What is after death for you?


Registered Member
I am just wondering what all of you think will happen after death. Will you go to heaven? Will you be in a state of limbo for eternity? Or will you just cease to exist? Do humans even have an immortal soul? I am very interested to get all of your thoughts.
I for one believe that I have an immortal soul and that I will spend eternity in heaven. I do however believe in purgatory and that I will make a brief stop there to get cleansed before entering the Kingdom of my God.
Please, let me know what you think (of both my randition of the afterlife and your own). Peace
I believe that all souls will come over to the biggest Haagen Daazs place and spend all eternity revelling!! :D
No sorry...couldn't resist...mine will go down to hell no doubt...:(
Peace -- I did leave myself open for that. It's all good. And no you will not go to hell unless you want to. Thanks for your humor. -- Peace
Hm, perhaps my soul would not go to hell. I'd know more if I believed in a soul or hell.

Welcome to sciforums.

From what I can gather from the experts in neuroscience I strongly suspect that my brain holds all the information that represents me. If I can save that information and transfer it to another medium, preferably non-biological then I will survive after my physical body dies and decays or is burnt. If my brain patterns can’t be saved before they decay because my physical body has died then I will cease to exist.

Again from the view of neuroscience there doesn’t appear to be any rational basis to conclude that WE are anything more than what is in our brains. The case for a soul seems to be entirely based on wishful thinking and considerable ignorance of how the brain operates.

Now if you can show something that indicates you do have a soul to support your belief then that would be great.
I really don't know what happens, but I do look forward to it. I beleive the soul lives on, but not for eternity perhaps, but that's juts a matter of definition. Is it still the same if it evolves or becomes part of a larger consciousness?
The essence of what I am will always be there, but the definition of what I call self may change.

I should agree with cris here, all that is "Me" is hardwired (chemically and biologically) into the brain. If the brain dies and rots away, then bye bye for Me.
Maia, if others can perceive what was/is you after you died, would you then consider you to exist?
"What is after death for you?"

either nonexistant, or a life inside a computer or as Adam put it - a big surprise
after death

after death ,theres a grave life and it depends on ur work during ur life, and it will last till the day of judgment. the grave life wont take long time if ur work is good and it will last very long if it is bad. then the day of judgment which will last 50 thiusands years.coz every one of this world willl be judged for every every every thing ha had done in his life. then if ur good more than ur bad u will enter paradise till no end. and if ur bad is more u will enter the hell for no end unless god merci and forgiving u.
provided that u should believe in alah and and angels and prophets all of them. and prophet mohamed
They harvest my organs and the worms go playing pinocle on my snout.

I think I'd prefer cremation, really. Or donation to Necrophila Society of North America.
the hell is...

great fire and it differs in our fire in the grades
coz it is more higher than u can excpect

Thank you for the info.

By the way, how do you know that's what hell is?
what do u like the hell to be
if u have any other ideas pls tell me !
by the way this is not my openion it is said in thy holy quran which is god words