what if God could be proven?

I am still waiting for God to produce a vaccine of any kind.

Back in the old days the healing of leprosy required supernatural intervention according to biblical story tellers. All that is required to cure leprosy these days is an antibiotic.
I am still waiting for God to produce a vaccine of any kind.
I am still waiting for materialism to solve the problem of birth, death, old age and disease and suffering in the form of one's own body and mind, the body and minds of other living entities and the experience of excesses of climate and environment (heat, earthquakes, bush fires etc)
It already has. Science has virtually eliminated all sorts of diseases, there are now treatments for mental illness, and we have air conditioning.
Ok got it- Val Thomas Story. Dead as a door nail, 17.5 hours.
Not 17.5 hours:
At about 3:15 was time we thought it was all going to be done
Still on a ventilator at this time...
We all left around 6:00 waiting on the final call.
Not declared dead at 6 and then...
All the machines had been taken off but the breathing tube. So the pastor/friend left.
When the nurse was with her she checked one more time- nothing – then she pulled out the tube – Val’s hand went to her mouth – the nurse jumped and said that had to be a reflex – then Val opened her eyes.
At 6:30 pm The family was called and said get back SHE IS ALIVE
So let's see: still on a ventilator and alive at 3, family left 6 expecting to be told she was dead any time and called back 6:30 to be told she was alive. I make that half an hour, max - if you discount the fact that she was being kept alive any way by the ventilator and whatever other machines she was hooked up to.
Rigor mortis?
Did you invent that?
The closest I can find to 17.5 hours (in an admittedly now cursory look: the above was the first one I found and doesn't support your version) states:
Val Thomas is a living miracle. The 59-year-old West Virgina woman had two heart attacks and no brain waves for over 17 hours. Not only that but she already had rigor mortis beginning to set in. Somehow the woman is alive and talking.
Two heart attacks. And someone thought she was dead while having heart attacks?
The rigor mortis?
Oh yeah:
“Her skin had already started to harden and her fingers curled,” Thomas’ son, Jim, told NewsNet5.com. “Death had set in.”
Her son: not a medical expert (and bear in mind that she had been cooled down considerably).
Fail again...
It already has. Science has virtually eliminated all sorts of diseases,
I'm not sure what fancy bit of info you are citing to suggest that disease has been virtually eliminated ... since disease virtually eliminates everyone

there are now treatments for mental illness,
and their effectiveness is something else entirely ...
and we have air conditioning.

just the solution for the climate change problem, eh?
It's a much better track record than religion has. No one gets polio anymore, many common diseases are now treatable, and life expectancy has soared in all developed countries. We now know our real place in the cosmology of local galaxies, we know something of the nature of the universe, it's age and approximate size, we know what elements are, and atoms, and can harness the power of the atom for good or ill. I could go on, but the benefits of rational scientific investigation hardly need repeating.
I am still waiting for materialism to solve the problem of birth, death, old age and disease and suffering in the form of one's own body and mind, the body and minds of other living entities and the experience of excesses of climate and environment (heat, earthquakes, bush fires etc)

I can understand why you're waiting for the solving of material problems by real people. Prayer or spiritualism isn't going to solve the problems you mentioned that the living experience.
It's a much better track record than religion has.

The idea is that these issues are indemnic to material existence so the notion of ever nutting out a solution to them (in the material world) is useless.
No one gets polio anymore, many common diseases are now treatable, and life expectancy has soared in all developed countries.
yet despite it all, disease remains a constant
We now know our real place in the cosmology of local galaxies,
so where is the universe?
we know something of the nature of the universe, it's age and approximate size, we know what elements are, and atoms, and can harness the power of the atom for good or ill.
yet for some reason, harnessing the atom can not move us one inch on our sojourn to death via old age and disease on the road of three fold sufferings (sufferings caused by ourselves, others and the environment)

I could go on, but the benefits of rational scientific investigation hardly need repeating.
actually you can't go on and on about it since its the nature of a metonymic world view that it is curbed at one point at the macrocosm and at the other at the microcosm
I am still waiting for materialism to solve the problem of birth, death, old age and disease and suffering in the form of one's own body and mind, the body and minds of other living entities and the experience of excesses of climate and environment (heat, earthquakes, bush fires etc)

Most of those things except disease aren't real problems, and praying never cured anyone of cancer.
I can understand why you're waiting for the solving of material problems by real people. Prayer or spiritualism isn't going to solve the problems you mentioned that the living experience.
sure it does, since it grants an entire medium of existence that doesn't have suffering as a foundation ...

If you want to talk of waiting though, thats certainly what you will have on your hands if you expect a solution to be forthcoming in this "real" world.
Most of those things except disease aren't real problems.
once again, don't know what planet you are on but birth is very much a problem, as is old age ... and if you can't picture death as a problem it must be because you can't see how your each and every action is aimed at avoiding it
once again, don't know what planet you are on but birth is very much a problem, as is old age ... and if you can't picture death as a problem it must be because you can't see how your each and every action is aimed at avoiding it

My impending death could very well be a personal problem, but death in general is not only not a problem, but a very necessary aspect of life.
If you want to talk of waiting though, thats certainly what you will have on your hands if you expect a solution to be forthcoming in this "real" world.

Plenty of the explanations given by religion have been debunked and shown to be lacking facts. Nothing orginates from the spiritual realm except nonsense. In the real world real problems are addressed by real people producing real results.
The only real problems on this planet are material, and the only solutions are equally material.
Plenty of the explanations given by religion have been debunked and shown to be lacking facts.
Similarly plenty of explanations given by science have been debunked and shown to lack facts (IOW the core discipline of anything is subject to analysis)

Nothing orginates from the spiritual realm except nonsense.
On the contrary what is nonsense is to expect you to give an answer on the origin of anything with a discipline purely based in a metonymic world view.

In the real world real problems are addressed by real people producing real results.
and the obvious being that there is a big fat zero in terms of birth death old age and disease in the medium of the threefold sufferings ... The only thing you see arising from material solutions are more material problems.