What If a Million poeple showed up at AREA 51s front door?

A Canadian

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Registered Senior Member
What would happen if a million poeple, if not more, just decided to peacefully walk right into area 51.

How far is the US gov. willing to go, to keep area 51 a secret? Are they willing to kill a million of poeple in attempt to stop them from walking right in?

From what I have hear, they plant sensors outside of the area 51 perimeter on privet land already.

Oh they will know we are comming, but how far will they go to stop us?
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they will probably gas you all. but even if they kill you, it would in defense. you would fall easily into the category of an invading army, it does not matter if you have weapons. just you viewing classified things would probably be enough to warrant calling you, at least a large group of spies, if not an army.
Best of luck finding a million people. If the goverment would just turn it into a theme park then maybe a million a year.
The alien technology there is what will keep the million away. It is already doing it. Muhahahaha
Well you may have a point c20H25N3o, but as far as we know, only testing of air crafts goes on there.

I wouldn't be surprized if we could find a million of poeple to risk thier lives to know the truth. Corruption and Secrecy are tearing the USA apart. Not just from themselfs, but from the world.

Personal Note to the USA government: The Cold War Is OVER! Times have changed! The more you choose to hide yourselfs from the world, the more that poeple will want to find you. You are playing hide and seek with the world, and no matter what, the seeker always wins. So quit while your ahead and end all this nonsense god dammit. If you have Technology that can advance mankind, STOP HIDDING IT. It does the faith of our world no good.
Actually Blindman thats what I would have suggested they do with Area51 because it's more lucrative than the current Hush Hush approach, however I'm sure they couldn't do this while some of it needs de-contaminating.

As I've mentioned before if you had a stockpile of weapons that if for instance one was dropped it would either generate a rather large crater or biological impact, you would probably buy the surrounding land up that equals the area of a "Hot Zone" (The zone that has the highest concentration of what ever weaponry fallout that could happen).

This means that placing such a location for a stockpile (in the desert with a large acreage) away from a large populous like a main city.

I'm sure if the military thought that a march on the premises was a threat to the stockpile they would call in Martial Law (Where you have to return to your homes or face the consequences). If Martial Law was called in I think there was some way that the Military can actually then start bypassing Senate.

Also note that the test aircraft you mentioned like the Blackbird and other "bombing" aircraft would have not just been tested for their flying capability but the capacity to carry a "payload". Which is "why" there would be a stockpile.
i heared any aircraft that goes within 10miles(or something like that) radis will be shot down, so a million people turning up welli think theyll shoot a few to scare everyone.
My best guess, their response would be very simular to the incident of the alleged hurricane that came aground a few years back in Florida, the orders to all armed forces were "shoot anything that moves".

How else do you think your illustrious government and armed forces respond?
They could just roadblock the approach. Namely blockade roads leading to the nearby towns etc, any large numbers of people either being held for inspection on the grounds of terrorism or being told to return home.
Your government knows what's best for you.

Imagine if a million peasants stormed a high tech military weapon's testing facility!
OOO, what does this button do? What's in this barrel? ooopsy, biochemical agent..
and we have a scenario of Stephen King's "THE STAND"

besides.. I don't think that you have a legal right to know the design or the existance of secret weapons, because then they won't be secret anymore, and that's one of their strenghts.
Avatar said:
Your government knows what's best for you.

That is not true, if that was true, we would be living in a dicatorship world.
would you let a mob of peasants into a military research facility then?
would you answer for the damage they could do?

and now you're saying that you government doesn't know what's best for you?
I think it's clearly seen that the best is to keep the mob away by any means necessary
i agree, its like a mob of people marching in to your house and trashing all of it. how would you feel would youtry to defend it?
If you could organize a million people or even 100K they would not be able to stop you. But, like Blindman said good luck finding those million people.
They tried it with nuclear silo's before, however the protestors didn't get in, they were just held at the gates and arrested. Since Area 51 has an airstrip they can pretty much fly in over protests anyway, so it's all pointless.
I guess that is true, back-up could easily be called in to keep out a mass amount of intruders. And very quickly too, because it is quite clear, that whatever they are hiding, that to keep secret at all costs. I would not be surprised if there was a self destruct button in Area 51.

I am wondering however, Area 51 hired a privet company to secure the area around Area 51. Are these people legally allowed to kill if needed? (I forget the name of this privet police force, could someone remind me?)
if you had a million people they would see you miles away, and most porbaly someone will inform someone in a high place.