WHat happens to the mentally challenged after grade school?


Registered Member
I used to know some mentally handicapped children in my grade school and I was wondering what happens after that? Do they get jobs? Or do they stay at their parents house for the rest of their life?
My friends brother is mentally disabled, he just sits at home and plays video games adn gets a check from the government every month, but the way I see it he got dealt a shitty hand so why should he not get to do what he likes, the parents dont mind either. not that this speaks for all the mentally disabled
Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to be rude or anything but a check from the government? I didn't know that the government did that...

they do indeed although its not that much but its enough for him to buy more video games and candy..sometimes i envy him
They move to SciForums...
Some get (menial) jobs, some don't.
Depends on ability and desire among other things.
There used to be a place in Hull in the UK that had nearly 100% mentally handicapped workforce, but I'm buggered if I can remember what the factory produced. :shrug:
There's a business down the street from mine that employs mental handicapped people to pack candles in boxes.
I don't know what's typical, but one of them lived on my street. Nice guy. He had Williams Syndrome, and frankly was more socially skilled than me. It was kinda funny, one day him and one of his female retard friends passed the Box Man. The Box Man stood on the corner most of the day wearing headphones and holding a small cardboard box on his shoulder. As far as I could tell, the only thing in the box was an umbrella, and his headphones weren't connected to anything. Every hour or so, he would turn 90degrees. Other than that, he seemed normal, and refused any money I tried to offer. So, the retard couple demanded to know why Boxman was standing there, and they couldn't understand, so he called them retards. A verbal battle ensued, but they just ended up walking away grumbling. It seems like a full rich life.
I used to know some mentally handicapped children in my grade school and I was wondering what happens after that? Do they get jobs? Or do they stay at their parents house for the rest of their life?

They continue as a drain, emotionally as well as monetarily, on the families, friends and all of society until they finally die of old age. Or worse, we allow them to breed, thus continue to drain families, friends and all of society even after they're dead.

Baron Max
some will get jobs some will not, there is a guy who works at out local ASDA and he has no arms, he works on the customer assistant counter. So not all are a drain on families and society
some will get jobs some will not, there is a guy who works at out local ASDA and he has no arms, he works on the customer assistant counter. So not all are a drain on families and society

Was that "job" set up, paid for and maintained by government or some charitable organization? If so, then it's just one of the many "drains" on society.

Baron Max