What has god done for you


Registered Senior Member
Can i have some examples with proof, of how your god has helped you.
And please no pure faith stuff.
My God, who is the one who created the entire fucking universe, decreed to make himself known in merely one religions tradition of thousands,one species of thousands, on just one planet of millions, which just so fortuitously happens to be my own. Wow, thanks God, how great thou art, indeed...

Can i have some examples with proof, of how your god has helped you.
And please no pure faith stuff.

to begin with there are things that god gives everyone, regardless of one's being a human or a bug, what to speak of an atheist or theist (air, water, food - all the necessities of life)

as regards atheists, or at least beginning theists, there are four ways that god helps them out

BG 7.16 O best among the Bharatas, four kinds of pious men begin to render devotional service unto Me—the distressed, the desirer of wealth, the inquisitive, and he who is searching for knowledge of the Absolute.
to begin with there are things that god gives everyone, regardless of one's being a human or a bug, what to speak of an atheist or theist (air, water, food - all the necessities of life)

Why do 17,000 children die each day from starvation? Why does your god allow that and why doesn't he fix it?
I'll keep this down to a few paragraphs rather than a few thousand. :D

He is my Father, my healer, my provider, my strength, my wisdom, my counselor, my friend, my peace, my victory, my righteousness.

He has done what each of those would do for any of His children: healed me from sickness, provided me with everything I want, comforted me in times of agony, educated me with true wisdom (His Word), helped me with problems (gave me "knowing" in my spirit), and has ALWAYS been there. He is a true friend. He answers all my prayers. He will NEVER leave me or forsake me. :worship:

More specifically: helped me raise money for tsunami/Africa/Katrina victims, gives me physical strength to rescue victims, helps me pass HUGE tests, helped me get into great physical shape, helps me get people saved, helps me love the unlovable, helps me meet all my financial/work goals, and gave me those cars I wanted. ;)
I must say, sandy, it's little wonder children are starving to death every day, considering your god spends so much of his time pandering to your every whim.
God is my Father. He WANTS to be involved in EVERY thought I think, every decision I make, everything I am. You don't bother/bug Him when you pray. He's big enough for everyone. Even you. ;)
God is my Father. He WANTS to be involved in EVERY thought I think, every decision I make, everything I am. You don't bother/bug Him when you pray. He's big enough for everyone. Even you.

Strange though, that he isn't "big enough" to save thousands of starving children. Or fix an entire plethora of worldwide problems.

Buying cars for dip shits seems to be the preferred activity, I guess.

More specifically: helped me raise money for tsunami/Africa/Katrina victims, gives me physical strength to rescue victims, helps me pass HUGE tests, helped me get into great physical shape, helps me get people saved, helps me love the unlovable, helps me meet all my financial/work goals, and gave me those cars I wanted. ;)

It's amazing how I can do all of these things without asking for help from your god, or any god for that matter.

I think you'll be suprised to see that you can do all these things by yourself if you just put your mind to it.
Q- Nope. He gave us free will. That same free will is causing all the problems in the world with the help of satan. The parents of those starving kids need to take some responsibility too. Like don't have kids you can't afford. And the men should stop raping the women. Personal responsibility. It's a good thing.

He is using churches like mine to give millions in food/aid to starving kids. Their country's evil/corrupt government wants to keep them starving/ powerless/helpless.:mad:

And he didn't buy me a car. I got the ones I wanted by his "favor".;)

I shouldn't have even responded to your comment since you personally attacked but I don't care what you say about me. I care what you say about God.

I have to laugh when people blame God for the world's problems. :rolleyes:
It's amazing how I can do all of these things without asking for help from your god, or any god for that matter.

I think you'll be suprised to see that you can do all these things by yourself if you just put your mind to it.

I'd rather do it His way than my way. I've done it my way. It's NEVER as good as when it's His way. ;)

So you raised millions in relief aid yourself? You got people saved yourself? You rescued accident victims yourself? Then you are a bigger/better person than I am. Amazing...
The parents of those starving kids need to take some responsibility too.

at this point i would usually be telling you to fuck off but the other day i read this massive "its so hard to survive" article and then at the bottom there was a picture of them and they had 9 FUCKING KIDS.i think my parents would have struggled to raise 9 kids in england on an engineers wage.