What is an 'atheist'?


What defines an atheist?

I find some call me an atheist and i am not in disbelief of all of existence being the 'creator' of mankind.

God created mankind, right?

He/she be the boss of all of 'everything' right?

All life in within Mother Nature, right?

And the rules of Mom are the same rule of existence, right?

and since existence itself includes; all mass all energy and all time (the trinity) then what's the problem within God? (existence itself)

What's an atheist to reality?

Or is it, that if someone does not believe in YOUR definition of GOD; that he/she be an atheist?
i equate atheism with someone who doesn't believe in a spiritual realm. i don't know if that's right or not, but that's how it seems to me.
atheist -someone without a god; godless; someone without a belief in a god.

It says nothing about spirits or "spiritual realms" (whatever that is). The word is comprised of the prefix "a-" meaning without or not, and the root "theist," meaning god.

An atheist is one who hasn't accepted the positive claims of those who assert that supernatural agency exists.
Not necessarily SkinWalker. There are spiritual people that are atheists; yes, they are irrational, but nonetheless they are out there.
atheist -someone without a god; godless; someone without a belief in a god.

It says nothing about spirits or "spiritual realms" (whatever that is). The word is comprised of the prefix "a-" meaning without or not, and the root "theist," meaning god.

An atheist is one who hasn't accepted the positive claims of those who assert that supernatural agency exists.

interesting opinion

so if i say, Mother nature is God and supernaturally maintains life within HER evolutionary system; could i be considered a theist?

or does theism require someone to believe 'their opinion' of god?

i have gone this way, because you pointed out the root of 'theist' and so your method practically requires someone to return to basis of the 'religious' point of view.

For example: Darwin never even used the word evolution in his book On the Origins of Species but often religious "theist" consider Darwin the father of the ideology based on THEIR interpretations.

So it is of any quality to ALLOW theist to label anyone an atheist when it is their own opinion that is being used to measure.

what word does this definition fill? •one who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; one who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion ...
i equate atheism with someone who doesn't believe in a spiritual realm. i don't know if that's right or not, but that's how it seems to me.

then are you an atheist?

meaning; if you cannot share what that 'spiritual' is, that is based on experience, practical application and grounded in reality; then within a mind of pure honesty how could one believe in something you cannot understand; unless you maintain a belief in what you experienced.

where i am going is; how can you comprehend the experience of spirituality without understanding what it is?

How can you believe it true, if you don't know how to interpret it?

Eg.... the baby came from the women; does it mean it was magic:

(1) was it from an immaculate conception because you did not see the act of copulation

(2) you are aware, in knowledge, what MUST have happened before the baby was born

What will define spirituality unless the causality is understood?

( "spirituality" is not a term that can be defined within theological interpretations) There is no causality of cause and effect as then to fall into the magic of an 'outside' being; then the concept of accepting a fib to define the experience is a basis for the compounding of fibs.

then the rules of the theology are being broken by its own purports (explanations)

What i am getting to; is the theist must fib, the atheist as labeled by the theist, just will not accept what the theist believes

that has nothing to do with God, as to fib to believe is against God (existence) in all cases anyway!
What defines an atheist?

I find some call me an atheist and i am not in disbelief of all of existence being the 'creator' of mankind.

God created mankind, right?

He/she be the boss of all of 'everything' right?

All life in within Mother Nature, right?

And the rules of Mom are the same rule of existence, right?

and since existence itself includes; all mass all energy and all time (the trinity) then what's the problem within God? (existence itself)

What's an atheist to reality?

Or is it, that if someone does not believe in YOUR definition of GOD; that he/she be an atheist?

You are atheist, because you deny the existence of God, pure and simple.
The word theist, and therefore atheist, is in relation to the being known as God, in which you totally deny his attributes.

You are atheist, because you deny the existence of God, pure and simple.
i just wrote about God in the post you quoted;

please: where did i deny God?

The word theist, and therefore atheist, is in relation to the being known as God, in which you totally deny his attributes.


nope........... i understand his attributes and will not lie to maintain any belief.

How does following the rules of "your" religion make me an atheist?

The commands are from GOD, right?

The 'creed' was created by men; so i will NEVER follow what the isolating folks of religion do; but i will follow the rules of God (existence itself).

In fact, if you really look deep; my God made your God.
(and he can beat your god up...huh)
then are you an atheist?

meaning; if you cannot share what that 'spiritual' is, that is based on experience, practical application and grounded in reality; then within a mind of pure honesty how could one believe in something you cannot understand; unless you maintain a belief in what you experienced.

where i am going is; how can you comprehend the experience of spirituality without understanding what it is?

How can you believe it true, if you don't know how to interpret it?

Eg.... the baby came from the women; does it mean it was magic:

(1) was it from an immaculate conception because you did not see the act of copulation

(2) you are aware, in knowledge, what MUST have happened before the baby was born

What will define spirituality unless the causality is understood?

( "spirituality" is not a term that can be defined within theological interpretations) There is no causality of cause and effect as then to fall into the magic of an 'outside' being; then the concept of accepting a fib to define the experience is a basis for the compounding of fibs.

then the rules of the theology are being broken by its own purports (explanations)

What i am getting to; is the theist must fib, the atheist as labeled by the theist, just will not accept what the theist believes

that has nothing to do with God, as to fib to believe is against God (existence) in all cases anyway!

based on these experiences i've had (lots...all), i have concluded that there is a god, and a spiritual realm. i also know that there is an explanation of it, in what you might call a scientific sense...what these things are...how these things interact or manifest...the definition of them. i don't know what that definition is. i'll use an analogy...i use the word human to describe something that i recognize even though i am not completely aware of all of the science that goes into defining every little thing about a human in a biological sense.
Bishadi, you appear to be a Deist, like Einstein. It's practically atheism.

The Big E, was far better at being "politically correct" and often both sides of the atheism/theism debates will sling his quotes around.

But to observe one item i saw in some show on einstein; he was (supposedly) in conversation with his nurse and she asked him if He believed in God and the creation from the garden and he was being represented as saying:

"i believe He is the garden and i have been trying to catch Him at His work"

(the process is what mankind can define; never will a man be able to see a Him in totality)

I believe the divide between me and a few (theist and atheist; i be the theist and the majority of the religious are the atheist) is because the true "theist" will follow the rules and the atheist just WILL NOT! Meaning most atheist (as observed) will not lie to observe the isolating theolgical renditions as most divide mankind from GOD. While the theist (as many observe) will do what ever to maintain their beliefs over anything.

to me; them who will fib (false witness) are the non-believers as if they believed in God; they would never LIE!
I figured this is simple. Do we really need a thread to explore the meaning of a word?

Off course we do...because this world is overan with morons...
as many of the old foggees who still turn the dial on their TV's, by hand

the old, do not evolve and become extinct

Or because words evolve as we do...

Or because our understanding cannot settle...
the conflict of complacent acceptance and progression has been going on for 'almost' ever.

(the war of good and bad)

An atheist is someone who does not believe in god or any religion. They have no spiritual belief and are confined to the limits of what science shows them.

i believe in all religions and know God as all of existence, perfectly rendered and defined by math (the name of God); founded in science

what am i?

They are incapable of going past that and if they do they cease to be atheists.

did i go past? (i have personally observed and honor most every religion on the globe as well have observed more science, than Einstein Newton Bose, Jesus and confusius, combined (we have the internet, they didn't; don't argue the point as "we the people" are far beyond (past) than any before our time)

so am i an atheist or a theist?
based on these experiences i've had (lots...all), i have concluded that there is a god, and a spiritual realm.
we all feel our association to existence; identifying the experience into words that can be shared is why 'knowledge has evolved'

i also know that there is an explanation of it, in what you might call a scientific sense...what these things are...how these things interact or manifest...the definition of them. i don't know what that definition is.

thank you DARLIN!

as that is the CORRECT answer to share (as an honest person)

i'll use an analogy...i use the word human to describe something that i recognize even though i am not completely aware of all of the science that goes into defining every little thing about a human in a biological sense.

fair bet

now how about that bridging we were talking about? can you now add physical description to the cause of how mass and energy can associate collectively? Remember the word? (entanglement)

So now, nothing will ever take your experiences from you but (BUT) to be a fair Love to God; is it best to combine HIS revealings within the knowledge available? Are you an 'addition' to existence in purpose?

only you can tell us, your intent!

nope........... i understand his attributes and will not lie to maintain any belief.

It is not a case of having to lie, it is a case of you don't believe, and choosing to believe something else. An atheist is someone who does not believe in God, the basic definition of which, is agreed by all religious and secular institutions.
In fact it is because of this universal definition we have theists, atheists, at all.

How does following the rules of "your" religion make me an atheist?

Well first off, you do not know if I am religious, or what that religion might be,
so your question is pretty much off the mark.
Secondly, God and religion are two different entities.

The commands are from GOD, right?

Yes, the commands are from God, but your definition of God, is not consistent
with the definition of the being who gave those commands ie, spiritual, as opposed to material, the creator of mankind, plants, and animals, as opposed to some blind force of nature combining particles over time.
This God is defined as the supreme intelligence, your God is not.

The 'creed' was created by men; so i will NEVER follow what the isolating folks of religion do; but i will follow the rules of God (existence itself).

We're all entitled to our opinions, you're no different.

In fact, if you really look deep; my God made your God.
(and he can beat your god up...huh)

There is no need to look deeply into your concept of God, as it has
nothing to do with God, and I do not agree with you.

we all feel our association to existence; identifying the experience into words that can be shared is why 'knowledge has evolved'

thank you DARLIN!

as that is the CORRECT answer to share (as an honest person)

fair bet

now how about that bridging we were talking about? can you now add physical description to the cause of how mass and energy can associate collectively? Remember the word? (entanglement)

So now, nothing will ever take your experiences from you but (BUT) to be a fair Love to God; is it best to combine HIS revealings within the knowledge available? Are you an 'addition' to existence in purpose?

only you can tell us, your intent!

yes sir. i am a great addition to existence in purpose. :)

It is not a case of having to lie, it is a case of you don't believe,


most EVERY theology says "thou shalt not"

the command makes PERFECT SENSE

where-as to lie; has no sense other than of selfish intent

i honor the command, first (all cases) (and even your God, the one my God created; told you the same thing (almost exactly); and now you consider lying OK just to maintain, your choice to not be honest, with yourself, God and all of existence?)

and choosing to believe something else.
i follow the rules as that is HOMAGE in sacrafice of self; for the good of others!

An atheist is someone who does not believe in God, the basic
Which God is THE GOD, unless you define GOD as 'the beginning, the ending, first and last; the everything (existence itself).......?

What God are you suggesting to believe in?

You are sounding like this guy: ****•one who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; one who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion ...

definition of which, is agreed by all religious and secular institutions.
In fact it is because of this universal definition we have theists, atheists, at all.

so basically your gang is the •one who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; one who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion ...

per the accepted definitions; like you said!

Well first off, you do not know if I am religious, or what that religion might be,
so your question is pretty much off the mark.

Secondly, God and religion are two different entities.

but there is no definition to a theist for God unless observing a religion; correct?

This God is defined as the supreme intelligence, your God is not.
sure he is; he created your god and you believe him

smart (as all hell) and what a sense of humor!

and I do not agree with you.


any can retain any opinion they want on the outside; but once truth smacks you in the face; nothing will change it!

as the more you deny 'truth' the more it will rip you apart!
Not necessarily SkinWalker. There are spiritual people that are atheists; yes, they are irrational, but nonetheless they are out there.

Not comprehend much? Skin said being an atheist says nothing about spirits or spiritual realms, that means positive and negative positions.
An atheist is someone who does not believe in god or any religion. They have no spiritual belief and are confined to the limits of what science shows them. They are incapable of going past that and if they do they cease to be atheists.

Skin already gave you the definition. It's really as simple as he said it was. No need to add baggage.