What if Eve had not eaten the apple?

Medicine Woman said:
If Eve's offering the apple to Adam caused the sin for man to fall, then it should be innately understood that any woman offering food to a man should be an abomination to god.

Eve didn't cause the fall of man, haven't you read the story? It was the serpent.

Why did it have to be a fruit that god condemned?

It's not the kind of "fruit" you imagine, it was a fruit from "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" (the dualistic world, consciousness) You become what you "eat".

Did god just forget about his punishment of mankind for eating an apple?

It wasn't an apple.
Oh for God's sake,
I know she's American and they're not exactly famous for their irony, but she' being sarcastic, don't take it all so literally.
okconor said:
Oh for God's sake,
I know she's American and they're not exactly famous for their irony, but she' being sarcastic, don't take it all so literally.
M*W: Thanks for explaining that, okconor. It was only a few ago that she told me not to take something literally!
okconor said:
I think most of you guys need to start another thread, entitled: religion versus science and flail around in there for a while till your egos have exhausted themselves.
True, but actually, that is the implicit title of the Religions forum...
If I had to save one book for mankind from destruction and I had a whole library to choose from, what would it be? Selfishly it would probably be the bible, it would keep me more entertained. I would leave Steven Hawking, Einstein and all the others on the burning shelves.
Me too... most likely, in time, humanity would reproduce something pretty similar to Hawking and Einstein... the Bible can never be reproduced. But that wouldn't be selfish... that would be the one act which would save humanity from itself.
What was the original question? If Eve hadn't eaten the apple? If Eve hadn't eaten the apple we would still be monkeys like her, scratching our arses and beating our chests.
Quite so... regret it?
Me too... most likely, in time, humanity would reproduce something pretty similar to Hawking and Einstein... the Bible can never be reproduced. But that wouldn't be selfish... that would be the one act which would save humanity from itself.

Now that's a joke.

The bible the one book that can be interpreted by it followers to fit their needs and times. Remember when having black slaves was justifiable by the bible?.


Seems to me that if the Reneisance had never occured, the bible along with it's witless followers would have DESTROYED humanity.

okconor said:
Oh for God's sake,
I know she's American and they're not exactly famous for their irony, but she' being sarcastic, don't take it all so literally.

Oh man, don't take it so literally, I was just being sarcastic!

Medicine Woman said:
It was only a few ago that she told me not to take something literally!

c7ityi_ said:
Oh man, don't take it so literally, I was just being sarcastic!
This is just too entertaing. :D I'll have to unsubscribe lest I spend too much time here...
someone must pull out the teeth...
from the 5 snakes in the garden of eden...
to prevent the destruction of the world...
don't forget the rib... it is the detonator...
don't worry about the bomb...

i can no longer predict what will happen if you prevent it...
i only remember it was something wonderful...
but if you fail...
after thousands of years...
the snakes will become humans...
and you will no longer have time to pull out their teeth before they detonate the bomb...

i saw a great darkness surrounding the recognizable world...
i heard the sound of a great explosion...
the darkness continued...
the awakening was near...
i tried to look up...
but i saw only light...
I don't believe Adam and Eve have a free will. They just have to do it.
Cris said:
What if A & E had not eaten the forbidden fruit and had stayed in the Garden of Eden, how would the world have developed?

The garden appears to have been a "friendly" jungle where animals can be slaughtered easily for food and fruit was in abundance. What else were people meant to do? Sex I guess would have been the primary pastime since there was no TV, radio, internet, cars, sports, etc. I didn't see any references to buildings, sewerage systems, phone systems, etc., either.

Wouldn't a garden paradise without modern facilities have become rather boring and inconvenient after a short while? And since we wouldn't die and would have lots of sex then what was God's plan for solving inevitable overpopulation?

Just what had God planned for us in the event we hadn't disobeyed him?

Wouldn't they still be alive today? Well they wouldn't have had any child, there for we wouldn't be here today. So it's a good thing they sinned I guess. That's a good question!
Qorl said:
I don't believe Adam and Eve have a free will. They just have to do it.

God is supposedly omniscient, yet he didn't see the eating of the apple thing coming? Weird. The other really fucked up thing is that all the decendents of those two people are also punished for something they never did. How can you listen to this purile shit with a straight face?
Mythbuster said:
The other really fucked up thing is that all the decendents of those two people are also punished for something they never did. How can you listen to this purile shit with a straight face?
Replace "punished for" with "affected by", then try again...
Cris said:
What if A & E had not eaten the forbidden fruit and had stayed in the Garden of Eden, how would the world have developed?

The garden appears to have been a "friendly" jungle where animals can be slaughtered easily for food and fruit was in abundance. What else were people meant to do? Sex I guess would have been the primary pastime since there was no TV, radio, internet, cars, sports, etc. I didn't see any references to buildings, sewerage systems, phone systems, etc., either.

Wouldn't a garden paradise without modern facilities have become rather boring and inconvenient after a short while? And since we wouldn't die and would have lots of sex then what was God's plan for solving inevitable overpopulation?

Just what had God planned for us in the event we hadn't disobeyed him?

No death in the original garden. Man and all the animals were herbivores.
Tree of life had fruit so nutritious men would live forever if they ate it; probably no aging.
Adam tended the garden.
It apparently was easy work. God seems to have provided for every need and there was no sickness. Toil didn't happen until after they sinned.

The bible doesn't say how the world would have developed.
I suppose you would never need to pay taxes.
God could have solved the entire problem by making the world a perfect place with perfect, sinless people, and then NO sacrifice would ever have been necessary. And don't offer up that tired old nonsense about God not wanting to be worshipped by "robots." That is exactly what he does want! He wants people who are devoid of logic and reason, who ask no questions, who accept whatever is written in the Bible like a child accepting the story of Santa Claus. Anyone who doesn't behave this way is sent to hell (which he created, btw). So why didn't he simply make humans automatically obedient to him, so that they would never displease him by sinning?
Cris said:
What if A & E had not eaten the forbidden fruit and had stayed in the Garden of Eden, how would the world have developed?

The garden appears to have been a "friendly" jungle where animals can be slaughtered easily for food and fruit was in abundance. What else were people meant to do? Sex I guess would have been the primary pastime since there was no TV, radio, internet, cars, sports, etc. I didn't see any references to buildings, sewerage systems, phone systems, etc., either.

Wouldn't a garden paradise without modern facilities have become rather boring and inconvenient after a short while? And since we wouldn't die and would have lots of sex then what was God's plan for solving inevitable overpopulation?

Just what had God planned for us in the event we hadn't disobeyed him?

You would have to Fight the Battle for the survival of the fittest
as a purely Physical Being, yourself being nothing more than a Beast that
was born bare ass naked.