What is atheism?

Is it too obvious to say she is simply derailing every conversation into endless debate about a term every one else is settled on as a means to prevent any actual discussion and to setup a strawman which she hopes to be able to attack easier?

In short she's a troll and a pretty blatent one at that.

We should at least be able to take an enemy of islame and declare its definition the only valid one. After all, turn about is fair play.

Not to deny any of that but theists obviously have a compulsion to believe everyone's views are beliefs.
lol you are funny..
why isn't it "how convenient.." for you omitting that god created you and jumping to who created god..what is your business in that..you have a god, obey him..how hard is that?? how simpler can that be?? you can't comprehend somethings, live with it.. a crucial part of thinking is knowing where thinking ends..in the same way that a crucial pare of eating and sleeping is to know where they end..
Omitting ? Wtf ?
I'd seek professional help if I were you.

see? SEE? lol this is what i'm talking about, you keep defending your view even thought you are defeated at it, your own "rational logical" games..:poke:
Defeated ? Where ?
And my answer was an answer to your question "did we establish that god created you and this world?".
The answer is clearly 'no'. If you disagree show me where and how it was established.

Try a discussion at <insert blah>

Clickable Index to Stupid Arguments:

1) The etymology of the word "atheism" means "a lack of belief".

2) Most dictionaries define "atheism" as a "lack of belief".

3) Most dictionary definitions of "atheism" are wrong because they are written by biased Christians.

4) Only atheists get to define what the word "atheist" means.

5) Most atheists want a "lack of belief" definition.

6) The phrase "Tom does not believe in the existence of God" does not mean "Tom believes that God does not exist."

7) A "lack of belief" definition is useful in debates.

8) All atheists lack a belief in gods so anyone who lacks a belief in gods is an atheist.
Just one I chose to look at. I can't be assed to look at the others.

Stupid Argument #8: All Atheists Lack a Belief in Gods so Anyone who Lacks a Belief in Gods is an Atheist.

This argument is so damn stupid that it is rarely expressed explicitly. Usually it is only vaguely implied by statements such as "the only thing atheists have in common is a lack of belief in gods".

The logical mistake here should be self-evident to any adult with half a brain, so I won't explain it. But if you are in a child in elementary school, try to figure it out with this analogy: All dogs have fur so anything with fur is a dog.

The only thing that is unbelievably stupid is his analogy.
Instead of 'dogs' he should have used 'furry object'.
I got to the first one an it contains errors.

"1) The etymology of the word "atheism" means "a lack of belief"."

A commonly repeated error is that the word "atheism" was derived from the prefix "a-", meaning "without", and the word "theism", meaning a belief in God. Therefore they claim that "atheism" means "without a belief in God". This is incorrect because the etymology of the word "atheism" derives from the Greek word "atheos" meaning "godless". The "-ism" suffix, which can be roughly mean "belief", was added later. The etymology of the word means "godless belief" not "without a belief in gods".

Firstly they claim that the 'a' prefix is irrelevant because the word derives from "atheos" but they they refuse to see that 'atheos' derives from 'without gods'! Then they claim that 'ism' "roughly means belief" which is also not completely correct. It can mean so much more than that.

Atheism is just not believing in any gods. It is just so simple.

Theists feeling a desire to attack atheism must redefine it to something which it isn't it just so they can attack it. It is a desperate attempt to bring atheists down to their level.

You know it just occurred to me that islam consists of the unchosen people. You follow JHVH but you are from the line your god discarded - Ismael.

That has got to be the funniest thing I've found this year.

Islame - the loser poeple of god!

What a hoot!
Atheism is just not believing in any gods. It is just so simple.

Theists feeling a desire to attack atheism must redefine it to something which it isn't it just so they can attack it. It is a desperate attempt to bring atheists down to their level.

They hope that if they attack atheism no one will notice they have nothing to offer.