What good had Christianity done to the world since 2000 years ago?

you mean aside from being the most defining aspect of western culture, science and philosophy for the period?

The question was "What good had Christianity done to the world since 2000 years ago?"

Do you think "being the most defining aspect of "Western culture, science and philosophy for the period" is a good thing?
What good had Christianity done to the world since 2000 years ago?
Listing only the good things...:
-Charities and funding assistance to the needy.
-Alcoholics Anonymous, while not a religion nor a Christian organization (founded by Christians using aspects of Christianity) has helped a great many people overcome addiction and maintain sobriety.
-Faith/fellowship/emotional support has helped a great many people cope with trauma, stress and difficulties with living.

eh, that's all I got for now. Bear in mind, the above illustrates some good things. This does not mean those things are always good but they can be good.
The question was "What good had Christianity done to the world since 2000 years ago?"

Do you think "being the most defining aspect of "Western culture, science and philosophy for the period" is a good thing?
culture, science and philosophy tend to be the high points of society
What good had Christianity done to the world since 2000 years ago?
Literacy, the printing press, the Gutenberg bible.

Occam's razor. William of Ockham (c.1285–c.1350) He was an English Franciscan friar and scholastic philosopher. He is a major figure of medieval thought and was at the center of the major intellectual and political controversies of his time. Commonly known for Occam's razor, the scientific/methodological principle that bears his name, he also produced significant works on logic, physics, and theology.

Major achievements of Christianity include:
• The beginnings of hospitals;
• The beginnings of schools, universities and general public education;
• Numerous charitable institutions in which the command of Jesus that his disciples should
“love one another” were put into practical effect; and
• The inspiration for many world-famous art works, and musical compositions.

Medical ethics, last rites,

Ten Commandments (JudaoChristian).
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Today's Christians, other than hoping to go to Heaven,
what good are they doing to the society?

Is church still significant in our society?
Mack Wolford was known all over Appalachia as a daring man of conviction. He believed that the Bible mandates that Christians handle serpents to test their faith in God -- and that, if they are bitten, they trust in God alone to heal them.

In her earlier piece, she detailed how Woford had combed the backwoods of West Virginia for the serpents he kept in his back bedroom for his prayer events at the isolated, tiny Church of the Lord Jesus

A few really good sculptures and paintings of naked musclemen. That's about it. The Dark Ages which was directly caused by Christianity set back the human race probably a thousand years. Had it not been for that we would've applied the principles of Greek philosophy, Muslim math, and Roman technology much sooner in our history and would be much farther in our progress than we are now. All the misery, psychological guilt and repression,sectarian divisiveness, and faith-based superstition spread by Christianity far outweighs any alleged good it has done for our world. Pointing out the good things it's done is like saying a serial killer donated to charity on weekends. Doesn't really excuse what he liked doing in his basement late at night. JMO..
A few really good sculptures and paintings of naked musclemen. That's about it. The Dark Ages which was directly caused by Christianity set back the human race probably a thousand years. Had it not been for that we would've applied the principles of Greek philosophy, Muslim math, and Roman technology much sooner in our history and would be much farther in our progress than we are now. All the misery, psychological guilt and repression,sectarian divisiveness, and faith-based superstition spread by Christianity far outweighs any alleged good it has done for our world. Pointing out the good things it's done is like saying a serial killer donated to charity on weekends. Doesn't really excuse what he liked doing in his basement late at night. JMO..

Maybe in the future, atheism will destroy Christianity and replace it. Atheists don't have the passion to commit atrocities in the name of science. But they could get Christians (religious folks) fired from their jobs. What will you do about psychic mediums who can see the dead? Will you put them on black lists and target them for character assassination? What happens when the Muslims move in? Will you try to take away their religion? What about the masses who feel like the material world is a lie, what will you do about them? Give them anti-depressants?

If atheism tries to fill the shoes of Christianity, it could replace the Holy Spirit with the Higgs Field. "We spent billion of dollars and came p will the Higgs field and found the God particle. Feel the Higgs field fill you and you will be ok!"

Little girl: "Mommy! Fluffy died!" Sob. Sob. "Will Fluffy go to heaven?"
Mommy: "No honey. There is no heaven. Fluffy will be eaten by maggots. Grandpa was eaten by maggots. And when you die, the maggots will come for you, and eat you too!"
Mazulu, you sir have serious issues.
Where did Magical Realist, say he wanted to replace anything.
Maybe in the future, atheism will destroy Christianity and replace it. .."
I already target psychics for character assassination. I want to take away Christianity, Islam, and all religions (through reasoned logical argument) and replace them with nothing. Christianity is the only thing that creates the need for Christianity. If reality depresses you, maybe just deal with it?
Maybe in the future, atheism will destroy Christianity and replace it. Atheists don't have the passion to commit atrocities in the name of science. But they could get Christians (religious folks) fired from their jobs. What will you do about psychic mediums who can see the dead? Will you put them on black lists and target them for character assassination? What happens when the Muslims move in? Will you try to take away their religion? What about the masses who feel like the material world is a lie, what will you do about them? Give them anti-depressants?

If atheism tries to fill the shoes of Christianity, it could replace the Holy Spirit with the Higgs Field. "We spent billion of dollars and came p will the Higgs field and found the God particle. Feel the Higgs field fill you and you will be ok!"

Little girl: "Mommy! Fluffy died!" Sob. Sob. "Will Fluffy go to heaven?"
Mommy: "No honey. There is no heaven. Fluffy will be eaten by maggots. Grandpa was eaten by maggots. And when you die, the maggots will come for you, and eat you too!"

Why would anyone want to fill the shoes of Christianity or any other faith? Those shoes need to be taken out and burned.

Now the socks, we can replace. Faith in general does do some good for the majority of people who have it. But it is not because god is real. it is a psychological crutch that helps people deal with existence. It's kind of like the lie you tell yourself when you get a shot, and you and the nurse tell you that it will feel a little pinch. Bullshit, it hurts! but you tell yourself it will be a little pinch in order to get yourself to go through with it. Sometimes a lie can be comforting. And the majority of humans want comfort, not reality. Atheists are the ones who find comfort in reality. It's a rare gift that we have. Or a skill maybe, but it is something the majority of humans cannot cope with. Because well, reality sucks.
It's kind of like the lie you tell yourself when you get a shot, and you and the nurse tell you that it will feel a little pinch. Bullshit, it hurts! but you tell yourself it will be a little pinch in order to get yourself to go through with it.
Like those huge catheters, those things tear quite a hole. I found that while I cannot lie to myself as to whether or not it deals some pain, but that the pain was something I could easily handle. Because of this and being prepared, I didn't so much as flinch and actually watched the needle pop into the vein because
1.) I was curious about how it separates the skin and
2.) I like to make sure the orderly didn't miss. They never did, though, I don't have small veins in my arms... but I never liked the idea of it happening.

I remember the orderly shaking his head when I watched the needle and didn't even blink. He may have thought I was dulled by drugs or alcohol for all I know.
Why would anyone want to fill the shoes of Christianity or any other faith? Those shoes need to be taken out and burned.

Now the socks, we can replace. Faith in general does do some good for the majority of people who have it. But it is not because god is real. it is a psychological crutch that helps people deal with existence. It's kind of like the lie you tell yourself when you get a shot, and you and the nurse tell you that it will feel a little pinch. Bullshit, it hurts! but you tell yourself it will be a little pinch in order to get yourself to go through with it. Sometimes a lie can be comforting. And the majority of humans want comfort, not reality. Atheists are the ones who find comfort in reality. It's a rare gift that we have. Or a skill maybe, but it is something the majority of humans cannot cope with. Because well, reality sucks.

I am happy with my reality by believing in God and I am grateful the Jesus was sent to open the Way . The atheist pretend to know reality . So each of us have its own reality