What is anti-Semitism

Have you ever looked for DNA or anthropological evidence to support your opinion?
I'm only repeating what I read from an anthropologist. DNA wouldn't prove anything.
samcdkey said:
I mean have you heard of anti-Islamism or anti-Christianity or anti-Hinduism etc to the same extent?

We've had our Crusades, but they have been much fewer and far between

I know it's hard to believe in these peaceful times ... but I've read that the 'normal' situation for nations in those days was one of war. Turks would kill Christians; Christians would rape Turks, etc etc. The main difference with Jews was that they were always a minority in another's land, so they didn't attack back.

samcdkey said:
But not all anti-Semites have been Christians or Muslims
For how long? With Hitler it was a racial thing, but I think that was a recent idea. And right at the beginning it was probably just a tribal thing; I doubt they were oppressed by the Romans any worse than other conquered tribes. But for the bulk of two thousand years it seems to have been religiously motivated, or at least excused ("Christ killers").

samcdkey said:
Well I can't speak for all Muslims; I am from India and we have quite a different culture. I had friends from all religions and we enjoyed the differences rather than tolerating them.
I think Fraggle mentioned once that Jews in China and India were treated so well, most of them assimilated completely into their much larger host cultures. I wonder how much the Muslim Dhimmi system and European pogroms did to keep Judaism, as a minority culture, alive.

Prince_James said:
However, I object to the word "anti-semitism". Anti-semitism implies all the Semites, which includes the Arabs. This would be linguistically tantamount to saying "anti-Aryan" for the French, because they are an Indo-European people.
Similarly, I object to the word "American" to refer to the United States when the Americas are two continents. "American" implies everything between Canada and Chile. I once participated in a discussion on a language forum where we agreed "Americans" should instead be called "United Statesians". Unfortunately, the rest of the world didn't follow our enlightened example ;)
I wouldn't mind seeing that movie :) The Hindu Unity site is interesting, but it's a pity it's so anti-Islam ... that Kahane site it links to reads like a Jewish Bin Laden :eek:
Zephyr said:
I wouldn't mind seeing that movie :) The Hindu Unity site is interesting, but it's a pity it's so anti-Islam ... that Kahane site it links to reads like a Jewish Bin Laden :eek:

Oh, sorry, I had missed that! But I'm not really surprised. The Bajrang Dal is the Hindu equivalent of fundamentalism (same group involved in the Babri Masjid fiasco).

Anyway I was just looking to give you a take on Indian Jews. I knew one Jewish guy back in Bombay and like all other Indians, you really can't tell the ethnicity of someone unless you ask or they are wearing something distinctive that proclaims their religion. If you ever go to India be prepared for very personal questions from absolute strangers!
My god. Does no one own the book "Existentialism from Doestoevsky to Sartre"?????????????????????????????????

Sartres "Portriate of an anti-semi" is there! It's probably on the net! Wow! "A person attributed half or whatnot of the states misfortunes" BLA BLA BLA it's there, clear and crystal, they hate jews, they condemn them, they lie to themselfs, they're bastards.
existabrent said:
My god. Does no one own the book "Existentialism from Doestoevsky to Sartre"?????????????????????????????????

Sartres "Portriate of an anti-semi" is there! It's probably on the net! Wow! "A person attributed half or whatnot of the states misfortunes" BLA BLA BLA it's there, clear and crystal, they hate jews, they condemn them, they lie to themselfs, they're bastards.

Who is "they" Brent?
existabrent said:
the anti-semites i think
*Verrrrryyy confused.......*

Yes I got that. :)

I am trying to figure out why anti-Semitism has persisted since the 3rd century BCE and maybe even before that.

Why do anti-Semites dislkie the Jews? What is their justification for persisting in this kind of behavior against a group that maintains itself and does not force it's beliefs on any other group?
Exactly because the group does maintain itself, and refuses to completely assimilate. I think there might be something instinctive about rejecting people that look or act differently. From a genetic perspective, anyone who is so different obviously doesn't share a high percentage of your DNA, and so any altruism towards them is a waste.
Perhaps you are right. The Jews in India did assimilate but would have had relatively little difficulty in doing so since Indians have always maintained separate and distinct cultures in relative harmony and intermarriages are rare and used to be (and still are outside cities) considered socially unacceptable. Perhaps this is the reason why they did not face any discrimination in India?
Yes, Jesus would not have been crucified in India, they would just say, "oh, another holy man.".
spidergoat said:
Yes, Jesus would not have been crucified in India, they would just say, "oh, another holy man.".

But he would have had too much competition and so his message may not have spread as much as it did! :p
he would have had cooler clothes, thats for sure.

swamis DEFINITELY dressed better than jewish prophets. i would bet my bottom dollar on it.
I think it's when people say unfair things about the Jews. Like hurtful things that aren't really helping anyone by saying.

People certainly don't have to like Jews, but if they don't they can at least keep their mouths closed about it and not hurt anyones feelings.
Sartre sums up by saying he is a man who gives up his humanity.
Or something.
You guys really should read em.