What God Wants

The very idea of ‘Want’ goes against the concept of omniscience and omnipotence.

What would a perfect, all-powerful entity want?
Wanting is the desire for what is absent.
Absence denotes imperfection and incompleteness.

Man wants because he lacks. He then projects his want upon an invention of perfection he can only imagine.

Something to consider:

If a human father, or a parent, wants the best for his child, wants it to exceed him and surpass him, be better than him, be independent from him, then why does this Christian invention want the reverse?
What a pedantic, vain and authoritarian God He is.
An adequate invention of those needing direction, leadership, guidance, protection and eternity.

Let us now turn to a human product, Scripture, to support another human product, God…a circular, self-supporting system of belief relying on human frailty and need.
lightgigantic said:
Scripture is the indication of what god wants - what other authority are you going to approach ? One's mind? (of course you can approach scripture with the view to fulfil what is in one's mind, but then that is kind of an issue of impaired hearing)

Scripture being MAN-MADE of course--is not an indication of what God wants!
More like ( what whoever wrote the scripture wants)
Following "what God wants" from scripture has been a recipe for disaster over the past few thousand yrs...each group slaughtering the other over "what God wants".

What Theory of Relatively states.."improvement thru evolution" makes more sense.
Nickelodeon said:
This is one of the problems I have with religion, it puts man aside from all other creatures as if somehow we are superior to them. .

I don't have a religion

Humans are not more important than animals but we are superior in intelligence and we have the ability to problem solve and these two facts give us a collective advantage against all other animals.
“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
You have just described your status ”

No, I just patially told you my mindset, for a description of my status I would have to imply where that places me in society, or how others regard me for the things I do, say and think and how I relate to others.

The point is that there also unlimited totems and ritual for persons who act out of an antithesis of the dominant social paradigm - if you don't believe me go to a foreign country for 5 years (maybe a rural vilage in bangladesh) and experience culture shock as you are removed from your accustomed rituals

Humans are not more important than animals

certainly in the view of humans ...

but we are superior in intelligence and we have the ability to problem solve
and these two facts give us a collective advantage against all other animals.

there is a quote by einstein to he effect that we require more inteligence to solve a problem, than the required level of intelligence that went in to creating it - in other words a concommitant factor of intelligence is the responsibility that goes with it - so even though we are more inteligent than animals, we could be comparitatively less intelligent than them - after all a bird doesn't have to do some ridiculous job to eat (or at the very least it doesn't have a night shift)
lightgigantic said:

certainly in the view of humans ...

there is a quote by einstein to he effect that we require more inteligence to solve a problem, than the required level of intelligence that went in to creating it - in other words a concommitant factor of intelligence is the responsibility that goes with it - so even though we are more inteligent than animals, we could be comparitatively less intelligent than them - after all a bird doesn't have to do some ridiculous job to eat (or at the very least it doesn't have a night shift)

We wouldn't have to do a paid job to eat either if if we chose to eat worms.

Regardless animals do work for their supper, spending half a day stomping the ground trying to encourage a worm to appear is no easy task, neither is collecting twigs to build a nest, neither is sourcing food for all the family while mama bird sits on the chicks. Animals that live in groups have defined 'roles'. Lookout, hunter, protector.

We are not less intelligent than birds.

We wouldn't have to do a paid job to eat either if if we chose to eat worms.

Whats the connection between people's contemporary occupations and the securing of agricultural produce if not a connection of absurdity?
Regardless animals do work for their supper, spending half a day stomping the ground trying to encourage a worm to appear is no easy task, neither is collecting twigs to build a nest, neither is sourcing food for all the family while mama bird sits on the chicks. Animals that live in groups have defined 'roles'. Lookout, hunter, protector.

We are not less intelligent than birds.

The bird doesn't have to see a psychiatrist or take pills to sleep at night :)
lightgigantic said:

Whats the connection between people's contemporary occupations and the securing of agricultural produce if not a connection of absurdity?

The bird doesn't have to see a psychiatrist or take pills to sleep at night :)

did you forget your own post? The absurdity was yours, you said this:

"we could be comparitatively less intelligent than them - after all a bird doesn't have to do some ridiculous job to eat"

The bird cannot itself create nor choose to take pills to sleep at night this does not mean he does not have trouble sleeping, unless you are 'Dr Doolittle' and presume to know that birds and other animals have no anxiety related difficulties?

I know of a Dog who has to be given tranquilisers every new yr becuase he becomes very 'stressed' by the fire works. Stress is not restricted to humans, we just have the intelligence to do something about it.
Theoryofrelativity said:
did you forget your own post? The absurdity was yours, you said this:

"we could be comparitatively less intelligent than them - after all a bird doesn't have to do some ridiculous job to eat"

The bird cannot itself create nor choose to take pills to sleep at night this does not mean he does not have trouble sleeping, unless you are 'Dr Doolittle' and presume to know that birds and other animals have no anxiety related difficulties?

I know of a Dog who has to be given tranquilisers every new yr becuase he becomes very 'stressed' by the fire works. Stress is not restricted to humans, we just have the intelligence to do something about it.

Sounds like the dog owner is stressed
And even if a person takes tranquilizers they still have mental problems - so its not clear how we have solved the problem anyway

Worms come from the ground and so do vegetables - a birds work brings him into direct contact with the worm - he doesn't have to work in an office to pay someone for frozen worms
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Theoryofrelativity said:
On subject of what god wants and I reply - for us to 'improve' through 'evolution' of body, mind and spirit

"2. How can evolution produce complex organs like the eye?

In the process of natural selection, individuals in a population who are well-adapted to a particular set of environmental conditions have an advantage over those who are not so well adapted. These individuals pass their genes and advantageous traits to their offspring, giving the offspring the same advantages. Generation after generation, natural selection acts upon each structure within an organ like the eye, producing incremental improvements in the process. Each tiny change in a structure is dependent upon changes in all the other structures. In this way, individual parts of a system evolve in unison to be both structurally and functionally compatible. Eventually, over thousands and sometimes millions of years, the small improvements add up -- the simple, systematic process has produced an almost unfathomably complex organ. Recently, scientists have found clues to the evolutionary pasts of some of the most complex organs, helping to clarify how this process works. "


This would suggest evolution is about improvement in some regard, note the use of the word 'improvement' in this short extract.

Improvement is relative to the environment, it is not defined by what you can or cannot do. Some animals are blind, yet they survive better in their environment than an animal with working eyes. Evolution is not heading in a given direction with a set purpose, it just 'is'.
Theoryofrelativity said:
We are improved, we can adapt to any environment on the planet due to our intelligence and ability to problem solve.
We are 'better' than chimps this is not subjective it is fact.

We humans have the ability to destroy every living thing on the planet which other species has this ability?

IMO genetic variation is rather more deliberate than random and as it cannot be proven otherwise.............I'll not be sucked in to the blind faith required to believe it is merely random.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. Humans cannot survive anywhere on the planet, try living at the bottom of the ocean. You could mean that our technology allows us to reach places we would otherwise be unable to, but how does that make us better than creatures that can survive perfectly well in their environment without technology?
You seem to think that our intelligence makes us better than less intelligent animals, but that is a matter opinion not fact.
Evolution is NOT random, mutation is random but natural selection is the very opposite of random.
wsionynw said:
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Humans cannot survive anywhere on the planet, try living at the bottom of the ocean. You could mean that our technology allows us to reach places we would otherwise be unable to, but how does that make us better than creatures that can survive perfectly well in their environment without technology?
You seem to think that our intelligence makes us better than less intelligent animals, but that is a matter opinion not fact.
Evolution is NOT random, mutation is random but natural selection is the very opposite of random.

you are right, I wait with baited breath while the crab designs , builds and lands a rocket on the moon
Theoryofrelativity said:
you are right, I wait with baited breath while the crab designs , builds and lands a rocket on the moon

So what's your point? Do you think that evolution has designed humans to be the most intelligent life forms on the planet to serve some higher purpose?
We are not better than crabs, just different.
wsionynw said:
So what's your point? Do you think that evolution has designed humans to be the most intelligent life forms on the planet to serve some higher purpose?
We are not better than crabs, just different.

we do not have a higher purpose, but we are more intelligent than crabs..well you might not be given your reply.
certainly we are no better than animals if all one has a view for is sleeping, eating, mating and defending (whether it be in the gutter or in a skyscraper)
Theoryofrelativity said:
we do not have a higher purpose, but we are more intelligent than crabs..well you might not be given your reply.

LOL!! Theory, you said that humans are better than animals because we are more intelligent and you stated that it was fact. You are wrong, it is a matter of opinion. Humans could not survive without animal life and plant life, on the other hand the huge variety of life on this plant could survive just as well and even far better without humans. In the 'opinion' of life on this planet then humans are worse than animals.
Get over yourself. :p
Actually the only difference between an animal and a human is that a human has the opportunity to apply what god wants (ie at the minimum entertain the notion of being free from the inebrieties of material existence). IN the absence of the proper application of human intelligence, this capacity gets hijacked by animal propensities (eating sleeping mating and defending) with the result being the current delightful environments we have of frozen vegetables, bottled water, skyscrapers and pornographic downloading computers