what is a soul

SKULLZ said:
Thats not my raison detra,
but i would'nt mind :),id like to think i can live my life without any outside control,but its not strictly possible.

Why all the interest in me anyway? are you a stalker?
hey! i think we got a weird one here guys!

If i give you my autograph will you go away?lol

LOL yea I want you to tatoo it on me lol nah I just wanted to know. You already think I am wierd or stupid for being a Christian so why can`t I ask.
Anywho I wont ask you anymore questions since you get mad. lol
Well thanks for the answers I appreciate it.
Prayin 4 u
~Warrior61 ><>
Godless said:

I've been an athiest for over 22 years, I was a christian, been a babtist, born into a catholic family. I've sang in choir, at church, I've studied the bible as a child, "don't care for it much these days. But still have my leather bound bible"

Anyhow, you ask how does it feel to be an atheist?

Relived, rational, logical, enlightened, visionary, goal oriented, successfull even with minor failures along the way, proud and objective.

Relived because I know there's no such thing as a god, big daddy in the sky watching over me, or for anyone else either. Explain: Rape, child molestations, murder, disasters, death, loosing loved ones, loosing oneself, drugs, drug addicts, thieves, "All of these a benevolent god let's happen?" I don't think so, what you call god, is an old ancient mythical mental problem. The brain when developing had to have it's gods, one's on subconscious hearing voices in their heads, these became gods, these illusory voices in primitive men's head are the gods.
Your gods


Thanks I didnt know if you would respond but I appreciate it.
You think this is crazy but I will pray for you.
~Warrior61 ><>
Warrior61 said:
LOL yea I want you to tatoo it on me lol nah I just wanted to know. You already think I am wierd or stupid for being a Christian so why can`t I ask.
Anywho I wont ask you anymore questions since you get mad. lol
Well thanks for the answers I appreciate it.
Prayin 4 u
~Warrior61 ><>

Well,youre weird and stable,being a christian,having a set belief system id say anyone like you is stable somewhat.
Im not,i think i have to hold my hand up to that,im unstable,i can
have varied beliefs and moods.

You have to get used to my extreme mood shifts,cos im like that,especially on the internet,seems to be more pronounced for some odd reason.
I think we should first separate "soul" from "spirit", or "spiritual body".

While a brain obtains its energy of life through nutrients received, in forms of glucose and oxygen, it is at the same time nourished and developed by the "SOUL," the energy of life emitted from the sun.

In the meantime all the activities taking place in our brains are stored onto our "hologramlike body of frequencies —which is known as "human SPIRIT" or "spiritual body". It begins to form in the mother's uterus from the 120th day onward. That spirit survives death of the physical body. NDEs and OBEs are experiences within this spiritual bodies.

As far as I know, there are some scientists, especially Neurophysicologist, conducting researches on "phantom limb sensations". They often conclude that there is a wavelike body which we cannot detect physically and that human brains produce and interact with. You can read Michale Talbot'

The foremost "SPIRIT" which constitutes the Angelic Universe (Alam-i Malakut) and our Universe, is known as the "SUPREME SPIRIT" (Ruh'ul Azam) in Sufism (Tasawwuf). It is the "SPIRIT" that existed before the universe and also it is the first being to come to creation! It is also known as "Absolute Intellect" (Aqli-l Avwal) in terms of the knowledge it possessed, and the "Reality of Mohammed" (Haqiqat-i Mohammedi) with respect to its Identity (Huwiyat).
it is at the same time nourished and developed by the "SOUL," the energy of life emitted from the sun.

This is an assumption, where is the scientific emperical evidence that we recieve energy for our soul?.

In the meantime all the activities taking place in our brains are stored onto our "hologramlike body of frequencies —which is known as "human SPIRIT" or "spiritual body". It begins to form in the mother's uterus from the 120th day onward. That spirit survives death of the physical body. NDEs and OBEs are experiences within this spiritual bodies.

This is a LOAD! of BS. When a baby is born it's tabula raza, it has no awarness of its own existence inside the woumb, and 120 days of existence inside of the uttereus has no development of brain activity to have "hologramlike" frequencies. Where's you evidence for this? Link please. So I can call the scientist who claims this crap, and say his an idiot!!.

The rest of your post is just more non-sense so I don't bother. However you should read why science is strictly secular.
why science is secular

Godless said:
a baby is born it's tabula raza, it has no awarness of its own existence...

There is nothing that is unaware.

Also, tihs is an automatic process that starts when the brains starts perceiving before birth. You have all your memories, perceptions recorded in your spiritual body in forms of wavelike patterns. You cannot perceive them directly with physical eyes but when your brain resonates with those waves at a certain lenght, you begin to remember those memories.

For scientific evidence, read the book I have mentioned above.
Sorry if the best answer is read a book, I can't relate to that. Can you explain further were is the scientific evidence, link, something I can look at on line.

A person in a comma is unaware. or otherwise he/she would be conscious.
A fetus of 120 days is not aware of anything, it has no brain development enough to comprehend its feeble existence.
There's no such thing as "automatic" knowledge, this is wishfull thinking.

Oh!! wait I remember something in a past life I was Einstein, I was born after he died, I remember it since I was in my mothers wound, when I was but a few months old, I wrote an orchestra, understood my old comcept of relativity, and by the age of three I completely understood algebra,geometry, calculus at the college level.

That sounds like a load of shiet right?.. Well so does your theory of "automatic soul knowledge, self perception at fetus level.

The soul is a human concept created by the greeks. It was brought about by a need to explain things such as consciousness. More importantly, it was used as a way to explain how we can have life after death(this is the wishful thinking part Gravity alluded to).

Why is that so important? The main reason people continue to believe in souls is a fear of death. A soul is an explanation of how we can be immortal.

Unfortunately, there is no evidence to support the notion and thus it can be considered pure fantasy by rational thinking people.
Godless said:
Sorry if the best answer is read a book, ...

A fetus of 120 days is not aware of anything, it has no brain development enough to comprehend its feeble existence....

There's no such thing as "automatic" knowledge, this is wishfull thinking.


How do you keep your memories? Do you delibaretely record them or are they recorded automatically? It is an "automatic" process, the result of the work of the SYSTEM we live within.

Yes, the best answer is to READ.. read a book or any source. I have already suggested what I thought would be best.

Calling something "unaware" is our judgment that is based on our unawareness of that thing's state.

To improve our knowledge, this is a must to allow: At least, we should avoid denying something if we cannot comprehend it for the moment. If you make a serious research you may test the correctness of our writings about spirit and soul.
fadingCaptain said:
Why is that so important?

Because you will only be able to use the faculties forever in the spiritual realm that you have acquired and mastered while you had a brain in this world. If you pass away without necessary preparation, you will suffer the regret of your loss forever... The first one is defined as a life of heaven, the second, a life of hell...
sufi, while a persons in a coma, they retain no memories, what memories that have, have been recorded while they were aware.
you can record dreams, when you sleep, but these are not memories.
the baby when born is aware, but not in the same sense as you and I, it does not yet have the knowledge, to comprehend it's environment.
you are wrong.
the preacher said:
sufi, while a persons in a coma, they retain no memories, what memories that have, have been recorded while they were aware.
you can record dreams, when you sleep, but these are not memories.
the baby when born is aware, but not in the same sense as you and I, it does not yet have the knowledge, to comprehend it's environment.
you are wrong.

Coma is a state of brain. It does not mean that the spiritual body that carries the memories as fequencies produced by the brain, is gone then. The brain can not function properly in coma state and can fail interact with the person's spirit to load or receive any information (memories) on and from it.

A baby is not aware the same sense as you and me because not much information (in forms of waves of frequencies) is available on her database yet. She is still aware and her awareness will take new forms as more information is loaded on her spirit through her perception as long as she lives.

When we are judging something as unaware that is because we are not able to observe the awareness in it or it has... and we are often erringly expecting the "awareness" to be identical with that of ours. But it does not need to be so.

(However, my point was to explain the automatic process of havng memories without our desire or undisire.)
the preacher said:
sorry sufi, you are blinded by you faith, you dont see your illogic.

Someone once said: Do not bite my finger, just look at where it points at.

Unless we give up finding fault with each other, we cannot discuss about "ideas", can we!
Thoughts can be different. But this does not give anybody the right to be impollite to others. Observing courtesy is always helpful in spiritual growth and is a must among thinking brains.

Also we should remember that one cannot know a painter through seeing a few of his pictures. we can only have an image about that painter in our minds. our judgments about him will therefore be all about our imagination about him, not real him... So our words will express ourselves rather than the one we speak about.