What God Is.

Yeah i find it strange how a diety could exist like that. But after consideration id rather have him then nothing at all, whether he truely exists or not. So its just a motivation for me. Might be for others too. At least your making your own choice, which is great.

Well, ok - but 2/3rds of humanity are NOT Christians. Odds seem against you! If your motivation is that you just want something rather than ''nothing at all'' - then you have your pick!

Personally, my children and spouse, deep snow, sunshine, Unreal Tournament <g>, lots of travel, great food, great sex, the smiles of people I give to and help . . . and more . . . that seems like more than ''nothing''.
god is my dad!! he even made the electriciyt, and he let's people suffer because that's what love also does!!! so don't make fun of him or i might CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am new here, so i hope not to step on people's toes. i truly do not mean to offend any of you with what i am about to say, and request that you do not attack my statements, as i will do my best not to attack yours.

to say what god "is", is folly. logically, creation cannot have a beginning or an end. therefore, a big bang is only part of a cycle that is forever happening, and will never end. to make a list of what god "is" while trying to define it (him/her) is impossible. an infinite being cannot be grasped by limited creatures. the very fact that our earthly source of thought is regulated by a piece of meat tells us that our conception of any kind of infinity will ultimately come to naught. we are not capable of anything relating to infinity. the idea of heaven or hell are just human characteristics that we assign to pieces of god's creation that we have a chance to conceptualize.

i believe in one ultimate source that never began, and will never end. to say anything else about it, really, is just flapping your lips.
thank you for the time you spent reading this.
Welcome. Don't worry about stepping on people's toes, that's about all there is to do in here.
The Devil Inside said:
the idea of heaven or hell are just human characteristics that we assign to pieces of god's creation that we have a chance to conceptualize.
Sounds like you'll fit in fine, tho.
thanx halcyon.
but do you have any comments on my post? i would like to hear criticism of my ideas, or hear what people think when i say something. an unchallenged mind really can only go one place. insanity.
I personally don't think we have any reason to believe that a god exists. However, if such a scenario were true, I'd think your reasoning on the matter is sound. I've often 'preached' against defining a god in human terms. I just plain agree with you, so I don't have much by way of criticism to offer.
camphlps:I'm a bit puzzled, with your reply to misty.
she said "who else saw, what you saw, at the same time, in the same room, think about it." which you did'nt answer. she said "I have faith in humanity, not a non-existent sky daddy." of which you I believe answered "Mis T highs: Thats your choice. I cant make it for you...whatever floats your boat.".
the next part of here statement, was in reply, to some thing you said.
what puzzles me is, where in her statement, did she ask you to help her, make a choice. you said "I cant make it for you".
can you please elaborate, and possibly answer the first part of mistys statement.
as I also would be interested, if somebody was there with you, when you hulucinated , and saw the same thing.
tiassa: In the meantime, where God resides in electricity may not be the entirety of God, but a clear hint. For me, I have little problem with the idea that God is electricity because I am of the belief that people invent their gods, hence God is an electrochemical phenomenon in the brain. But what makes that electrochemcial phenomenon God? As opposed to any other? And that unique condition within humanity is where God resides in electricity. Or, at least, so says me.
M*W: Hello, tiassa, I just happened to be re-reading a book I read several years ago, When God Was A Woman, by Merlin Stone, and it led me back to your response to my post about the ancients believing their new-found battery-generated electricity was 'God', and I quote:

"Another male deity of Ugarit, known as El, is considered to be the consort of the Goddess known as Asherah and thought to have been a part of the Goddess religion from the most ancient times. Yet we may once again suspect the nature of El in Ugarit, for the texts there continually refer to him as [/B]Thor-El, suggesting his ties with the Indo-European storm god as well."

That would essentially agree with what I stated, the ancients feared the elements as if they were gods. Thor-El would simply be a thunderstorm with lightning.

They either found or made this ancient battery and housed it in their sacred Ark. They believed it to be God's presence among them.

We don't fear thunderstorms today, and we also know that it was just a homemade battery they called 'God' (El). The rest is history, and "'gods' are not included."