What is anti-Semitism


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
For all Jews and non-Jews on sciforums:

What is your opinion about anti-Semitism?

What is the reason for anti-Semitism in so many different cultures?

(this is a partial chronology)

What do you think on hearing what you perceive as anti-Semitic?

I would like an objective opinion. No bashing please.
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samcdkey said:
What is your opinion about anti-Semitism?

I take it to mean being predjudiced against Jews.

It seems to be more unacceptable than prejudice against any other race/religion/ethnic group...presumably as a result of Nazi discrimination.

I do not though consider it any worse than being prejudiced against any other group of people.

I understand the Jews fear of repeat of what happened before, and determination to ensure no one gets in a position of power over them sufficient to do it again.

samcdkey said:
What is the reason for anti-Semitism in so many different cultures?


I don't think there are significantly more cultures who are more are anti semetic than are anti-american or anti muslim at this point in time.

samcdkey said:
What do you think on hearing what you perceive as anti-Semitic?


usually when I hear it , it is used out of term and far too readily. Example, if you say you don't like matzot, you may be called anti semetic. It is bandied around too freely these days.
I don't really know why... They have a bit of a rock n roll history, y'know? Killing the son of God et all... Mass murdered by the coolest looking fascist dictator that ever lived.

But I don't know what the deal is about anti-semitism. They seem a bit mundane to me and inoffensive. I think the aura of PC that must surround them due to the holocaust just invites a few rule breakers.
I just realised from the two posts that people associate anti-semitism mostly with the Holocaust.

However there is a very long history of anti-Semitism.

Hence, the link from wiki
samcdkey said:
I just realised from the two posts that people associate anti-semitism mostly with the Holocaust.

However there is a very long history of anti-Semitism.

Hence, the link from wiki

yes but it is any longer than 'anti ' any other group or is it just promoted more?

We British have been pretty hated ourselves throughout history.

Also I don't consider that anti semitism started with Hitler just because I mentioned Nazi's rather that the worlds sensitivity to the prejudice against Jews intensified after that point.
Theoryofrelativity said:
We British have been pretty hated ourselves throughout history.

Oh do you have a link?
It's an interesting idea.
What I cannot get is why Jews have been targeted as a religious group, considering they don't even evangelize and are in general, hard working and productive members of any society they belong to. This has been true (again, in general) throughout history. So what feeds the anti-Semitism?

I mean have you heard of anti-Islamism or anti-Christianity or anti-Hinduism etc to the same extent?

We've had our Crusades, but they have been much fewer and far between
The Most Obvious Lesson To Be Learned From Four Thousand Years Of Human History Is That The Jewish People Are Indestructible. They Are Now More Numerous Than Ever Before, And they will continue to exist in the future, both according to many Old Testament Promises, And According To The Words Of The Messiah,

"You Cannot Bless Me Because I Have Been Cursed,
You Cannot Curse Me Because I Have Been Blessed."

Anti-Semitism is Commonly An Admission Of Inferiority To The Jew.
Creeping Death said:
The Most Obvious Lesson To Be Learned From Four Thousand Years Of Human History Is That The Jewish People Are Indestructible. They Are Now More Numerous Than Ever Before, And they will continue to exist in the future, both according to many Old Testament Promises, And According To The Words Of The Messiah,

"You Cannot Bless Me Because I Have Been Cursed,
You Cannot Curse Me Because I Have Been Blessed."

Anti-Semitism is Commonly An Admission Of Inferiority To The Jew.

M*W: If you have a point, of which I am not sure of, you would state it simply. By capitalizing each word, your message is ignored. Please retype it correctly, and then maybe we can discuss it.
samcdkey said:
What I cannot get is why Jews have been targeted as a religious group, considering they don't even evangelize and are in general, hard working and productive members of any society they belong to. This has been true (again, in general) throughout history. So what feeds the anti-Semitism?

I mean have you heard of anti-Islamism or anti-Christianity or anti-Hinduism etc to the same extent?

We've had our Crusades, but they have been much fewer and far between

Maybe it's the chosen people theme, the fact they don't want to inetgrate by this I mean do not allow mixed religion marriage etc.

Personally I have never come across any anti semitism in the true sense of the word, rather I see more discrimination against blacks and that has been the case since the beginning of time surely?
I tried to list all out battles and wars, but they are too many! WAYYYYY too many, but if you google anti British, you will find we are not popular presently with palestinians or americans or ourselves apparrantly. And the French have never liked us!
Theoryofrelativity said:
Maybe it's the chosen people theme, the fact they don't want to inetgrate by this I mean do not allow mixed religion marriage etc.

Is this still true?
Personally I have never come across any anti semitism in the true sense of the word, rather I see more discrimination against blacks and that has been the case since the beginning of time surely?

Has it? I thought the discrimination against blacks was a leftover legacy of slavery.
Theoryofrelativity said:
I tried to list all out battles and wars, but they are too many! WAYYYYY too many, but if you google anti British, you will find we are not popular presently with palestinians or americans or ourselves apparrantly. And the French have never liked us!

And if I google anti-Muslim I get all post-9/11 stuff!
Theoryofrelativity said:
I tried to list all out battles and wars, but they are too many!

Yes but that was a result of their colonial ambitions so it is possible to pinpoint a cause.
WAYYYYY too many, but if you google anti British, you will find we are not popular presently with palestinians or americans or ourselves apparrantly.

Again due to Tony Blair, since it appears even his cabinet hates him!
And the French have never liked us!

They were competing for the same colonies, if I remember.
samcdkey said:
Yes but that was a result of their colonial ambitions so it is possible to pinpoint a cause.

Again due to Tony Blair, since it appears even his cabinet hates him!

They were competing for the same colonies, if I remember.

It's not pc to be pro British if you are British.
I view with suspicion any people whom have incurred the ire of every people they have come across for 4,000 years. That is to say, it seems to me impossible that the Jews have not brought the wrath of many disparate peoples upon them without being somewhat to blame. Moreover, considering the way they have always acted whenever they have had a homeland (belligerent, destructive, ruthlessly violent) and how they have acted to people (the ancient Caananites, the Romans, the modern Palestinians) in those times...we might well see why they are so hated.

I also view it with great humour that it is the Jews who created the forerunner of suicide bombing (Zealot knife attacks on crowds of Roman civilians) and now face the same tactic used against them.

This all being said, the Jews are not all bad (or even mostly bad!), are also very admirable on many levels and have been unfairly treated at times. I personally admire, for instance, their value of intelligence and education, their skill with money, their commitment to family and to their race and religion, and oftentimes their humour.

Like all peoples, they are a mixed bag. It would not be quite as interesting if not.

However, I object to the word "anti-semitism". Anti-semitism implies all the Semites, which includes the Arabs. This would be linguistically tantamount to saying "anti-Aryan" for the French, because they are an Indo-European people.
Prince_James said:
However, I object to the word "anti-semitism". Anti-semitism implies all the Semites, which includes the Arabs. This would be linguistically tantamount to saying "anti-Aryan" for the French, because they are an Indo-European people.

You are right about the anti-Semitism. But it has become synonymous with anti-Jewishness. Rather like pro-choice with abortion.
samcdkey said:
This has been true (again, in general) throughout history. So what feeds the anti-Semitism?
Gods wrath! If you believe your God condemns the Jews to hell, then of course you will regard them as enemies.

Some of the most vitriolic indictments of the Jews were written by Martin Luther.

Another factor is proximity. If the Jews had not lived among Europeans for centuries, there would be no clash of cultures.
Carcano said:
Gods wrath! If you believe your God condemns the Jews to hell, then of course you will regard them as enemies.

Some of the most vitriolic indictments of the Jews were written by Martin Luther.

Another factor is proximity. If the Jews had not lived among Europeans for centuries, there would be no clash of cultures.

But not all anti-Semites have been Christians or Muslims