What If a Million poeple showed up at AREA 51s front door?

Ghost III said:
if you had a million people they would see you miles away, and most porbaly someone will inform someone in a high place.

I have already mentioned that they have thousands of ground sensors hiding on PRIVET land, that does not belong to the military. They would easily know you are coming.
Unless you get loads of parachuter planes and take your chances landing them right in area 51 but it will be the same as and invasion, shoot to kill
btw- what have you against Area51?
Why should they tell you something?
Mind your business and let the government do its job - researching new weapons.
Ghost III said:
Unless you get loads of parachuter planes and take your chances landing them right in area 51 but it will be the same as and invasion, shoot to kill

such planes would be shot down even before they get close
Avatar said:
btw- what have you against Area51?
Why should they tell you something?
Mind your business and let the government do its job - researching new weapons.

If my own government was secretly planning a world wide invasion using clones, do you not think I would want to know about it.

An odd example, YES. But we have no clue as to what they are doing in AREA 51 or what the purpose is? They can keep their secret, but the people deserve the right to know what is the nature of what they are hiding and/or doing there. If they are developing space-aged air craft, then tell us that, rather than saying the base does not even exist.

If you tell someone, that you have the coolest and most amazing thing in the world, inside a box, they will go crazy wondering what could be inside the box. And sometimes even go to extreme measures to find out.

Don’t believe me? Try it out sometime.

As much as they might appear to not care sometimes, you just know it is eating them up inside.
I don't care. I trust the government. You should too. Government is your friend. It really is. Trust me. :)
If governments are always right, then why are there so many wars and confrontations in the world?

I am not saying that you personally are saying that governments are always right, Avatar. But it is the only way I can express my point at this moment.

The ability to question what your government is doing either right or wrong is truly what free speech and democracy really is.
If there was one government there would be no such problems as wars. Romans came first with the idea, it was called "Pax Romana" or The roman peace, which was a plan to end all wars. One Rome - One world.
returning to our A51 topic-> I really don't see any reasons why any government should inform the populace of secret weapon and technology development. The mob by definition is lame, oversensitive and stupid. A mob is anarchy.
What do you want? Chemical weapon designs, monitoring technology? What would you do with it? It would be far more dangerous if posessed my multiple unprofessional entities.
and what if one day the US government says -> we have no alien technology there.
and what happens? all these ET zealots scream that it is not true and that they are being lied at. I call it Wishful-Thinking-Extreme. If it doesn't exist, you create in your fantasies and nobody can prove you wrong. Same with alien tech and A51.
And even if they had alien technology, then what? Would you demand it to be released into public? What if the technology enables to make a black hole in everyone's back yard? Project Goodbye Earth?
Something in me has a strong disagreement with what you said there, Avatar. I can't say exactly what that is however. :(

I am not saying you are right, but I just cannot come up with a decent rebuttal. Darn, my feeble human mind.

Which really sucks, on my behalf. :D

I don't think governments should release ALL information of top secret material, but where can we really draw the line between democracy, and government conspiracies?

I personally feel that the idea of one government is a VERY LONG ways away, but thank you for pointing that out. I will do some research on this "pax romana." :)
erm.. if you compare nowaday USA with ancient Athens then you can see that the USA is nowhere near a democracy.
No, it is not. :)

Yet they claim they are. :D

Does that not bug the hell out of you. ;)
No, it doesn't, because I know. And any man with enough education knows. So it's nothing top secret :D
What they tell is just PR - to look good infornt of the civilized world. And since I don't reside in the USA, I don't care in how deep shit the americans are.
Avatar said:
I don't care in how deep shit the Americans are.
I do care! Being the worlds most powerful government (or super power), I strongly care about their actions.
When the bell strikes, then I'll start to worry or hide. Until then I don't want any problems or politics disturbing my peace, since I can do nothing about it anyways.
And Russia is a far greater concern at the part of the world I'm located at.
not to lose our topic what do you want USA to do about A51?
everyone knows it exists already
everyone knows they're testing experimental aircraft there
so the US comes up with an announcement -> We are testing experimental aircraft at A51! 50 year old news. Will barely make it in the news.
and about the aliens -> it's a religion already. religious people don't like facts.,
but lets' assume for a moment and do a theoretical trick -> The US says -> we have extraterrestrial technology in our possesion and we are experimenting with it.

So, what happens? What's the gain? You can't expect that they will start giving away flying saucers to wallmart.
Avatar said:
So, what happens? What's the gain? You can't expect that they will start giving away flying saucers to wallmart.

No, but at least for once, the US government will be honest with the world...

That is a "start", if any.

The more you attempt to cover something up, the more you feel that a MAJOR world wide conspiracy is going on.

The cold war is over, why does USA feel they need to feel they need to hide MAJOR scientific finds, from the world? It truly does not do us good. By us, I mean the worlds population.
If you haven't noticed it, a new war has started.
p.s. and russia and china are already strenghtening their muscles for the potential next one.
3AM already. I'm off. See you tomorrow.
remember to turn the clock minus 1 hour
if you do that there
VERY nice link fluid1959!!! I will enjoy spending some time viewing this webpage.
Way to go! :D