what is a soul

Cris said:
We know through a vast number of clinical studies, especially on brain damaged subjects that there is a direct correlation between physical changes to the brain and memory, emotions, and thinking abilities. That we don’t fully understand how the mechanisms work is not relevant to the conclusion that a physical brain is the provider of memory, emotions and thinking.

Where did I say that there wasn't a correlation between them? I clearly stated that the qualitative content of experience was unexplained.

Further there is no indication that any form of supernatural or intermediate mystical force/energy or other medium is involved or need be involved.

I never even suggested that.

Explanation isn't needed if there is a direct correlation. You were using the explanation issue to state I was wrong in my conclusion.

The supernatural is the implied suggestion when a natural explanation is questioned in such discussions.
Cris said:

Explanation isn't needed if there is a direct correlation. You were using the explanation issue to state I was wrong in my conclusion.

There is a direct correlation between the cause of mental events and brain states. This does not mean that the mental states themselves have been explained; it only explains what caused them.

The supernatural is the implied suggestion when a natural explanation is questioned in such discussions.

No, it isn't. First of all, you have not given any natural explanation of the content of experience to question. Second of all, one can question a particular natural explanation without ruling out all others.
Cris said:
Well yes because we have a brain. Are you simply calling the brain the soul then? If not and you think an immaterial soul exists independent of the brain then how does such a thing maintain memory, emotions, and thinking abilities without a physical set of neural networks?
I believe the soul is the 'culminating description' of the human being. We don't have souls... we are souls.
Cris said:
That we don’t fully understand how the mechanisms work is not relevant to the conclusion that a physical brain is the provider of memory, emotions and thinking.
The question: Is it the sole provider? When every air of mystery which surrounds brain function and humanity is lifted will we have absolute right to say soul is necessary or not. As far as adequacy goes the 'soulist' person is totally jusitfied in believing that there is a soul involved; it follows from their religious convictions which they see evidences of. Just simple extrapolation. Of course the non-soulists can go on with their disbelief as they have no religious convictions. The question of who is correct will be answered... eventually.
MarcAC said:
I believe the soul is the 'culminating description' of the human being. We don't have souls... we are souls.

That doesn't make any sense. To say that human beings are souls is to say that the definition of "human being" and "soul" are identical. Hopefully this is not what you meant, because human beings are destructable and material--meaning, in your case, that so is the soul. This goes against the very classical idea of what a soul would be if it existed.
I sometimes wish there was such thing as a soul,cos then i could sell it and be filthy stinking rich and living in the playboy mansion.
Godless said:
*Well we can live forever because we have a soul once we die a Physically death our soul will live forever and since we have free will we choose where we want it to go Heaven or Hell.

LOLLOL, hahaha,, sorry this is just a load of BS that is so funny!!.


Since you don`t understand what I am saying let me explain it.(why you don`t understand is probably not because you are stupid ((because I have read some of your posts and you are really smart)) but it is probably because you aren`t a Christian). This is hard to understand but I know you`ll understand in fact you probably already understand and you just get your jollies by mocking me but thats ok lol. When man was created by God were they going to die? No why would God make something out of nothing and then let it be gone forever thats just stupid. Humans could live forever in there Physical bodies but when they sinned that brought on death but Jesus gave us a soul so therefore we can live forever. There is life after death in two places Hell or Heaven and you get to decide where you want to go believe it or not. The reason we can live after death of our physical body is because we have a soul and that soul will never go away, end or die. If you dont understand let me know and I will try to help you understand it a little bit better. Its complecated! This will probably end up into an argument but thats ok in the mean time ill pray for you.
I do have one Question if an Atheist belives that we will just die and never live again and literally cease to live how does that make you feel. Do you feel sad, deppressed, or do you just accept it but if you are just going to end then I would just lived for the moment do what ever i want because i would feel like i have no purpose ad nothing mattered. If the that last statement makes any since will you explain it because i honestly dont understand how you can find happiness in that and happiness being important to a life that you will live for like 80 years I just dont understand and I am very curious to know. Oh and do what does an Athiest believe about how we the earth/universe got here? I ask you to please just answer these questions please and I would appreciate it thanks.

~Warrior61 ><>
"I would just lived for the moment do what ever i want because i would feel like i have no purpose ad nothing mattered"

nail....hammer...head BANG!

Thats it exactly,live for the moment,cos you have no purpose except what you make of it right now,thats what ya gotta do really,so many things can kill you and we are so fragile,so do what ya gotta.
TheERK said:
That doesn't make any sense. To say that human beings are souls is to say that the definition of "human being" and "soul" are identical.
Not really; all dogs are animals. The original usage of the word soul in the Bible referred to a living being in it's entirety.
Hopefully this is not what you meant, because human beings are destructable and material--meaning, in your case, that so is the soul. This goes against the very classical idea of what a soul would be if it existed.
I'm a Christian (yeah... duh). I view the soul's existence in conjunction with God's existence. As far as my knowledge goes the Bible doesn't say anything about us existing 'materially' "before" we became humans. It just says God 'had us in mind' so to say. In Revelation it says that the dead will be raised to life and the mortal shall become immortal. Why immortalise an already immortal soul? There would be no point to the concept of eternal death/damnation.
Why no point? Cause then the hateful evil-loving people would just say; "Hey I'm gonna live forever anyway so why follow God's rules at all? I'd much prefer to live in eternal evil than live in that heaven-hole." Consider Satanists... What kind of punishment is hell for them?
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SKULLZ said:
"I would just lived for the moment do what ever i want because i would feel like i have no purpose ad nothing mattered"

nail....hammer...head BANG!

Thats it exactly,live for the moment,cos you have no purpose except what you make of it right now,thats what ya gotta do really,so many things can kill you and we are so fragile,so do what ya gotta.

So what have you accomplished in your life? Are you having fun? Tell me please. How do you feel now or at the end of the day? i just want to know can you blame my curiosity.
so whats wrong with what he said warrior, you only get one shot at life, so you should enjoy it and try to make others lives better along the way.
why would you not want this for everybody, can you blame my curiosity.
Warrior61 said:
So what have you accomplished in your life? Are you having fun? Tell me please. How do you feel now or at the end of the day? i just want to know can you blame my curiosity.

What have i accomplished?
qualified in engineering
qualified tattooist
study and practice electronics,physics and art.

Id say tattooing and actually getting into a studio,is something,cos its WAY harder to get in a tattoo studio than getting famous from acting,its pot luck you go into one studio that dont slam a door in your face.

With tattooing...well thats godlike,cos i permanently change people physically and psychologically,they will NEVER be the same once i put a tattoo on em and generally itll be there till they die.

So with all that responsibility i dont always feel human,if i ever made a mistake i cant just go "woops,sorry about that"

People are under the illusion tattooists dont make mistakes,well those that do wont be doing it anymore LOL thats fucking why,you cant make a mistake EVER under no circumstances.

So that can be stressful,but what else am i to do?,everything in my life revolves around doing something with my hands:building/creating.

What makes me happy?
being godlike creating and building and changing.

If i could re-build the whole universe,i would cos im not interested in external ideas about god,cos i feel men are thier own gods and some men are just sheep.

Being a sheep wont make me happy.
mis-t-highs said:
so whats wrong with what he said warrior, you only get one shot at life, so you should enjoy it and try to make others lives better along the way.
why would you not want this for everybody, can you blame my curiosity.
Would you call me crazy if I said there was life after death? I mean yeah try to enjoy life but how can you its hard to find happiness in life or enjoy it by yourself. I mean don`t you get sick and feel aweful what is your explanation for that and when everyone dies around you and you are left just waiting to die wont that be sad and depressing. Of course think about what you believe about death. You end. no more living for you. I mean are you ok with that? My point is how can you enjoy life when its useless anyway you have no purpose. You are just going to die so why pro long it? So would you call me crazy if I said there was life after death? Yes it being so supernatural would you really call me crazy. If you believe in evolution you have to believe in the supernatural because mutation is supernatural.<---------- sounds crazy I know but if you were to see something like water turn into wine wouldn`t that be supernatural? and remember nothing was used, it just turned into wine. You didntknow what caused it you just saw it turn to wine thats it? Supernatural yes very. Now if you were to see water change into wine over a few weeks would it be supernatural then? Yes it is still making a drastic change and its beyond natural for something like that to happen right. Now I am not going to take this to far off the subject but answer this for me. say you are goin to the zoo and you see a girl monkey`s baby after her birth and it actually have feet and not 4 hands but 2hands and 2feet. Thats not natural is it in fact its beyond natural its supernatural right. So I mean the whole thread is about a soul my point is that your soul will never die. I know how crazy it sounds at first but I have Hope and even if wrong it wont matter I will just die right. But if I am right I wont be living in eternal punishment b/c my Soul will be in Heaven with an All powerful Loving being named Jesus. The whole emphasis of Christianity is Love if you get down to the root of it and it isnt focused on self but something greater than you. I don`t want to sound cocky or arragant but i hope you have questions about all that I have wrote because I sure dont mine answer them and Ill be praying for you.
SKULLZ said:
What have i accomplished?
qualified in engineering
qualified tattooist
study and practice electronics,physics and art.

Id say tattooing and actually getting into a studio,is something,cos its WAY harder to get in a tattoo studio than getting famous from acting,its pot luck you go into one studio that dont slam a door in your face.

With tattooing...well thats godlike,cos i permanently change people physically and psychologically,they will NEVER be the same once i put a tattoo on em and generally itll be there till they die.

So with all that responsibility i dont always feel human,if i ever made a mistake i cant just go "woops,sorry about that"

People are under the illusion tattooists dont make mistakes,well those that do wont be doing it anymore LOL thats fucking why,you cant make a mistake EVER under no circumstances.

So that can be stressful,but what else am i to do?,everything in my life revolves around doing something with my hands:building/creating.

What makes me happy?
being godlike creating and building and changing.

If i could re-build the whole universe,i would cos im not interested in external ideas about god,cos i feel men are thier own gods and some men are just sheep.

Being a sheep wont make me happy.

So how are you not a sheep? How do you amke yourself a god? do you start off as a sheep or a god? I am not being sarcastic i promise
~Warrior61 ><>
To be your own god you have to decide you do things cos thats what you want,not what someone else wants,basically to simplify things:
do you wanna be in charge of your life or do you want other people to control it?,if its the latter youre a sheep.

Being a sheep is ok,but i personally are happier having as much control as possible over my life.

I guess most people want that,really.
SKULLZ said:
To be your own god you have to decide you do things cos thats what you want,not what someone else wants,basically to simplify things:
do you wanna be in charge of your life or do you want other people to control it?,if its the latter youre a sheep.

Being a sheep is ok,but i personally are happier having as much control as possible over my life.

I guess most people want that,really.

So your prurpose is to be a god?

I've been an athiest for over 22 years, I was a christian, been a babtist, born into a catholic family. I've sang in choir, at church, I've studied the bible as a child, "don't care for it much these days. But still have my leather bound bible"

Anyhow, you ask how does it feel to be an atheist?

Relived, rational, logical, enlightened, visionary, goal oriented, successfull even with minor failures along the way, proud and objective.

Relived because I know there's no such thing as a god, big daddy in the sky watching over me, or for anyone else either. Explain: Rape, child molestations, murder, disasters, death, loosing loved ones, loosing oneself, drugs, drug addicts, thieves, "All of these a benevolent god let's happen?" I don't think so, what you call god, is an old ancient mythical mental problem. The brain when developing had to have it's gods, one's on subconscious hearing voices in their heads, these became gods, these illusory voices in primitive men's head are the gods.
Your gods

A soul is the unexplainable energy and aura that creates a person's mind and organized actions... maybe?
Warrior61 said:
So your prurpose is to be a god?

Thats not my raison detra,
but i would'nt mind :),id like to think i can live my life without any outside control,but its not strictly possible.

Why all the interest in me anyway? are you a stalker?
hey! i think we got a weird one here guys!

If i give you my autograph will you go away?lol