What happens now that Biblical Literalism has been completely disproven?

What about the Talmud or the Koran? Are they literally correct too? The Vedas? The Guru Granth Sahib? The Tipitaka?

What's your particular hang up with the Bible?

Indeed. I'm always a deist regardless. Jesus appears to be the best answer to deity until somebody comes up with a better one.
Interesting isn't it?
Jesus is also called the day star and the morning star.

What that tells you is that Lucifer as an angel of light would be indistinguishable from God.
That is how close it is.
He could deceive the whole world and they would never know it.

Didn't the Bible say something like that?

And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Have you ever read the bible? christ was never referred to as either of those things. The only link between lucifer and goodness that I know of is that some people believe that lucifer/satan/devil/whatever you call him is fact the archangel sammuel acting under gods orders.
I'm sure you think you do, but seriously, are you going out of your way everyday to help people?

That remark is indicative of a prejudgmental mind that has been sculpted and shaped to think that only believers can be Good Samaritans.

StrangerinaStrangeland if you don't mind I'll butt in here...I've hinted at it but have never revealed what I do every day in my work. Let's just say that many people benefit from what my little atheist mind can do. A great majority of them believe in one deity or another and even those who contract my services, believers to the nth degree & knowing how much I despise religion, employ me because I can make a difference in people's lives. A significant portion of this assistance I willingly give for free.

Imagine Woody, believers who can put aside philosophical & religious differences just so those in need get the proper attention.
I'm sure you think you do, but seriously, are you going out of your way everyday to help people?


A farmer would burn it in a fireplace and plant another fruitbearing tree in its place.

A farmer would know that fig trees are slow growing and hard to replace.

A farmer would know fruit trees often have fallow years where for one reason or another they don't produce.

The last thing a farmer would ever do would be to destroy a heathy tree just because it was barren one year and you can bet the farmer who owned that particular tree was right pissed at Jesus for destroying a source of food and income for his family.
Have you ever read the bible? Christ was never referred to as either of those things. (day star, morning star)

We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place,
until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

Rev, 22:18
I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, [and] the bright and morning star.

According to the HEBREW LEXICON -- STRONGS NUMBER 1966
Lucifer = "light-bearer" 1) shining one, morning star, Lucifer
According to the GREEK LEXICON -- STRONG'S NUMBER.5459
AV -- day star (1) light bringing, giving light...
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