What good had Christianity done to the world since 2000 years ago?

I am happy with my reality by believing in God and I am grateful the Jesus was sent to open the Way . The atheist pretend to know reality . So each of us have its own reality
If the aetheists throw out enough data, they can mold reality into anything they like.
OOOh i like that even better. It suggests I have power beyond comprehension just by ignoring facts. Now I am god.
Honestly, I don't see atheism as a better choice as a philosophy or as a foundation for one's values, beliefs, or one's life. If anything, atheism teaches us that evolution is "survival of the fittest"; that the strong have the right to eat the weak. How is this not so?

Also, what are the acheivements of atheism?
Honestly, I don't see atheism as a better choice as a philosophy or as a foundation for one's values, beliefs, or one's life. If anything, atheism teaches us that evolution is "survival of the fittest"; that the strong have the right to eat the weak. How is this not so?

Also, what are the acheivements of atheism?

Since the secular vision of the universe finally drove out the religious one, numerous acheivements have been made. Scientific breakthroughs. Art. Politics. Philosophy. Literature. Music. All the fruits of the Enlightment can be chalked up to our liberation from the dungeon of a theistic universe. Do we really need to list all that science has accomplished in the past 400 years?
Since the secular vision of the universe finally drove out the religious one, numerous acheivements have been made. Scientific breakthroughs. Art. Politics. Philosophy. Literature. Music. All the fruits of the Enlightment can be chalked up to our liberation from the dungeon of a theistic universe. Do we really need to list all that science has accomplished in the past 400 years?
I think its more that you have a tough time doing so while simultaneously declaring it as divorced or even diametrically opposed to the theistic thought of the era ...
On the other hand, what bad had Christianity done to the world?

A thousand years of censorship,persecution, torture and slaughter of millions of pagans, heretics, witches, homosexuals, adulterers, jews, muslims, and native peoples all in the name of their crucified founder. One thousand years of senseless violence and terrorism for the sake of God who doesn't even exist. Is that enough or do I need to post the extensive list again.
Honestly, I don't see atheism as a better choice as a philosophy or as a foundation for one's values, beliefs, or one's life.
Atheism is not a foundation for values or beliefs. It is also not a philosophy. It is just lack of belief in a god. Many atheists, though not all, have a strong respect for science. There atheists who adhere to the idea of karma, cosmic balance and "the force". That would be a philosophy. Atheists believe in many different things from one individual to the next. Some atheists think they are genetically superior to races other than their own, indicating a poor understanding of genetics. Some atheists think that reality is an illusion and we just aren't really here, indicating some form of psychosis, but they believe its their philosophy. Atheists do not all think and believe the same way, anymore than all theists think and believe the same way. Some atheists are bat-shit crazy; some are not. Some theists are highly intelligent; some are not. Every atheist dictates their own code of ethics. They do not derive their code of ethics out of fear that an omnipotent creator will punish them if they do not act according to some divine code. So they likely derive their code of ethics from their own life experiences, observations, natural inclinations, and desires.

If anything, atheism teaches us that evolution is "survival of the fittest"; that the strong have the right to eat the weak. How is this not so?

Also, what are the acheivements of atheism?
That's what you think those things teach? Hardly. It doesn't teach anything to do with rights. It only states what is observed. There is no part of evolution that says, the strong eating the weak is right or wrong. It only says that it what naturally occurs whether we like it or not. Right and wrong are subjective concepts. Science does not deal with subjectivity. If something seems to be determined by how we feel about it, then it is not science. It is perspective and opinion. Not a scientific fact. Data is what is observed. Whether something is right or wrong is dependent on how the observer feels about it. Human feeling has no bearing on data. if a dog is found dead, it is dead. no matter what. the state of being dead is not determined by science to be right or wrong. It is just a fact that the dog is dead.
A thousand years of censorship,persecution, torture and slaughter of millions of pagans, heretics, witches, homosexuals, adulterers, jews, muslims, and native peoples all in the name of their crucified founder. One thousand years of senseless violence and terrorism for the sake of God who doesn't even exist. Is that enough or do I need to post the extensive list again.

hmm, i wonder if that was the 1000 years of Satan's reign that Revelations speaks of....lol imagine that, Christians obeying Satan unaware.
Atheism is not a foundation for values or beliefs. It is also not a philosophy. It is just lack of belief in a god.
I was under the impression that atheists, like the ones one this website, were forcing me to accept "god does not exist" as a foundation for my values and beliefs. I thought that since God hasn't shown up in the Large Hadron Collider, that atheists therefore concluded that God is unnecessary (So says Stephen Hawkins), therefore, God does not exist. If you have seen God, then you are delusional. Are you telling me that atheists are not espousing this very idea?
hmm, i wonder if that was the 1000 years of Satan's reign that Revelations speaks of....lol imagine that, Christians obeying Satan unaware.

Have you ever read that book Revelation? I can honestly say I have never read 22 chapters filled with more hateful vitriol and sickening hope for violent retribution against the entire human race. Plagues. Monsters. Meteorites. Massacres. All climaxed in an apocalyptic lake of fire and brimstone! And we wonder where Christians get their insane ideas from? lol!
It made people feel guilty about normal sexual behavior.
According to Christianity, we're all sinners. Not necessarily because we engage in kinky sex with people we're not married to. Even if we're married, we're sinners for other reasons. I don't think "abnormal sexual behavior" is a solid reason not to entertain being a Christian.
According to Christianity, we're all sinners. Not necessarily because we engage in kinky sex with people we're not married to. Even if we're married, we're sinners for other reasons. I don't think "abnormal sexual behavior" is a solid reason not to entertain being a Christian.

I didn't say "abnormal", I said normal. But you bring up a good point, is it fair to inherit the "misdeeds" of your ancestors?
I was under the impression that atheists, like the ones one this website, were forcing me to accept "god does not exist" as a foundation for my values and beliefs.
No one is forcing you. If an atheist debates with you, are you forcing him to believe in your God? It goes both ways, my friend.
I thought that since God hasn't shown up in the Large Hadron Collider, that atheists therefore concluded that God is unnecessary (So says Stephen Hawkins),
Hawking never said that for one. You're talking about the badly nicknamed "God Particle"- the Higgs Boson.

Two, the LHC has nothing to do with proving nor disproving God.
The reason many scientists do not believe in a God is because Evolution is tested true and demonstrates not just a lack of a Creator/Deity, but that one would be absurd and superfluous. It's simple acceptance of what is, not a belief- a lack of belief.
If you have seen God, then you are delusional. Are you telling me that atheists are not espousing this very idea?
They are. Because people are often given to delusion and fits of hysteria. Why should a rational person believe in your aliens? You claim aliens, others claim leprechauns and so on and so on and all tales, descriptions and communications are radically different from each other.
I was under the impression that atheists, like the ones one this website, were forcing me to accept "god does not exist" as a foundation for my values and beliefs. I thought that since God hasn't shown up in the Large Hadron Collider, that atheists therefore concluded that God is unnecessary (So says Stephen Hawkins), therefore, God does not exist. If you have seen God, then you are delusional. Are you telling me that atheists are not espousing this very idea?

First no human being can FORCE any other human being to accept anything.They can argue with you, insult you, annoy the crap out of you, but they cannot force you to abandon your beliefs. Even if you said you were atheist just to get them off your back, you would be lying and in your head, you would still be a theist. Now if you genuinely do lose faith as a result of your dealings with atheists, then they still did not force you. You simply recognized ,by your own will, reasoning in their remarks that lead you to the same conclusion they had. It works the same if an atheist becomes a theist by the same means. Second, I find it interesting that you used the word accept rather than believe. This may indicate a subconscious realization or belief that atheists are correct. Of course, it could have just been an inability to choose the correct word to demonstrate what you meant.

Third, as I said before, all atheists are different. We are individuals, that may or may not share certain perceptions of the world around us because of the shared perception of no god. But it is not a rule. Atheism is not a system of beliefs. It is only a single perception. That there is no god. Now, I won't deny that there are many atheists on this forum that will give you a lot of crap for being a theist. But there are plenty of theists that are on here doing the same thing to atheists. It's all tit for tat, I know you are but what am I bullshit. It is a normal human function of the mind to pick a pack and point fingers laughing at anyone that didn't join the same pack as you. It's just the way people are. Atheists and theists are equally guilty of this because we are all human. Beliefs aren't the only things humans judge each other for. Look at football fans. The fans of one team will talk about fans of a rival team as if they are the devil incarnate and sub human. There is no logic or reason or rational thinking at all that goes into this sort of behavior. It is some primitive instinct we have from before our fore-brain got all clever and stuff. As far as the LHC is concerned, I had never heard of it when I became atheist. A new born baby has no belief in a god. They are atheist when they are born. The god concept is taught to them. They have no concept of LHC or science either. They don't even have a concept of themselves when they are born. About the only thing babies perceive at birth are comfort and discomfort. But they learn fast. There are many paths that can lead to the conclusion of atheism. One does not have to be a science nerd or anything like that.

If you have seen god you are delusional.... hmm. how to address that. Well from our point of view, you are. Just as from your point of view, we are delusional, in denial, morally bankrupt etc. Fair enough? All human beings are subject to human nature. And arrogance is part of human nature. Some of us exhibit it more than others.
Have you ever read that book Revelation? I can honestly say I have never read 22 chapters filled with more hateful vitriol and sickening hope for violent retribution against the entire human race. Plagues. Monsters. Meteorites. Massacres. All climaxed in an apocalyptic lake of fire and brimstone! And we wonder where Christians get their insane ideas from? lol!

OH yeah I read it beginning to end. to the point I even started seeing signs of the second coming. It really does read like a horoscope. all vague and stuff so you can apply any parable to a modern day phenomenon. I always thought it would make an awesome horror flick. I liked the movie Seven Signs. There was a guy in a mental hospital, hey i had a breakdown due to abuse at home, that was reading the bible. He was freaking out so I peaked to see what part of the bible he was reading. Revelations. So I questioned the staff about the wisdom of having such books available to the mentally unstable. They just looked at me like "Why are YOU here?" I was sent home hours later.
OH yeah I read it beginning to end. to the point I even started seeing signs of the second coming. It really does read like a horoscope. all vague and stuff so you can apply any parable to a modern day phenomenon. I always thought it would make an awesome horror flick. I liked the movie Seven Signs. There was a guy in a mental hospital, hey i had a breakdown due to abuse at home, that was reading the bible. He was freaking out so I peaked to see what part of the bible he was reading. Revelations. So I questioned the staff about the wisdom of having such books available to the mentally unstable. They just looked at me like "Why are YOU here?" I was sent home hours later.

LOL! Psychotic literature for the psychos I guess. When I spent a week in jail once their whole bookshelf was filled with religious crap.With effort I finally found an old copy of Brave New World. Just what I needed in that situation. Hey, was Demi Moore in Seven Signs? I like horror flicks..Maybe that's what made me so obsessed with Revelation too when I was like 13. I was seeing signs everywhere too. Something disturbingly schizo about that state of mind..