What is Christianity?

The sad thing is, clearly there are people who are ignorant (or needy) enough to be swayed by these childishly simplistic tactics or 'messages' like this would never be produced.

I'm embarrassed for my species. :(

I also took the time to read the majority of the responses.

Nothing contained within did anything to mitigate my reaction.

It's a happy thing for me to know there are people who possess the honesty and wisdom to acknowledge their neediness. Your apparent disdain along with your embarassment stem from your arrogant pride--a token of your dishonesty (a sad thing). How can you in your dishonesty, appreciate or recognise anything originating in/from the opposite? You can't; therefore your closing comment "nothing contained within did anything to mitigate my reaction" is not the least bit surprizing.
It's a happy thing for me to know there are people who possess the honesty and wisdom to acknowledge their neediness. Your apparent disdain along with your embarassment stem from your arrogant pride--a token of your dishonesty (a sad thing). How can you in your dishonesty, appreciate or recognise anything originating in/from the opposite? You can't; therefore your closing comment "nothing contained within did anything to mitigate my reaction" is not the least bit surprizing.

Oh, I acknowledge my 'neediness'. Lol. And yes, I am sickened and disgusted by your proselytizing. I'm sure there is no little disdain involved too.

The OP was an insult to any reader's intelligence. You really think this was 'news' to anyone? Perhaps if you had been raised by wolves ...

But not if you have been raised in ANY society on the planet.

Do you really hope to convert someone who has already rejected these fairy tales for what they are?

Speaking of arrogance ...

He’s the Christ. The King who God himself had promised to send, who would put everything right by setting up a kingdom of justice and love.

He’s also the Son of God. God himself, entering the world as a human being.

Jesus proved who he was by what he did. He healed people. He calmed storms. He raised the dead.

By doing these things, the King was giving a glimpse of life in his kingdom. A perfect place, with no suffering, fear or death.

It’s the world we all want.

It's not the 'world' I want. How dare you (or anyone else) presume to know what I want?

I have no interest in living forever, and certainly not under the thumb of an acknowledged psychopath with the power (and the will) to horrifically murder his own children (en mass) for simply annoying him, not to mention virtually all of his other air-breathing creations, even though he knew before he ever created these children that they would annoy him (omniscient).

Why would anyone in their right mind think such a being deserved praise and worship at all, let alone for all eternity?


By the way ... got any evidence that any of the above statements from your link are true?

If not, then why would you post it as 'truth'?
It's a happy thing for me to know there are people who possess the honesty and wisdom to acknowledge their neediness. Your apparent disdain along with your embarassment stem from your arrogant pride--a token of your dishonesty (a sad thing). How can you in your dishonesty, appreciate or recognise anything originating in/from the opposite? You can't; therefore your closing comment "nothing contained within did anything to mitigate my reaction" is not the least bit surprizing.

False dichotomy. Liars can't recognize or appreciate truth? Ugly people can't recognize or appreciate beauty?

Once again, you're talking absolute drivel.
Well, thank you for taking the time to watch, listen and comment.

And thank you for refusing to address reasonable and lucid comments.

Let me ask you another question, which you will also likely ignore (based on your past responses) ...

If I had 100 trillion dollars (euros, whatever) and gave 50 cents to a homeless man, should I expect to be praised for my generosity?

I will answer for you. No. That would be absurd. 50 cents means nothing to me. I could give the dude a million dollars and it wouldn't affect me in the slightest.

By the same analogy, if I was omnipotent and created a universe of 200 billion galaxies, simply by 'willing' it into existence, should I expect praise for doing so?

I will answer again for you. No.

Why? Because it required essentially "zero" effort on my part to do it.

God spent a mere 6 days creating earth, humans, and the rest of the universe.

While you are at it, please try to offer some kind of rational explanation as to why your god would 'stumble' through earth's creation, along with creating life, over a 6 day period when he could have done it in an instant? Why all the "Playhouse 90"?

And yet another absurdity ...

Why would he need 6 entire days to create one single planet, yet was able to create the rest of the galaxy (and 200 billion others) in an instant?

"And it was so".

Of course, from the perspective of the authors of the bible, this would have made perfect sense.

You see, they didn't know about those 200 billion other galaxies, nor the one they were in.

They looked around their world and saw immense complexity.

The sky? Not so much. Lol. Rather featureless during the day, and (on a clear night) a few thousand lights.

Compared to the obvious complexity of the world they resided on, the heavens was practically nothing at all.

6 days for one planet. A couple seconds on the 'heavens'.

I will not insult your intelligence and presume this has never occurred to you, so what do you make of it?
Hmm. Just read the forum guidelines.

I was going to note (complain) that the OP was obviously nothing more than Christian propaganda, but as it turns out, I am just as guilty for violating this forum's rules.

My apologies to the moderators/readers and I won't be offended if my posts are removed.

I will not insult your intelligence and presume this has never occurred to you, so what do you make of it?

I suspend my judgment altogether. Choosing not to insult my intelligence is one thing, but insulting His is another altogether. If it's the case that people will give an account for every idle word they speak, and, that by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned, then one should be careful when they pontificate on what they think 'is', is possible, what they [think] they 'know' or is 'knowable', and then accordingly determine what is possible for God. He acts and does according to whatever He chooses for reasons that are His alone. He is not in the least bit bound by the limits of your mind or anyone else 'here'. You [plural]are limited/imprisoned by the senses 'apparent' rules--and very real limitations...so just what do think you can really come know, hmm? There is far more beyond what you percieve...true reality lies beyond such feeble 'abilities'.
I suspend my judgment altogether. Choosing not to insult my intelligence is one thing, but insulting His is another altogether. If it's the case that people will give an account for every idle word they speak, and, that by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned, then one should be careful when they pontificate on what they think 'is', is possible, what they [think] they 'know' or is 'knowable', and then accordingly determine what is possible for God. He acts and does according to whatever He chooses for reasons that are His alone. He is not in the least bit bound by the limits of your mind or anyone else 'here'. You [plural]are limited/imprisoned by the senses 'apparent' rules--and very real limitations...so just what do think you can really come know, hmm? There is far more beyond what you percieve...true reality lies beyond such feeble 'abilities'.

And you know this because ...

It said so in a book, and you believed it.

Hate to point this out, Photizo, but it's just a book ... written by men.

Anyway, according to your book, I am already condemned, so what does it matter?

Choosing my words "carefully" would seem to be a moot point at this time.

I mean, how much worse can it get? Is your god going to make sure I suffer some "extra special" punishment in hell for my carelessness?


For what it's worth, I'm not singling out your god. I have no beliefs in gods of any kind ... or demons, ghosts, witches, spirits, elves ... whatever. I never have.

I see no evidence of supernatural phenomena in the universe. Yet I do have rather convincing evidence that your bible was written by men who, while reasonably intelligent, were clearly ignorant of the universe.
I suspend my judgment altogether.

Translation: I don't have a good answer for that, so I'll pretend it isn't a problem.

Choosing not to insult my intelligence is one thing, but insulting His is another altogether. If it's the case that people will give an account for every idle word they speak, and, that by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned, then one should be careful when they pontificate on what they think 'is', is possible, what they [think] they 'know' or is 'knowable', and then accordingly determine what is possible for God. He acts and does according to whatever He chooses for reasons that are His alone. He is not in the least bit bound by the limits of your mind or anyone else 'here'. You [plural]are limited/imprisoned by the senses 'apparent' rules--and very real limitations...so just what do think you can really come know, hmm? There is far more beyond what you percieve...true reality lies beyond such feeble 'abilities'.

Translation: You scared me with that question, so I'll now threaten you with God's judgment as a way to make you shut up and stop compelling me to think for myself, which will inevitably lead to uncomfortable answers.
And you know this because ...

I know this because it was revealed to me by His Spirit in conjunction with His Word. I tell you the truth plainly. You stand condemned because of your disobedience. i.e. He has commanded all people to repent of their current attitudes/'understandings' concerning Him, themselves, and existence as presented to them by their senses. Obey Him, turn from the path you are on--which only leads to death. Take care.
Translation: I don't have a good answer for that, so I'll pretend it isn't a problem.

Translation: You scared me with that question, so I'll now threaten you with God's judgment as a way to make you shut up and stop compelling me to think for myself, which will inevitably lead to uncomfortable answers.

Transalation: I'm an ignorant babbling fool, who insists on staying the course toward destruction despite what He's provided me in the very recent past.
I know this because it was revealed to me by His Spirit in conjunction with His Word. I tell you the truth plainly. You stand condemned because of your disobedience. i.e. He has commanded all people to repent of their current attitudes/'understandings' concerning Him, themselves, and existence as presented to them by their senses. Obey Him, turn from the path you are on--which only leads to death. Take care.

Ok. You have convinced* me.


*I would like to make a full response to your comments, however doing so is likely to result in a permanent ban. :(

I should be used to this after listening to people like you for over 50 years, but I still find such views deeply disturbing, if not grotesque.

I will note that I am ok with death. Not interested in worshiping an entity for all eternity I perceive to be (if it exists) beyond psychotic.

Of course, you don't really mean 'death'. You mean eternal punishment.

If anyone deserves eternal punishment it's the Christian god.

Hopefully this statement will not result in a ban ...

Take care.
Transalation: I'm an ignorant babbling fool, who insists on staying the course toward destruction despite what He's provided me in the very recent past.

You've provided nothing except nonsensical proselytizing even you don't understand. You're a parrot for your preachers without an original thought in your head.
You've provided nothing except nonsensical proselytizing even you don't understand. You're a parrot for your preachers without an original thought in your head.

What was being referenced was what God has provided you here in this forum in recent weeks.
What was being referenced was what God has provided you here in this forum in recent weeks.

God has provided nothing to the forum. Only people have done that. And what you're doing is proselytizing, which is why you earned an infraction in your recent post above. If you want to remain a member of this forum, I suggest providing some content of your own, and stop threatening people with eternal damnation when they question your faith.
Of course, you don't really mean 'death'. You mean eternal punishment.

Death is the eternal punishment. We are born already in a state of death, cut off from God Who is LIFE. Unless a reconnection to Him occurs, one remains in this state of death/separation from Him. Look around you, you can observe literal zombies walking all around i.e. 'living' dead, who show visible signs of decay in themselves. This continues until the body simply stops functioning when another separation occurs, the spirit from the body. A spirit which separates from the body disconnected from LIFE (God), will remain forever separated in a state of eternal death.
God has provided nothing to the forum.

God has provided much to you here... I'm threatening no one, I'm passing on information. You on the other hand have just threatened me. I'm here for as long as He has me here, and then I'm gone...your infractions mean nothing me.
God has provided much to you here...

All I'm seeing is one little man talking a ton of crap on an internet forum.

I'm threatening no one, I'm passing on information.

Yeah, just like saying someone is going to beat another person up isn't a threat, "it's a promise." Save it for the hell houses you use to abuse children.

You on the other hand have just threatened me.

How so? By telling you that there are rules to the forum?

I'm here for as long as He has me here, and then I'm gone...your infractions mean nothing me.

They will if they add up. Infractions become bans, and bans become permabans.
They will if they add up. Infractions become bans, and bans become permabans.

You just don't get it, when I say they mean nothing to me, that's what I mean. I tell you the truth in so many ways and still you don't believe. I can't imagine such a wretched state. I'm here by His appointment in accordance with His time frame. Any actions taken by you are merely incidental.
You just don't get it, when I say they mean nothing to me, that's what I mean. I tell you the truth in so many ways and still you don't believe. I can't imagine such a wretched state. I'm here by His appointment in accordance with His time frame. Any actions taken by you are merely incidental.

Another hallmark of the desperate ePreacher: Pretending not to care.

If this was all nothing to you, you wouldn't be here threatening everyone who disagrees with you. But clearly you get something out of this. Some little firebrand fantasy of yours.