I wonder what story about what fish you are talking about,
the story about the fish with a coin inside is the only I remember is close to the one you are talking about.
and that story is in Matthew 17:24
Jesus and his Disciples needed money to pay taxes.
So Jesus sent Peter to get the money, He did not wanted to offend the Roman, the Empire controlling the Jewish people at that time.
so Jesus told Peter:
" Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up, and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take and give them for me and thee". And this happened the way Jesus Said. Mathew 17:27.I can't find any description of the fish in the bible, and I believe when we are talking about God, we should be objective not subjective.And respectful of your opponent. And if you are an Atheist or from another religion the first thing you do is to know your opponent. In my case you need to know bible to talk about against Christian Believe. CIAO have a great Thanksgiving weekend. GB.
Dude the fish story I am talking about is ones that get over embellished by everyday people nothing to do with the book and yes it is just a book called the bible. You can quote what every you like from it but the fact remains it is a story that was written down several HUNDRED years after the fact. The point I am making is in that length of time after a situation happens it gets bigger and better every time it is told people will add htere own personal touch to it every time it get retold.