what if God could be proven?

if you started a thread called "what if puff the magic dragon was real" would you want someone posting in it calling it absurd??

grow up..

I would not start such a thread for that reason.
Asking that I "Grow up" is kind of your way of denying my relevant point.

As it stands, there is no sign, no hint, no evidence whatsover that the deities are nothing more than a Myth.
Evolution stands as a very well supported and strong theory and let's be blunt-- it DOES contradict the notion of a creator and any kind of intelligent design.

So asking what if a God was proven is very much like asking if the FSM was proven. Absurd.
I would not start such a thread for that reason.
Asking that I "Grow up" is kind of your way of denying my relevant point.

As it stands, there is no sign, no hint, no evidence whatsover that the deities are nothing more than a Myth.
Evolution stands as a very well supported and strong theory and let's be blunt-- it DOES contradict the notion of a creator and any kind of intelligent design.

So asking what if a God was proven is very much like asking if the FSM was proven. Absurd.
then perhaps you could lend your contributions to any of the 1000 "prove god to me threads" rather than here.
Originally Posted by Neverfly
I would not start such a thread for that reason.
Asking that I "Grow up" is kind of your way of denying my relevant point.

As it stands, there is no sign, no hint, no evidence whatsover that the deities are nothing more than a Myth.
Evolution stands as a very well supported and strong theory and let's be blunt-- it DOES contradict the notion of a creator and any kind of intelligent design.

So asking what if a God was proven is very much like asking if the FSM was proven. Absurd.

then perhaps you could lend your contributions to any of the 1000 "prove god to me threads" rather than here.

thank you light..you just made my point..

To Never
hence the "grow up" comment..
if you don't wanna play this game, go away, find another game you can play.
don't rag on us cause you don't like the rules of this game..
thank you light..you just made my point..

To Never
hence the "grow up" comment..
if you don't wanna play this game, go away, find another game you can play.
don't rag on us cause you don't like the rules of this game..

Man, what am I? The school yard bully now? And you tell me to grow up?
Is this thread a game or is it a Topic on a Science forum?
I don't see a Fun and Games section.

If you choose to believe in mythical creatures, how is it my problem if you're prone to getting huffy and offended when I point out the absurdity?

Get off my back with it. I don't need to grow up everytime you get your knickers in a twist if I question the existence of the Tooth Fairy, Santa or Larry Leprechaun.
Man, what am I? The school yard bully now? And you tell me to grow up?
Is this thread a game or is it a Topic on a Science forum?
I don't see a Fun and Games section.

If you choose to believe in mythical creatures, how is it my problem if you're prone to getting huffy and offended when I point out the absurdity?

Get off my back with it. I don't need to grow up everytime you get your knickers in a twist if I question the existence of the Tooth Fairy, Santa or Larry Leprechaun.
Its not that we are offended

Its just that you aren't interested in offering anything to do with the OP so you're just a waste of space.
Its not that we are offended

Its just that you aren't interested in offering anything to do with the OP so you're just a waste of space.

good point..with that said..i think i will stop responding to him until he has something relevant to say..(which i should have done anyway..but sometimes i can't resist..:D)
good point..with that said..i think i will stop responding to him until he has something relevant to say..(which i should have done anyway..but sometimes i can't resist..:D)

I did say something relevant.

You had posted speculating that the proven existence of a deity might result in us no longer behaving the way we do, personal responsibility losing relevance, no need for Laws etc.

That's ridiculous.

My relevant point was that if Puff the Magic Dragon was proven to exist--- Or any other mythical creature, our fundamental make up would remain THE SAME.

I really do not care if you respond to me or not. He can call me a "Waste of Space" if he likes. And you two can go buy eachother a beer and laugh about how silly ol' Neverfly is.
Relevance remains the same. Human nature remains the same. Fantasy remains fantasy. And all of that has no bearing on my character.
I did say something relevant.

You had posted speculating that the proven existence of a deity might result in us no longer behaving the way we do, personal responsibility losing relevance, no need for Laws etc.

That's ridiculous.

My relevant point was that if Puff the Magic Dragon was proven to exist--- Or any other mythical creature, our fundamental make up would remain THE SAME.

While I don't agree with the comparison of God and the Magic Dragon, and I don't know how you arrived at your conclusion,
I actually agree with your conclusion that if God would be proven, our fundamental nature would remain the same.

If God would be sitting right here next to me, I knowing that He is God - then why should this make me lazy? Just because He would be here for me to see Him, would this automatically make my problems go away or make me passive and merely go crying on His sleeve to solve my problems for me? I don't think so.
While I don't agree with the comparison of God and the Magic Dragon, and I don't know how you arrived at your conclusion,
I actually agree with your conclusion that if God would be proven, our fundamental nature would remain the same.

If God would be sitting right here next to me, I knowing that He is God - then why should this make me lazy? Just because He would be here for me to see Him, would this automatically make my problems go away or make me passive and merely go crying on His sleeve to solve my problems for me? I don't think so.

this is more inline with what the OP is about..

so are you saying that god still wouldnt give us everything we asked for..we would still have to work for it?
I cannot quite relate to the two things you are juxtaposing - "God readily giving us whatever we ask for" and "having to work for what we want".

Is being an order-supplier the most God can be to us, and the most we can be to God is to order from Him?
The answer is clear. If we could be shown that anything in the realm of the supernatural existed beyond a doubt, we would have no choice but to consider it part of reality and act accordingly.
Unfortunately, yes.
Which would, incidentally, reduce the human to being an automaton.

I wonder, seriously, if the religious of whatever denomination have ever truly considered what it means for god in all his various forms to actually exist.
Unfortunately, yes.
Which would, incidentally, reduce the human to being an automaton.

I wonder, seriously, if the religious of whatever denomination have ever truly considered what it means for god in all his various forms to actually exist.

i dont think we would be automatons,we would still be able to choose for ourself..but i think his advice would be clearer,
I would hardly call "Worship me or go to hell" (Using the Catholics as an example) "advice".
It's an ultimatum, and proof of god would make the ultimatum very, very real.

What choice would any clear thinking man have? Spiritied defiance would become a little less attractive with eternity at stake.
I wonder, seriously, if the religious of whatever denomination have ever truly considered what it means for god in all his various forms to actually exist.

A very good question, one that is completely ignored by the spiritual community. To them its an assumption that cannot be made, not even for the sake of discussion. You can't reach any conclusion from a self-contradicting premise.
FONT]fedr808 #431 writes;

You have 39 posts and zero reputation. Light has more than 11,000.
If you try to attack a member with that much more credibility than for the love of G-d try and be more polite.

Quantity confers credibility? Such an illogical assumption by you immediately brands you as a lightweight from the shallow end of the gene-pool.

I am not "trying" to attack 11,000 post Lightgigantic and his facile theological humbug, I am in fact and unequivocally attacking him and his humbug, principally for the reason that I outlined in my most recent previous post which you conveniently provide and wherein I wrote.............. "You were asked a couple of simple questions that might have lead to a mutual understanding, but you prefer to maintain a juvenile mystery and pose questions in return."

Did you bother to investigate the facts that support my assertion? I was both polite and courteous and was treated with a notable lack of these estimable virtues. I invite you to note the moderate but forthright language in my posts #402, #404, #406, #408 and #410. And then note the supercilious arguments, the superficialities and irrelevancies that comprise the major content of his posts in reply.

I rejoice in advising that no love of some phantom in the sky, nor any fear of his rabid retribution, is required for me to be polite and courteous. I have a natural inclination to these which has withstood assaults that would render Job into a jibbering idiot. But even I have limited tolerance.

For all I could care you are attacking him, you could be saying 1+1=2 and light could be saying it equals three. And people would still agree with him because all they see is an arrogant newcomer trying to insult a long standing community member and friend.

I would be most interested in identifying which members would agree that 1 + 1 = 3 simply because 11,000 post Lightgigantic might assert so. I, most certainly, would not and I feel some members might be a tad miffed that you implicate them in your silly analogy. IMHO, the great majority would disagree with you.

If you do not want to be characterized as an arrogant jerk in just 39 posts I'd suggest you act more polite.

Your characterisation of me is of no account. As the petulant reaction of a "friend" of 11,000 post Lightgigantic to my characterisation of him, it is invested with selective bias and as such is of no more relevance nor merit than the revelation of which personal deodorant you prefer .

You also characterise me as a newcomer. I have been a member of SciForums for longer than both of you and have engaged in vigorous debate. I visit this sit as often as possible, for although it has a plethora of inactive memberships, I have detected some members of intellectual merit and integrity. I just bide my time but of late prefer to engage with the odd perceived ratbag on occasion as my humour guides me.

As I peruse the membership list I detect no management structure and am led to speculate as to whom it is has the authority to remonstrate with misdemeanants and correct perceived injustices. I respectfully request you provide this information if it is yours to provide.

OriginalBiggles, Prime
Lightgigantic #422,
You don't get it?
Theism aims at removing the living entity from the medium of material existence, as opposed to solving the tribulations of material existence within the confines of conditioned existence (which is an impossible ask).

I confess to a chuckle at the endless perfidy and complacency of a mind that sees a "Beam me up Scotty" to paradise scenario as vastly more credible than the mainstream advances science has made to the betterment of the human condition, at the eradication of diseases, at the doubled human life-span, at the increase in leisure time through advances in technology.

I see 11,000 post LG's masochism and self-flagellation revealed here with unequalled clarity. All humankind's struggle, achievements, intellectual yearnings are as nought when bathed in the light of an imaginary hereafter.

The "beam me up" scenario is theism's "possible", nay, hopeful task. A sure and certain hope [which is tautologically indefensible] of a life beyond the grave.

Solving the problems of the human condition, facing the tribulations of living in a material world and emerging triumphant is an ennobling feature of the humankind you seek to denigrate by your unsavoury urge to constrain them
in a mire of theological treacle.

The distaste you feel for your own life is an unfortunate burden either forced upon you at an early age or willingly embraced by you. Your religion blinds you to all the joys and wonders to be experienced in what is in fact the only life we have. The yearning you have for the next life will ensure it comes soon enough and then you will live only in the memories of those who knew you. Your body chemicals are the same stuff that the stars are made from. Your consciousness will become a single vibration in the symphony of the Cosmos. Only your identity, your ego, will be lost forever.

At its very deepest level, this is what riles theists.

Our presumptions aside, humans are a part of nature and must obey the laws of nature. Nothing we do, nothing that we can do, violates a law of nature.
Nature does not change her ways, we adapt nature's ways to a new purpose or we adapt to nature's ways.

I am enjoying my life to the fullest as any other animal in the animal kingdom. I fear you are ignoring the only opportunity you will ever have.
After all, animals are people too.

OriginalBiggles, Prime