What if proof of telepathy was your unconscious?

The one thing that we have proof to back up is the missed statements that you failed to assimilate given my responses!

I am going to in the future, not long from this time right now, going to copy a post from another thread. In this post, you will see that all of what I was saying is true.

The one thing that is incorrect, so to speak, is the fact that telepathy is currently defined as thought transmitted WITHOUT sencory useage (or whatnknot). This would mean that spocks statement would be very strange to me, although I would consider it a possibility.
The one thing that we have proof to back up is the missed statements that you failed to assimilate given my responses!

I am going to in the future, not long from this time right now, going to copy a post from another thread. In this post, you will see that all of what I was saying is true.

The one thing that is incorrect, so to speak, is the fact that telepathy is currently defined as thought transmitted WITHOUT sencory useage (or whatnknot). This would mean that spocks statement would be very strange to me, although I would consider it a possibility.

Going into the future, Brent?? Just how do you propose to do that? And by the way - what does that have to do with telepathy, anyway????
Not going into the future at all, nope. What I am doing is saying I will copy a post from another thread, which proves all of what I was saying (scientifically possibly?). I am seeing the future, if that is what you mean, and the future has logic to it right :D
Posted by Sarkus:
[Posted by existabrent
I am sorry, but this is not the post I was looking for. Maybe try again Brenty? Maybe I will look where he was talking (he as in who) the guy who could read what the other guy was writing on the chalk board in the prison cell beside him, and post it here, although still claiming that this is NOT telepathy. Anyhow this is my position so criticize please, that is what I'm looking for.]
I have read this thread - and personally I think you're all talking a load of rubbish with regard to Telepathy.

What you are mostly referring to seems to be merely interpretation of what your senses are picking up.
Telepathy is actually a means of transmitting thought WITHOUT the use of our classical senses.

i.e. to assert that it is telepathy and not merely subconsciously picking up on feelings through what your ears, eyes, nose etc are telling you, you need to demonstrate it in a controlled environment where ALL pertinent senses are isolated and made useless.

Otherwise it is nothing but a trainable "parlour trick".

e.g. Derren Brown - you can pick any number you want from 1 to 1,000,000 and as long as he can watch you visualising that number in your head he will have a damn good chance at guessing it - because he knows how to read the minute signs that we give off - our facial expressions as we think of certain letters, for example.
He is also able to insert subliminal messages in a conversation and effectively manipulate people.
Psychic? Telepathy? No. Merely picking things up, WITH ONES SENSES, and correctly interpreting them.

Telepathy: is a term used to describe the transfer of information on thoughts or feelings between individuals by means other than the five classical senses (Wikipedia.org)

Telepathy: communication between minds by some means other than sensory perception (dictionary.com).

You need to provide some rather compelling evidence that what you are experiencing is outside of sensory perception."
I know what he is saying must be true

Lots of people read minds some people read your mind even when they dont know thats what they are doing. It does have to do with your subconcious though. Want proof? Its been proven since the 50's that the human subconcious is connected. If it is connected then to be telepathic all you need do is have a connection to your own subconcious then you would be able to acces the subconcious of others. Intution is a conventional word for mind reading if you have an intution about someone or something it is because you are subconciously already connected to that person. Trusting intution often works well because it is often correct. hindus believe in opening the third eye which enables a connection with the conciousness of others. The proof is everywhere.
I agree, I see your mind.

Beautiful poetic sort of post, as sarkus is saying "it is nothing but a cheap parolur trick" or what ever the fudge!

Anyhow, I believe what we hear denis saying now is common knowledge, better luck to the future of telepathic discussion on this forum!