What God Wants

Gordon said:
If you truly believe this are you
a) a vegetarian who believes everyone else should be too;
b) happy to kill other people (or have them killed) and eat them?

c) I eat animals but am a wannabee vegetarian

BUT I have no problem with

b) if there were no animals to eat and it was the 'norm'

meanwhile re you saying if I say we are not more important than other animals then I should have no problem eating other humans, well that's easily dismissed as false, because generally animals do not EAT members of their own species, so in that regard we are no different to animals.
perplexity said:
When I read about the spiders that eat the male after copulation, what comes to mind is the similarity to the human condition, not the difference.

--- Ron.


did u know a type of slug (if not all) that both have male and female genitals. One has to bite off anothers penis to make it female and thus mate.