that's faulty - not mine. I clearly said that the brain does need rest and that's supplied through sleep.

4. From other posts, it appears that at least some folks understand quite clearly what I explained. So don't try to push your own lack of comprehension and inability to understand simple things off on me or anyone else. I know that the students I taught in college understood it easily. But maybe it's simply because it's over your level and that's what's causing all your problems.
Ophiolite said:
Point 1: Google is your friend.
Point 2: University libraries will admit members of the public, are slightly less friendly than google, but contain considerably more pertinent information.
Point 3: Deja vu likely has mutiple causes: Nightfall's brain reboot; Light's pattern recognition; a synchronisation fault between the two hemispheres of the brain.
Point 4: Light, please supply a reference for the refutation of the third part of the third point.
Point 5: Chatha, making stupid statements like 'the brain is mostly muscle' renders the rest of your arguments ..... unread. And please, its garbage in, garbage out. Not gabage. That's garbage.
Point 6: Light, lighten up.

Hello, Ophiolite,

Those are all very valid points! And I'll do my best to adhere to Point 6. :)

On #3, there's no evidence whatsoever to support the idea of a "brain reboot." While it certainly has different levels of awareness, and so forth, there's nothing to even suggest it has to 'restart' from a baseline. Even while in a deep sleep or while anesthetized, EEG readings indicate that it's still very much involved in processing information.

As to a synchronization fault between the two hemispheres of the brain, that's a very real possibility. I'm certain that no study has ever been performed to prove/disprove that for two reasons: first, there's simply not enough interest; secondly, it's completely impossible to predict when an event might occur and it appears that it cannot be triggered by any sort of stimulation. So that makes it impossible to verify.

Lastly, thanks for pointing out his spelling mistakes. It almost gives me a headache while reading his posts. (Good thing I don't have my red grading pencil handy - I'd send him back to to the remedial level.) :D
devils_reject said:
whatever...I changed my name cause everybody had such cool names(lights a cigarette)

Interesting. Are we to take "whatever..." as a capitulation?
I would but you really haven't explained it with dept. So there is nothing to succumb to I guess. Anyway at this point I can't wait to have my next dejavu, don't you?
, whether that pattern was an image, a smell, a sound, etc. makes no difference either.
hmm an inteesting thought.. i think mine is generally triggered by smell..
i have a very distict sense of smell, i can regonize perfumes and colognes, and there are even certain popular scents that make me feel a little dizzy.. i guess is the best way to put it. I wonder if sometimes it overwhelms my brain and that is what causes my sense of DV..

Anyway at this point I can't wait to have my next dejavu, don't you?
maybe if we knew what triggered it, we could eventually control it.. then you could have your deja vu all day long.

..just an afterthought.
If it was possible to create a parallel universe, then Deja Vu would be understood as a brief realisation of a Universal Constant. I'm sure that those of you that have had an instance of Deja Vu will notice that you have a strange sensation or feeling at it's instance, sometimes even a feeling like butterfly's.

In the explaination of parallel universes this is suggested to be your body/mind/perception changing slightly from your Universal Constant at the realisation of the Constant existing, of course the feeling subsides as the Multiverse deals with the paradox through entropy.

In fact the definition suggests that while "Parallels" are only Hypothetical, we do not have the true capacity for Freewill or choice over our own destiny because we follow a predetermined universal plan which only at the occurance of a paradox has to be redrawn. It's also suggested that the redrawing of the universal plan is actually interconnected with the very beginning of the universe, so that the universe may grow and adapt to deal with such paradoxes as they occur.

I just thought of this myself earlier. If Parallel universes do exist..which is thought to be true.. then deja vu would make complete since. Think about it.. different verses are thought of to be an exact copy of the one we exist in, but with a slight difference. If one of these verses collide with the one were "in" (first thought of a moment thought to be deja vu). and then later (everything in a different verse could be slightly different, even time) on we experience the same thing, with a slight difference, it all makes since that way.

Theres no reason to deny parallel universes, the "universe" is unimaginably huge (possibly never ever ends), and we know so little about it. For all we know, the entire universe as we know it could be in an atom that belongs to a skin cell of a dog, or some other creature..or object. And the same thing could be going on in one of our skin cell atoms.. Think of the marbles in Men In Black 2.
I always thought deja vu was when one eye moved a milli-second slower than the other ...

so you look at an object and instead of seeing the object with both eyes simultaniously you see with one eye first then the other so the brain picks up two images, as the fraction of time between them is so small you get this feeling of seeing something before, because you have. It may have something to do with the blind spot of the eye where your brain fills in the details and it is the adjustment of the brain filling in the details on the eye which has the object in its blind spot that gives us deja vu.
