What is anti-Semitism

Creeping Death said:
The Most Obvious Lesson To Be Learned From Four Thousand Years Of Human History Is That The Jewish People Are Indestructible. They Are Now More Numerous Than Ever Before, And they will continue to exist in the future, both according to many Old Testament Promises, And According To The Words Of The Messiah, "You Cannot Bless Me Because I Have Been Cursed,
You Cannot Curse Me Because I Have Been Blessed."

Anti-Semitism is Commonly An Admission Of Inferiority To The Jew.

M*W: First of all, modern humans have been making history for a lot longer than 4,000 years! There are evidences of language and artifacts dating back some 30,000 years.

Secondly, about the Jews... I'm afraid to burst your bubble, but the Jews are declining worldwide. Go to this website:


and scroll down to the pie chart. I wish I could have copied it to this site, but I couldn't for some reason.

Thirdly, anti-semitism is NOT an admission of inferiority to the Jew! Anti-semitism is defamation of Semite peoples, which are Arabs and Jews, but anti-semitism is known to be directed primarily toward the Jews. (I would like to hear from some Muslims about their thoughts on this).

Now, would you please stop capitalizing every word. It's annoying.
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Medicine Woman said:

Thirdly, anti-semitism is NOT an admission of inferiority to the Jew! Anti-semitism is defamation of Semite peoples, which are Arabs and Jews, but anti-semitism is known to be directed primarily toward the Jews. (I would like to hear from some Muslims about their thoughts on this).

Well I can't speak for all Muslims; I am from India and we have quite a different culture. I had friends from all religions and we enjoyed the differences rather than tolerating them.
Theoryofrelativity said:
yes but it is any longer than 'anti ' any other group or is it just promoted more?

We British have been pretty hated ourselves throughout history.

Also I don't consider that anti semitism started with Hitler just because I mentioned Nazi's rather that the worlds sensitivity to the prejudice against Jews intensified after that point.

British have been hated? i think you mean english, dont include us scots in this sentence thanks.
samcdkey said:
What I cannot get is why Jews have been targeted as a religious group, considering they don't even evangelize and are in general, hard working and productive members of any society they belong to. This has been true (again, in general) throughout history. So what feeds the anti-Semitism?

I mean have you heard of anti-Islamism or anti-Christianity or anti-Hinduism etc to the same extent?

We've had our Crusades, but they have been much fewer and far between

Jews have always been a small religious minority amongst a sea of followers of the other faiths. They have traditionally had no autonomous power(state) to speak of except for a few short periods in history. Christians, muslims and hindus have always had thier power bases to fall back to or call on for support, not so for the jews. Basically jews have always been the littlest kid it was safe to pick on and christians and muslims have a long history of war and violence against the infidels.
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Anti-semitism is just another form of racism or xenophobia. Since the diaspora, Jews have been more commonly the foriegn people most Europeans had to deal with. Gypsies were migrant, but they hated them too. Jews were favored for a time in banking laws, which might have generated some resentment. Jews assimilate but not completely, maintaining certain separate customs, such as eating kosher.

Until very recently, it was common to attribute to Jews, Chinese, Japanese, blacks, and other minorities a degenerate and primitive nature. This was only assisted by the flawed science of the day.
spidergoat said:
Until very recently, it was common to attribute to Jews, Chinese, Japanese, blacks, and other minorities a degenerate and primitive nature. This was only assisted by the flawed science of the day.

I did not know this.
Sure, some scientists viewed a sloping forehead and eyebrow ridges to be a throwback to primitivism. They measured brain and skull features to determine innate intelligence. Not surprisingly, white Europeans always came out on top.
anti-Semites..... are just jealous... jew were choosen, and as such, founded the basis of 3 world religions.... due to their promotion of a ONE GOD concept.

this historical signifigance... pisses off people who are not jews.


spidergoat said:
Sure, some scientists viewed a sloping forehead and eyebrow ridges to be a throwback to primitivism. They measured brain and skull features to determine innate intelligence. Not surprisingly, white Europeans always came out on top.

I had heard about this argument in the ancient Egyptians were/were not black debate, but I had no idea it was extended elsewhere. Guess Hitler wasn't the first Nazi, huh?
Mosheh Thezion said:
anti-Semites..... are just jealous... jew were choosen, and as such, founded the basis of 3 world religions.... due to their promotion of a ONE GOD concept.

this historical signifigance... pisses off people who are not jews.


M*W: The Jews did not found the bases for three world religions. You don't know what you're talking about. The religions you are talking about developed out of monotheistic sun-worshipping cults.

The sun was creator of all = God

Those made flesh by the sun = sons of God

The life force (divine) of all living = the energy from the sun

There were no other sky gods greater than the sun

You couldn't look into the face of the sun or it would blind you

The sun resembles a lake of fire in the sky

The sun died and rose again, like on the evening and the morning of the second day

The second coming of the sun will rise in the east at dawn

Ancient man feared the face of God (the sun)

Ancient man could not hide from the sun, and they were afraid

Ancient man learned to cover himself to protect his body from a fiery death by the sun

I could go on, but you should get the point by now.
samcdkey said:
I did not know this.
Oh, yeah, plenty of people in Europe did that. Even Voltaire saw africans and jews as inferior. That is the only beef I have with Voltaire.

samcdkey said:
What is your opinion about anti-Semitism?
Antisemitism is defined as the bias or discrimination against jews. It is equally as wrong, ignorant, and unnecessary as any other biases against members of the species species.

On the issue of sun-worship and etc: worshipping the sun as a deity is as stupid as worshipping any other deity. However, praising the sun for what it is, as a celestial body that is necessary for all life as we know it, is quite logically sound.
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Medicine Woman, I've been living under a rock (no sarcasm intended whatsoever). Though I usually assumed the case with the Sun being equated with aspects of religion, I haven't heard direct comparisons like that before. Anything else I add to this small post regarding the Sun will make me sound disingenuous, which I honestly don't mean to be.

To the topic at hand:
Anti-semitism, to me, has come to mean anything derogatory or non-uplifting that is said concerning whatever the State of Israel does. If it runs over a peace-protestor with a construction vehicle, it is protecting its interests--to say otherwise is an easy way to label someone as anti-semitic. The label instinctively recalls within the feeble mind the connection to the Holocaust and thus associates any person with that appellation on the same level of a Nazi. Herd mentality then takes over and it's nearly impossible to see the objective truth of the matter because an emotionally charged (and linked) connection with the phrase "anti-semite" and "Nazi" begin to mean the same thing.
Mosheh Thezion said:
anti-Semites..... are just jealous... jew were choosen, and as such, founded the basis of 3 world religions.... due to their promotion of a ONE GOD concept.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I believe it was GOD who founded the ONE GOD thing. And yes, the Jews were chosen.
broadandbeaver said:
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I believe it was GOD who founded the ONE GOD thing. And yes, the Jews were chosen.

M*W: You are forgiven, my child, but you are wrong. It was the Pharaoh Akhenaten (aka Moses) who cashed in on the monotheistic religion of sun worship. The reason the Jews were called "God's chosen people" was because their ancient forefathers, the nomadic tribe of Egyptians called the Ibiru, chose to follow Moses' monotheistic religion of sun worship, and not because their believed-in god (the sun) chose any one group of people over the other.
broadandbeaver said:
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I believe it was GOD who founded the ONE GOD thing. And yes, the Jews were chosen.
No, it was judaism that started the concept of ethical monotheism. They copied the concept from the more simplistic monotheistic religion of Atenism, being practiced in egypt at the time, but modified to fit their nomadic culture. When the exodus actually occurred during the reign of Ramses II, it was most likely that they were simply forcibly expelled from egypt rather than led by a single figure. They probably just walked across via the sinai peninsula, being that there was no sinai canal then.
I think Jews are natives. In those days, a tribe that conquered an area was seen as more legitimate than a mere native, so they created this myth of heros from a foriegn land. There is no archeological signs of a huge tribe of people moving through the desert from Egypt.