What is a Muslim?


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
This thread is aimed at non-Muslims on sciforums.

What according to you, is a Muslim?
This thread is aimed at non-Muslims on sciforums.

What according to you, is a Muslim?

* jihad, kill the nonbelievers
* oppressed freedom on yourself and others
* technologically not so adaptible
* business person...money greedy
* covered in one color clothes all over.
* and covers up all actions by Allah.
Someone who claims "there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet".

In essence: A worshipper of Allah who places Muhammad as chief amongst prophets.
Someone who claims "there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet".

In essence: A worshipper of Allah who places Muhammad as chief amongst prophets.

Accepting Mohammed as a Prophet does not make him chief among prophets
The Messenger believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the men of faith. Each one (of them) believeth in Allah, His angels, His books, and His messengers. "We make no distinction (they say) between one and another of His messengers." 2:285
Moslems then do not believe in any hierarchy of revelation?

Why then does Muhammad's revelation supercede that of Moses?
Moslems then do not believe in any hierarchy of revelation?

Why then does Muhammad's revelation supercede that of Moses?
How is Moses' revelation different from Mohammeds'?

Mohammed's revelation is called a reminder for it is said to reiterate Moses'.

There arem any laws of purities and customs practiced by the Jews from the Mosaic laws which are not held by Islam. Also, note the Judeo-centric focus of Moses' message, where clearly the revelation of Islam is for the Arabic-speaking peoples first, the world second.

There arem any laws of purities and customs practiced by the Jews from the Mosaic laws which are not held by Islam. Also, note the Judeo-centric focus of Moses' message, where clearly the revelation of Islam is for the Arabic-speaking peoples first, the world second.

So if Muslims accept Moses as a Prophet, and they accept Jesus, and they accept Mohammed, how do you define a Muslim?
Someone who follows a religious/cultural ideology, the ideology of which being based in half-truths, coersion, and extreme injustice.
Pious, respectful of their traditions and religion, loving of their families and friends, resentful of western ideals and habits.