what is deja vu exactly?


Registered Senior Member
Everbody's had this experience. More so when I was younger. Sometimes when I get it now it seems to remind me of a dream I had months ago. Which is strange because who can remember a dream that far back unless it was pretty dramatic? I think science describes it as the brain shutting down for a millimicrominisecond and then takes that same information in again. Which is why it seems so familiar because we really did see it before...a split second ago. But somehow the time difference seems like it was a long time ago. I'm not sure what to believe.
it usually happens to me when im tired so i like to think that the brain gets muddled and sends it to the memory part of your brain first then realises it was a mistake and sends it to the "do something about it now" part of your brain.based on nothing though,just a maybe.
Happens to me these days sometimes, but it all feels like I have somehow experienced all these things in a dream before in a third person perspective(even though it seems blurry).
Deja vu happens because everything has already happened, and sometimes, especially when something special happens in our life we tend to remember it from the time when we were only dreaming about this. We were dreaming in nothingness, then we lost ourselves and begun to think that we are the character in the dream, so we lost ourself to this world of separation. The dream became reality. That's just the way it is.
Yorda said:
Deja vu happens because everything has already happened, and sometimes, especially when something special happens in our life we tend to remember it from the time when we were only dreaming about this. We were dreaming in nothingness, then we lost ourselves and begun to think that we are the character in the dream, so we lost ourself to this world of separation. The dream became reality. That's just the way it is.

special?the last one i had was when i was telling someone they should make the baseline constant in a song they were making.i had a weird one where i had the deja vu before it happened.like i knew what i was about to say.in my house if someone says deja vu you have to do something unexpected to break it.slaps work well.
It's probably just a little glitch where the part of our brain that inspires that remember feeling goes off at an inappropriate time.
Nothing to do with other dimensions or magic abilities.
More just shoddy workmanship by mother nature.
Just because "it feels so real" means nothing, we are machines and even the "feel" part is a chemical process which can go wrong.
I definitely agree with Yorda ^ as above.

This life has been lived before, deja vu is the self realisation of "meeting yourself" in any point of time.
I think it prooves the sub-concious spiritual level that guides us into the unknown future, the eventuations of thought that we actually know.

It cannot just be put down to a simple chemical reaction because usually most of the time it happens relevent to a current event or near future event that has more personal morals or ethics.

Think about it Mario, you remembered a dream that was significant to you and was brought forth from the dejavu event, I believe that your sub-concious is making a concious effort to communicate with you.

Do you know how to beat your heart ? Your sub-concious does !
i read something on this once. dont remember it exactly but ill do my best. every now and then our brain gets the blue screen of death and has to restart whatver its doing. so lets say for example, your sitting at dinner, and suddely your brain auto reboots (which being our brains takes less that a second). you saw green beens. your brain stored that image, that moment, all of the feelings. =insert sudden short circuit here= and almost immediatley your brain starts over and in the same moment you're still looking at your green beans, your brain stores that image, that moment and all of the feelings...again.. (think: this file already exists.. overwrite?) suddenly your hit with this overwhelming sense of familiarity that youve been in this situation in some sort before. most poeple think they must have dreamed it. when in all actuality you REALLY WERE in this situation before becuase it was in the second just prior to the present.
hi there,
I think deja vu is more like a bookmark of your life, perhaps a note to let you know you are on the right path, if its true that humans create their lives, than perhaps it is remembering us doing so in the prelife stages, however this is just my thoughts on this, but I seem to think it has something to do with our spiritual evolution.
I could only hope that my brain is not owned by Bill Gates!! Anyway, I am not sure what I believe in the way of Deja vu. I don't really think that it is a physiological glitch in the brain. I do believe in past live; perhaps it's something that we really have done before, and like someone said above, that we are seeing or meeting up with ourselves. Yes, maybe even to let us know that we are on the right path. I strongly believe that we have actually been there before because often times it's easy to predict what will happen next. I've had it happen to me when I thought something terrible was going to happen, because I guess, that's what happened in past life.
I've had this feeling many times. Don't know if it's brain rebooting or what it is. I just know that I don't get any sense of 'overlap' or lost time which - I'm guessing - there should be if you've just lost about 10 seconds of time. People would be looking at you like you were off in the twilight zone during this time. Never had that happen. It's like going through a tunnel. It's the same road, the same car, the same trip, and you know you've never been here before, but still... You get this feeling like you're Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day. You feel it coming on and you just know what's going to happen next. Someone says pass the peas. You pass the peas. Someone announces they got a raise today. Another person at the table makes a stupid joke you were expecting. The dog stretches and snorts under the table. Someone asks you about your day. You say your lines. A song comes on the radio (you knew which one it was going to be, of course). A few other things happen and then everything fades back to normalcy. It feels like a script you've read before. It's on the tip of your tongue and all you need is a prompt to remember your lines. But it's not just lines. It's smells, tastes, sounds, sensations... They come in a pre-experienced sequence.

If it's a gift, it's pretty commonplace I think. And useless. I've never been able to 'know' anything more than a couple of seconds before it happens. And I've never had a 'feeling' just before something really bad was going to happen.
Its the brain rebooting. Just as we sit down and rest our bodies the brain also automaticaly resets itself. The brain still works when you are asleep, especially when dreaming, and consider that there are people who sleep-walk. So this is why it sometimes resets when we are awake. The more de ja vu you have the better for you.
Once upon a time, there was a cartoon character named Mr. Magoo. This fellow walked around with his eyes closed and got into humorous/dangerous 'situations' thereby. Every once in awhile, he would 'blink' and catch the briefest glimpse of his 'world'. This was usually enough to allow him to muddle his way through his 'life' until the next 'glimpse' carries him further.

'Dejas vous' works something like that.