What is a magnetic field made from?

This makes absolutely no sense at all.
I'll try again.
Those "photons" would have to be coming from somewhere. They might be extending out and coming back to the particle where it originated.

What if there was just one atom of magetic material. Where is that photon going to go? Had you considered it might come back to its origin? But it can't take short cuts so if there are multiple aligned atoms the field is able to be registered. lol
I don't know enough to make much sense on this topic.:)
Once cold fusion is more fully understood the possibility of Aether that Pincho was talking about is viable according to several of the theories attempting to explain how it is occurring.

Cold Fusion has been developed in Italy and is now being sold by websites such as ecat.com. That is beside the point though.

I also would love to know what forces are at play in a magnetic field. To simply say there is nothing making it because we see nothing is absurd.
So why do they say it exists then?

Lots of abstractions exist. Take love, for example. Or shame. Or the number three.

A field is an abstraction of a real phenomena. They (to the best of our knowledge) are not made of anything (i.e. they have no constituent parts).

A field is an abstraction in that it is just a shorthand way of talking about things that can actually be measured, like forces. Ultimately, the idea of an electric field, say, is that you can say "If I place a charge x in location y in space, then it will experience a measurable electrical force z in such-and-such a direction". The electric field is not directly observable in any way. Thus it is an abstraction. A useful fiction.
Well the answer to the definition of a field has been given.
It's force per unit of space (length usually).

The definition of force is given in at least 3 contexts:

so there's an answer at another level

I believe the correct answer to the question "what is a magnetic field made of" is:

A magnetic field is made of a magnetic force extending over any distance.
Well the answer to the definition of a field has been given.
It's force per unit of space (length usually).

No it isn't. Who gave that answer?

The definition of force is given in at least 3 contexts:

so there's an answer at another level


I believe the correct answer to the question "what is a magnetic field made of" is:

A magnetic field is made of a magnetic force extending over any distance.

How can you make something out of force?
A field is an abstraction in that it is just a shorthand way of talking about things that can actually be measured, like forces. Ultimately, the idea of an electric field, say, is that you can say "If I place a charge x in location y in space, then it will experience a measurable electrical force z in such-and-such a direction". The electric field is not directly observable in any way. Thus it is an abstraction. A useful fiction.

In a permanent magnet made of iron, isn't the unpaired electron responsible for the field?


One difficulty I have is if photons can travel in closed loops.

They can - but photons are not responsible for magnetic fields, and there are no photons zipping from the north end of a magnet to the south end.
This virtual photon business.

It's like saying "Who caused the First World War?"

Answer: The English.

No they didn't. Here's the the proof.

Answer: Oh, not the real English. The virtual English.

Thanks for re-opening this thread Robitty, I'd given up on it.
From Wiki:

The magnetic photon was predicted in 1966 by Nobel laureate Abdus Salam.
There is no experimental evidence for the existence of this particle.
From Feynman's QED:

Feynman explains that under certain circumstances, including when a very large number of electrons are all moving in the same way, such as going around in the coil of an electromagnet, a large number of photons are emitted, all of exactly the same kind.
From Wiki:

Virtual particles are viewed as the quanta that describe fields of the basic force interactions, which cannot be described in terms of real particles.
I could join in and post something but wont... I might kill the thread...and that would be a shame:D
Try as a start : "Magnetism is polarised gravity" the polarisation caused by the existance of the 4th dimension in 3 dimensional space [ time ] Magnetism has no substance because it purely "dimensional collapse" not unlike cosmic space-ial contraction, expansion but in extremely localised and only space-ial form.
Won't say anything more and am interested if the above kills the thread.
Try as a start : "Magnetism is polarised gravity" the polarisation caused by the existance of the 4th dimension in 3 dimensional space [ time ] Magnetism has no substance because it purely "dimensional collapse" not unlike cosmic space-ial contraction, expansion but in extremely localised and only space-ial form.
Won't say anything more and am interested if the above kills the thread.
Sounds a bit unlikely.:) The thread is in Pseudoscience so it doesn't have to be right, just creative.
Why did you say 4th dimension when there are 8 others to choose from?:)
Magnetic-field , electrical-field and force-field are connected . From any two of these three ; the third can be generated .
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