What is atheism?

It seems to me that you are attempting to define "atheism" in a way that atheists themselves (such as Tyler) do not.

What gives you the right to tell atheists how they ought to define atheism?

Is it too obvious to say she is simply derailing every conversation into endless debate about a term every one else is settled on as a means to prevent any actual discussion and to setup a strawman which she hopes to be able to attack easier?

In short she's a troll and a pretty blatent one at that.

We should at least be able to take an enemy of islame and declare its definition the only valid one. After all, turn about is fair play.
why god is who created you and all this world:bugeye:

What god is that and why do you think any "god" was involved in those things?

The world doesn't seem to have needed "creating" by some "god" and my parents are pretty darn sure no one else was involved at the time I was created.

Are you sure you aren't just deluded?
What god is that and why do you think any "god" was involved in those things?

The world doesn't seem to have needed "creating" by some "god" and my parents are pretty darn sure no one else was involved at the time I was created.

Are you sure you aren't just deluded?

well duh, every creation needs a creator..and the first human ever needs a creator..so do mountains and atoms and galexies and emotions and jokes and souls and trees and all those stuff you see around you, and because if you put all these hings into acount plus the very accurate relations between them and allll the odds we're up against when learning about ou world like the distance of earth from the sun and th change of night and day and how animals are stronger than humans but obey them and how we have feet to walk with and hands to catch with and teeth to eat with..all those are one in infinite possibilities but the possibility chosen is the most conveniante which makes this world made with perpose and not something that happened on it's own..

i mean come on..ask a child he'll tell you all this, are you discussing this for real or are you just having a bad day and feeling like arguing??
Then the 1st god needs a creator.

but that is an endless cycle..that is why god is god..god isn't human..god is greater than human..and the reason he is god is because our rules don't apply to him, we can't create life as we please..and we can't live for ever as well, lol we don't know almost everything about ourselves, we are incomplete in each and every way, we are finite, he is infinite.. we can't see molicules, he made molicules, we can't carry a mountain, he created the mountain, we can't figure out everything about ourselves, the creation, so we sure as hell can't understand anything about him, the creator..other than what he told us about himself in the books he sent to earth..
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It is an endless cycle. Your inability to accept that is not evidence for gods.
If the universe must have been created, whatever created the universe must have been created & whatever created that must have been created ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
what about your ability to accept that?? where does that fall in your sense and logic?
are you arguing just for the sake of it or what??

BESIDES..forget who created god..did we establish that god created you and this world?
How convenient..

lol you are funny..
why isn't it "how convenient.." for you omitting that god created you and jumping to who created god..what is your business in that..you have a god, obey him..how hard is that?? how simpler can that be?? you can't comprehend somethings, live with it.. a crucial part of thinking is knowing where thinking ends..in the same way that a crucial pare of eating and sleeping is to know where they end..

see? SEE? lol this is what i'm talking about, you keep defending your view even thought you are defeated at it, your own "rational logical" games..:poke:
are you afraid your whole life's beliefs..what you were always fighting for and defending..is actually wrong??
are you afraid your whole life's beliefs..what you were always fighting for and defending..is actually wrong??

Says the 18 year old who believes that bronze age sheep herders figured everything out.

Ah, the arrogence of youth.