What happens now that Biblical Literalism has been completely disproven?

What about the Talmud or the Koran? Are they literally correct too? The Vedas? The Guru Granth Sahib? The Tipitaka?

What's your particular hang up with the Bible?
Was that addressed to me? Surely not, but let me know if it was.
In what religion do you find the Word of God that is not offensive?
I don't find the Word of God in any religion. What I find offensive is self righteous, indoctrinated fools who do.
Only weird if it was directed at me. Excuse any confusion caused.
Are you privy to the Word of God? You asked the question of me first. Didn't you understand what you meant yourself?

I'm asking you.
could be an accepted translation but not be used in the context he thinks it is being used. Lucifer mean light-bringer in latin. and is roughly translated as day-star or morning-star

Interesting isn't it?
Jesus is also called the day star and the morning star.

What that tells you is that Lucifer as an angel of light would be indistinguishable from God.
That is how close it is.
He could deceive the whole world and they would never know it.

Didn't the Bible say something like that?

And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
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Whether you see it, comprehend it & admit it depends on your point of view & how desperate you are to stick to it.

To the people of this world, Lucifer has represented the true God.
He has fathered an entire world of his offspring.
To his children, the God of heaven would seem to be the strange god.
Like I said, it's all in your point of view.
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I'm asking you.
And I have no intention of replying until you give me your understanding of your own question. I am taking this stance for two reasons:
1) It will minimise misunderstanding.
2) It will counteract what appears to be a little game you are trying to play. If I am mistaken in that, then you will have no objection, for the purpose of supporting reason 1), to going along with my request.
And I have no intention of replying until you give me your understanding of your own question. I am taking this stance for two reasons:
1) It will minimise misunderstanding.
2) It will counteract what appears to be a little game you are trying to play. If I am mistaken in that, then you will have no objection, for the purpose of supporting reason 1), to going along with my request.

In a previous post, you mentioned "The Word of God"; what is your explanation/definition of this? These are your terms that you introduced into the discussion, thus the oness is on you to define them.
Quite precisely, as mentioned before, what is your understanding of your statement?
And I have no intention of replying until you give me your understanding of your own question. I am taking this stance for two reasons:
1) It will minimise misunderstanding.
2) It will counteract what appears to be a little game you are trying to play. If I am mistaken in that, then you will have no objection, for the purpose of supporting reason 1), to going along with my request.

I find The Word of God everywhere I look. I was attempting to find out where you saw it, as you deny it exists in the Christian Bible. This to me seems impossible. The Word of God is in a Thank You, a salutation-a smile.
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